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Working at an ad agency, I hear idiotic comments like that all the time. Usually they're from the client.


There is absolutely no context in that ad for domestic violence, except in regards to football. The councilman is a maroon.


Excuse me, but remind me when the Bills ever made light of domestic violence while promoting their team?





Neither did the Argos....



I don't remember that one, but to me the king of over reaction was when people were protesting the second Lord of the Rings film in 2002 because the movie studios were obviously trying to capitalize on the 9/11 tragedy by naming the film The Two Towers regardless if that was the actual name of the second novel.


No idea where some of these idiots come from.


I don't remember that one, but to me the king of over reaction was when people were protesting the second Lord of the Rings film in 2002 because the movie studios were obviously trying to capitalize on the 9/11 tragedy by naming the film The Two Towers regardless if that was the actual name of the second novel.


No idea where some of these idiots come from.


Are you serious?!?! MY GOD PEOPLE! I've heard of being politically correct and sensitive to the public...but seriously? WOW! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


"Endorsing domestic violence"? Gimmie a !@#$ing break.


Exactly. It has nothing to do with domestic violence. People have nothing better to do then make **** out of nothing. Grow up or stay home in the dark with the blinds down if that ad offends you.


As I said with the Michael VIck thing, and many, many others:

This "right to be massively offended by things that have absolutely nothing to do with me" is an effect caused by a confluence of celebrity worship, Oprah victimhood pandering, and the political tactics the left used to gain power = calling people racist, homophobe, etc., while at the same time demanding tolerance. (Said tactics have been recently made useless, but their residue remains)


It's simple really, IF:

1. YOU have concluded that somehow your existence is "nationwide" and therefore all things pertain to you and/or all things and people's lives are your concern.

2. Due to 1, you have concluded that your opinion not only matters as such, but as a phony celebrity, others actually give a F what you think and must listen to you...because you have a right to be heard. If they don't you can call them any name you want depending on your gender/race/religion/sexual orientation...or, because you are a white male that "gets it". (Actually you are a white male that doesn't get it much at all, so you run this game, and hope that you get more)

3. You have concluded that the tools are available: Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Content Management Systems etc., and anybody can use them...so it must mean that your conclusions in 1 and 2 are correct!

4. You have concluded that Oprah is right, and everybody but a very few people in the country are victims of somebody/something, and that nobody is a victim of themselves. (Oprah: "Now buy this book on Amazon.com, "Accountability Ruins Self-Esteem. So Avoid It.")

5. You have concluded that you "know" what other people are thinking, to the point that the context of what they say, hell, the meaning of their words, doesn't matter at all, because, they are white, they are male, and they always think and do the same thing = something racist and homophobic. In this case, the ad supports domestic violence: because the you "know" that it does. The concept that this strict stereotyping of white males is completely racist...doesn't enter your mind at all. You are of course stupid(and a loser, how else did we get here?), or, you tell yourself your hate is OK, because they are bad people anyway.


Due to your near omnipotent powers derived from 1, 2, 5, and your rights to use them under 3, 4, 5, you can now do what is beyond all reason: project your thoughts onto others, affix them as though they are theirs, and then be offended by them, in one motion! And, Bingo: You say this ad means that the white males who created it think that beating women is OK, and so do the other white males who like football, as you have "known" all along.


If we were to assume that the level of your stupidity is on par with the rest of the people that have drawn these moronic conclusions? Well, then that's how you make a guy who used the word "niggardly", correctly and in context, into a millionaire and that's precisely how things like the Duke Lacrosse case happen.

Posted (edited)

Who can forget Michelle Malkin's "disgust" at Rachel Ray's support of Islamic Jihad?




Seriously, why do people take these morons seriously!?!?

The key is that DD decided it was easier to just pull the ad. If someone at Dunkin Donuts had any stones, they would have kept the ad running.

Edited by BuffaloWings
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