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We must protect the CHILDREN


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THIS, imo, is a bigger example of how effed up our law enforcement/legal system currently is, than the Casey Anthony verdict.


The school and town are just embarrassed that they (wisely) overreacted. Now they want to ruin this kids life, and the prank was completely harmless. As in no vandalism or anything.

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Isn't it nice when one can be charged from the spirit of what a crime could have been... but wasn't? :wallbash:




Please delete UConn's post, because even though it doesn't violate the TOS, it might have, and we can't be too careful.

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So I'm at the post office today, and notice outside where all the "Free" newspaper boxes are, is cordened off with caution tape. Look behind them, and there's a styrofoam cooler (like the ones food is shipped in) with some sort of X-Ray machine next to it. (Looked similar to the one in this picture) Inside the lobby is a guy with a laptop, and I hear him talking with one of the PO supervisors. Sounded like they were just about to run the xray machine, because they were talking about keeping people from entering/leaving, so I quickly got my mail and got out. The most surprising thing, no police, no news media, nothing. Just some guy with a portable xray.

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