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Why do America's cops need an armored tank?

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The article kind of sucks, but you get the idea: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41912754/ns/technology_and_science-tech_and_gadgets/t/why-do-americas-police-need-armored-tank/


America's most in-demand police vehicle is a 10-officer 16,000-pound armored tank that takes bullets like Superman and drives 80 mph. The federal government buys dozens each year for local police departments. Do America's local police need tanks?

I, for one, am not in favor of our local PDs being paramilitary forces (although this seems to be the case already). What do you guys think?


Oh, almost forgot, my favorite line:


"If somebody looks out and sees a Ford Crown Victoria sitting out there, they may not take you very seriously," Warren County, Va., Sheriff Daniel T. McEathron told a local newspaper in October, "but if they look out the window and see this thing sitting there, they're going to know you're serious."


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The article kind of sucks, but you get the idea: http://www.msnbc.msn...d-armored-tank/



I, for one, am not in favor of our local PDs being paramilitary forces (although this seems to be the case already). What do you guys think?


Oh, almost forgot, my favorite line:






Would have been helpful here




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The article kind of sucks, but you get the idea: http://www.msnbc.msn...d-armored-tank/



I, for one, am not in favor of our local PDs being paramilitary forces (although this seems to be the case already). What do you guys think?


Oh, almost forgot, my favorite line:





Ever been to downtown My Yami?

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More an armored car, which is substantially different. I question why most police department would need a specially-built armored combat car instead of a Brinks truck or something.


As to why they should need them...most small towns shouldn't, and I doubt most large cities have a crying need either (I can't recall the last time DC had a situation that called for one). But they're also one of those things that, when you need them, you REALLY need them immediately.

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But they're also one of those things that, when you need them, you REALLY need them immediately.

How is manning a vehicle like this handled? I would assume that officers have other duties but there is always a crew available on short notice?

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How is manning a vehicle like this handled? I would assume that officers have other duties but there is always a crew available on short notice?

It's usually SWAT that would be trained in its use, not your local meter maid.

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But, they have other roles?

Yes, for instance my brother is on SWAT, but his primary job is firefighter/paramedic. He is on the team for his paramedic training, in case something happens during entry he can start first aid, but he is fully train on weapons and techniques.

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Something with "X-ray vision" may be more useful.


You wouldn't believe the: guns, drugs, cigarettes, illegal aliens etc. that run up/down I-95. I would drive on my rims before I would stop for a flat tire there! "Ccver me while I change my tire!" Make that X2 if it's dark! :ph34r:

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The article kind of sucks, but you get the idea: http://www.msnbc.msn...d-armored-tank/



I, for one, am not in favor of our local PDs being paramilitary forces (although this seems to be the case already). What do you guys think?


Oh, almost forgot, my favorite line:






It's a BearCat, not an armored tank. Could you paint a worse picture with the title?


This is an armored tank. Linky for armored tank picture.


A BearCat is an armored car set up for SWAT / SRT operations. There are litterally hundreds (maybe thousands) of these all over the USA. Prior to BearCat building these designed for Police operations, departments used to get old armored cars (the kind used to haul money) to use.


What, no problem with Brinks driving around in Armored cars?


So in your mind, police officers that have to respond to barricaded armed suspect calls should just pull up and park out front in a regular patrol car?


Armored tank :doh:


Also, your favorite line, is a command officer refering to his officers outside of a barricade situation.

Edited by BB27
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It's a BearCat, not an armored tank. Could you paint a worse picture with the title?


This is an armored tank. Linky for armored tank picture.


A BearCat is an armored car set up for SWAT / SRT operations. There are litterally hundreds (maybe thousands) of these all over the USA. Prior to BearCat building these designed for Police operations, departments used to get old armored cars (the kind used to haul money) to use.


What, no problem with Brinks driving around in Armored cars?


So in your mind, police officers that have to respond to barricaded armed suspect calls should just pull up and park out front in a regular patrol car?


Armored tank :doh:


Also, your favorite line, is a command officer refering to his officers outside of a barricade situation.


I don't have an issue with those. How do you feel about no knock warrants when they get the wrong house?

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