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Pat Kirwan:

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I agree.


Ayodele might be worth keeping another year, too. With no idea on how this labor deal will shake out keeping a player who knows our system and can perform might be worth it. I cannot imagine he would command a high salary - and behind a better line I think he has something to offer us. He and Poz are worthwhile starters while Florence is needed for another year.

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I agree.


Ayodele might be worth keeping another year, too. With no idea on how this labor deal will shake out keeping a player who knows our system and can perform might be worth it. I cannot imagine he would command a high salary - and behind a better line I think he has something to offer us. He and Poz are worthwhile starters while Florence is needed for another year.


If Davis is healthy, I'd rather have him than Ayodele.

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If the Front Office believes Poz is good enough to be a starter and sees him as part of the future, then I say go get him, no brainer - he wants to be here, and that kind of attitude is needed. However, we're still young enough that if they really believe he isn't the type of player they want, they can let White, Batten, Coleman, Maybin, Moats, and Sheppard get valuable experience... but, in my opinion, with a better D-line Poz might just look as good as he was always hoped to be - and he's never been terrible. Add to all that, if they are going to throw money at Kelsay, then they'd be blind and foolish to let Poz walk for equivalent dough.

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If the Front Office believes Poz is good enough to be a starter and sees him as part of the future, then I say go get him, no brainer - he wants to be here, and that kind of attitude is needed. However, we're still young enough that if they really believe he isn't the type of player they want, they can let White, Batten, Coleman, Maybin, Moats, and Sheppard get valuable experience... but, in my opinion, with a better D-line Poz might just look as good as he was always hoped to be - and he's never been terrible. Add to all that, if they are going to throw money at Kelsay, then they'd be blind and foolish to let Poz walk for equivalent dough.


There comes a point where you have to stop churning through players with the then constant need of having to replace those same dispatched players. Instead of replacing talent this bottom of the pack franchise needs to add talent to the roster to move up the ranks.


As you noted Poz is a solid caliber of starter. He is instinctive and good at diagnosing plays. He is not an impact player but he is a dependable player who will be even better with a more muscular DL in front of him.


My view on McKelvin, and even Whitner, is that both are good players. McKelvin played well for us last year. Having a mature corner is an asset. The problem with Whitner has nothing to do with his play, it was where this dumb front office drafted him. It isn't his fault that he was picked higher than where his talent level was. However, he is a good player, who like Poz, will be a better player with a more effective line in front of him. If a player such as Merriman can get healthy and rebound so there is more pressure on the qb then Whitner will be even more effective.


I am not a Whitner basher, as so many people are. Part of his problem is that his high profile mouth and twitts makes him more of a fan target than a fan favorite. Talkers on losing teams usually don't earn plaudits, they simply become easier targets for the frustrated fan base.

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This is fabulous music to my Polish ears.


As an old East Side kid, I can't imagine a season without celebrating every Bills touchdown by pouring a nice healthy-sized shot of freezer-cold Luksusowa and shouting the traditional 'Old Country' vodka toast...





19 and 0 baby!!!!! :beer:



Edited by The Senator
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If Davis is healthy, I'd rather have him than Ayodele.


Oh yes. But I wouldn't cry about keeping Ayodele to battle for a backup ILB with Batten, White et al. We're not deep at ILB at all. With luck, White turns out to be a player. I think Ayodele is below average, but as a 10 year veteran you know what you'll get from him, including effort. You never know beforehand about a rookie.

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I think you've got to bring back all the linebackers. This is a unit of the defense that needs plenty of depth.


Jboys makes an outstanding point about players who are already familiar with the system. That's a distinct advantage for players like AA this year and their respective 2010 teams going into this season.

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This is fabulous music to my Polish ears.


As an old East Side kid, I can't imagine a season without celebrating every Bills touchdown by pouring a nice healthy-sized shot of freezer-cold Luksusowa and shouting the traditional 'Old Country' vodka toast...





19 and 0 baby!!!!! :beer:



Nazdrowie, Senator, Nazdrowie!!!

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Keeping Poz and Florence would be a good thing. Florence makes the secondary deep and Poz is likely our best Line backer and is a starting caliber MLB.


Yes and Yes. Even though Poz is not in the same category as a Ray Lewis, he is still an above average LB. More than often, we need to keep nurturing your home grown talent to be successful.

Florence, flat out, was our best CB last season, much better than McKelvin and the others. If Florence thinks he has a pretty good opportunity to start for the Bills, he is probably going to want to stay and take a little less. I think it is high time the Bills cut ties with McGee. He has been too injury prone, lost his step and also does not contribute in STs anymore.

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Kirwan takes some heat on this board, but he was dead on with this article and deserves kudos. He mentioned needs at RT and TE, and said that Trueblood and Boss would be great additions.


Imo, these 2 would come to town and make this a different team. Neither is a superstar, but both of them are big, tough, and exactly what this team needs to contend offensively.


Thanks to the OP for posting it! :thumbsup:

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Don't forget that Poz is a free agent, which pretty much ensures that he'll be wearing different colors next year. Can anyone actually remember the last time a Bill hit free agency WITH OPTIONS and came back to Buffalo?

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Don't forget that Poz is a free agent, which pretty much ensures that he'll be wearing different colors next year. Can anyone actually remember the last time a Bill hit free agency WITH OPTIONS and came back to Buffalo?

There are rumors of interest by the New York Giants.







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