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the 15 most dangerous states 2010

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Of course. He doesn't even know what state he lives in.

I'll tell you what state he lives in. The state of denial, that's what state he lives in.



I though it was the state of insanity? No?

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Of course. He doesn't even know what state he lives in.

I'll tell you what state he lives in. The state of denial, that's what state he lives in.



I though it was the state of insanity? No?

wow those are pretty harsh things to say about LABILLzFan you should both apologize.

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i was at an infectious disease lecture where the speaker presented a map of the states with highest incidence followed by the map of red and blue states. the blue states were greatly overrepresented. he said "draw your own conclusion". i first thought of Jerry falwell and his AIDS remarks and then drew the conclusion: the lecturer was a moron.

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Alaska is #1 with a rate 5x more than New York - which is weird considering they got like six women in the whole state.

Is your main claim to importance in life you're breath taking, world class ignorance? It must be because you trot it out endlessly.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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I know what the numbers are. It's your profound lack of interest or knowledge of why the numbers are such that is remarkable.

Please give me your opinion on the cause of high Alaska rape numbers. This should be outstanding.

Well at first I thought it might be general moral degeneration from every man women and child being on welfare (Alaska Permanent Fund dividend check) but being a progressive I gave that notion up- so then I thought maybe it's from having a high consumption of alcohol, or meth or Oxycontin but a lot of places have that problem and don't have 2.5x the national average of rape. It was perplexing but I think it might have something to due with it being dark for whole months and the fact that people can run around in ski masks 24/7 and not be considered strange- but I'm sure you have the reasons Alaska leads in rape, suicide, domestic violence.


In Juneau, Gov. Sean Parnell led dozens of lawmakers, victims' advocates and others from the steps of the Capitol to a city park, where he signed legislation allowing judges to issue protective orders in cases involving sexual assault.


In Anchorage, female onlookers spontaneously joined about 200 marchers, some toting signs with slogans like "Being loved shouldn't hurt." In Unalaska, a community potluck and peace march were planned.


In all, Parnell's office said at least 18 communities were holding events. The governor dispatched department officials to many, hoping to shine a light on what he calls an epidemic of violence and his administration's goal of ending it in 10 years.


"Giving people permission to talk about it, like we are here today, that will prevent domestic violence and sexual assault in the future," he said.



The statistics cited were stark, with the state a leader in rates of rape, child sexual assault, and men killing women.


Much of that is attributed to the remoteness, and tightness, of many Alaska communities and to a lack of services to help battered women and children. Other issues include problems with substance abuse and access to mental health services.



ah blame it on environmental conditions as a progressive I'm ashamed I didn't think of that myself.

Edited by ....lybob
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Well at first I thought it might be general moral degeneration from every man women and child being on welfare (Alaska Permanent Fund dividend check) but being a progressive I gave that notion up- so then I thought maybe it's from having a high consumption of alcohol, or meth or Oxycontin but a lot of places have that problem and don't have 2.5x the national average of rape. It was perplexing but I think it might have something to due with it being dark for whole months and the fact that people can run around in ski masks 24/7 and not be considered strange- but I'm sure you have the reasons Alaska leads in rape, suicide, domestic violence.




ah blame it on environmental conditions as a progressive I'm ashamed I didn't think of that myself.

Beautiful, I will sure bring up the months of darkness, being a welfare state and ski masks at the next public safety meeting.

You never fail to disappoint.

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Is that before or after the AA meeting.

I don't care what you know about Alaska[ obviously nothing ] not my job. But I do wonder if you carry your profound lack of knowledge with you when you form a opinion on ANY subject. Fine, if you know nothing about a issue shut up. You chose to blabber and expose yourself in one liners as a complete fool. 6 or 7 Woman in the state :lol:

One of whom was elected Governor. Pretty good, huh?

Oh and the "other woman" [ now it's down to five?-I will ask you ] is a Federal senator from Alaska.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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I don't care what you know about Alaska[ obviously nothing ] not my job. But I do wonder if you carry your profound lack of knowledge with you when you form a opinion on ANY subject. Fine, if you know nothing about a issue shut up. You chose to blabber and expose yourself in one liners as a complete fool. 6 or 7 Woman in the state :lol:

One of whom was elected Governor. Pretty good, huh?

So hyperbole hasn't reached you yet eh, probably froze to death in transit- and boy for a guy who lives by extorting poor oil companies and sucking on the federal tit you sure are grouchy. Alaska is the greatest scam on earth, a bunch of dirty drunk high socialists pretending to be conservatives- Alaska socialist paradise

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So hyperbole hasn't reached you yet eh, probably froze to death in transit- and boy for a guy who lives by extorting poor oil companies and sucking on the federal tit you sure are grouchy. Alaska is the greatest scam on earth, a bunch of dirty drunk high socialists pretending to be conservatives- Alaska socialist paradise

Tell you what- Feds give back the 100 million acres they stole from Alaska and you can have the federal "tit" [all military spending-of course you don't think of that]

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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i was at an infectious disease


blah blah blah blah


I got as far as infectious disease and that reminded me of something else so I paid no attention to the rest of your post


It made me think of Infectious Grooves, a side project of Suicidal Tendencies


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Well at first I thought it might be general moral degeneration from every man women and child being on welfare (Alaska Permanent Fund dividend check) but being a progressive I gave that notion up- so then I thought maybe it's from having a high consumption of alcohol, or meth or Oxycontin but a lot of places have that problem and don't have 2.5x the national average of rape. It was perplexing but I think it might have something to due with it being dark for whole months and the fact that people can run around in ski masks 24/7 and not be considered strange- but I'm sure you have the reasons Alaska leads in rape, suicide, domestic violence.




ah blame it on environmental conditions as a progressive I'm ashamed I didn't think of that myself.

No, it's the large population of sexual deviant, kayak thieving, seal robbing, homicidal Malemiut males in Alaska that's skewing the stats. Not the mention the negative Canadian influences.

Edited by whateverdude
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Tell you what- Feds give back the 100 million acres they stole from Alaska and you can have the federal "tit" [all military spending-of course you don't think of that]

Well since the federal government bought the land from Russia and owned 100% of it, I think it's pretty generous that they gave your frozen hippy commune 28% of it to play with- if anyone has a right to have a beef it's the native tribes who got 12%- yes the natives must rue the day when all the welfare loving immigrants started pouring over their southern boarder and taking over.

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Well since the federal government bought the land from Russia and owned 100% of it, I think it's pretty generous that they gave your frozen hippy commune 28% of it to play with- if anyone has a right to have a beef it's the native tribes who got 12%- yes the natives must rue the day when all the welfare loving immigrants started pouring over their southern boarder and taking over.

Right put it in Federal hands and keep it unproductive and off the tax rolls forever. You really need to experience the world off your computer screen just a little bit.

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You really don't think Obama knows there are 50 states? Obama was tired and meant to say he had campaigned in 47 of the lower 48 and had yet to campaign in Alaska or Hawaii. Personally I wouldn't care about Bachmann's or anyone else's history brilliance or lack there of as long as they stopped trying to make political points with it.

Was he tired when he forgot the age of his own kids while blabbing one his slice of life comparisons scolding Congress? Things like this are adding up. He could be a little touched.

Edited by Dante
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2 pages and nobody thought to consider population and/or wealth and/or demographics? Without assigning proper weights to each stat...like murders per 1000 people for example...this is almost without meaning. More people = more crime. More stuff to steal = more crime. More encouraged and unpunished bad behavior(um, Louisiana) = more crime.


Not shocking at all: New York is near the bottom, not the top. Amazing what Guliani and Pataki were able to accomplish. NY has more people and more stuff...but look what happens when bad behavior is stifled and punished severely. The sheer # of people and stuff means NY will never be in the top 5....but 15 ain't bad.


NYC went from Dinkins' "ungovernable" excuse-ridden mess to not that bad at all. Isn't it amazing what happens when the far-left isn't allowed to be in charge? Now let's see what happens when Bloomberg, who absolutely followed Guliani's plan, leaves and if he is replaced by a far-left loon. The almost certain rise in the crime rate will be the falsification that is required to prove the theory.


But of course, I am sure I am a racist for pointing out the undeniable historical facts wrt to crime in NYC and NYS. :rolleyes: Yes, Guliani was the most effective mayor, Pataki the most effective governor, in turning the state's crime rate around....but they were also the biggest racists ever! :lol:


Hey! I know! Let's take a look, using proper statistical methodology, at a city where the far-left has been allowed to be in charge for a very looooong time: San Franciso is safer than 11% of other cities and you have a 1/21 chance of being a property crime victim! Tolerance! Hooray!:lol: NYC is 3x safer than San Francisco at 33%. See? We don't even have to wait for a leftist loon to be elected mayor in NYC. We already know what will happen.

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