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Howard Stern vs Mel Karmazin in court

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If Stern quit tomorrow, Sirius would be in deep crap. I'd like to see if they have the balls to void the contract and make it on their own.


For the effort he's given at Sirius they'd be better off. By the way I used to be a huge Stern fan, but the show is unlistenable these days.

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Howard has struggled without Artie. I think he is having problems filling the role for multiple reasons. Sirius is not willing to spend they money it took to get Artie. There is no single person who has been more successful to the radio format then Howard Stern and right now his work is still good, just not great.


His effort is definately there, the channels are aweful now that Bubba is gone and that has nothing to do with Stern. Their experiment with that d-bag Abe kid from Chicago shows that Sirius is lost when it comes to programming...then again, we should have known that with Oprah, Maddog, Dr Laura, Ellis, and Playboy and Spice radio...all of them are extremely laughable and do not belong on radio. Maddog was the biggest hyped piece of crap of them all and proves that you just cannot take anyone and put them on Sirius. Stern was the only one who could put the medium on a platform big enough to lure customers.


That being said, I have two lifetime subs and I will keep them going as long as I could. I have 3 re-ups with one and 2 left on another...

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Howard has struggled without Artie. I think he is having problems filling the role for multiple reasons. Sirius is not willing to spend they money it took to get Artie. There is no single person who has been more successful to the radio format then Howard Stern and right now his work is still good, just not great.


His effort is definately there, the channels are aweful now that Bubba is gone and that has nothing to do with Stern. Their experiment with that d-bag Abe kid from Chicago shows that Sirius is lost when it comes to programming...then again, we should have known that with Oprah, Maddog, Dr Laura, Ellis, and Playboy and Spice radio...all of them are extremely laughable and do not belong on radio. Maddog was the biggest hyped piece of crap of them all and proves that you just cannot take anyone and put them on Sirius. Stern was the only one who could put the medium on a platform big enough to lure customers.


That being said, I have two lifetime subs and I will keep them going as long as I could. I have 3 re-ups with one and 2 left on another...


Is there any word as to Artie's current condition? Is he ever going to come back?...........I hope he's been doing some serious rehab for 18 months or whatever, but have they said where he's even living?

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Last that really came out was his two night doing stand up in NYC. They were not pre-scheduled and he admitted to being in a psych hospital for a long time. His name may come up and they will say he is doing well. I sometimes read SFN to look for updates but it's unbearable overthere with all the newf... that ruin the site.


I do not see him ever returning to the show...

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Maddog was the biggest hyped piece of crap of them all and proves that you just cannot take anyone and put them on Sirius.


What has his show been like? I've never heard it but can imagine 4 hours of Russo uncheced would be hard to tolerate.


I was a big believer that he and Francessa really needed each other to be at their best.

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What has his show been like? I've never heard it but can imagine 4 hours of Russo uncheced would be hard to tolerate.


I was a big believer that he and Francessa really needed each other to be at their best.

when i do tune in to it, it's like listening to a loon carry on about mundane details of the sports world (like most radio sports guys) in uber boring way. his love of tennis and all other sports that do not translate to radio get very boring. his fire is there but it is just...not right. without his callers his show would be nothing. and before you say that all sports radios rely on callers - listen to the NFL station on Sirius. They can go an hour without a call, discussing a variety of different thing.


francessa would have made a better solo radio guy. maddog is horrible.

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when i do tune in to it, it's like listening to a loon carry on about mundane details of the sports world (like most radio sports guys) in uber boring way. his love of tennis and all other sports that do not translate to radio get very boring. his fire is there but it is just...not right. without his callers his show would be nothing. and before you say that all sports radios rely on callers - listen to the NFL station on Sirius. They can go an hour without a call, discussing a variety of different thing.


francessa would have made a better solo radio guy. maddog is horrible.


My TV is usually tuned onto the Yes network when I turn it on, and it's usually Francessa doing his radio show live. I find that extremely boring. He looks super bored doing it, in fact...........And, I really find most straight up sports talk boring except on big sports days.

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when i do tune in to it, it's like listening to a loon carry on about mundane details of the sports world (like most radio sports guys) in uber boring way. his love of tennis and all other sports that do not translate to radio get very boring. his fire is there but it is just...not right. without his callers his show would be nothing. and before you say that all sports radios rely on callers - listen to the NFL station on Sirius. They can go an hour without a call, discussing a variety of different thing.


francessa would have made a better solo radio guy. maddog is horrible.


Francessa still does the same time slot on WFAN solo, I listen occassionally. He's ok, but too pompous and takes himself too seriously. As a team they could also go on for 45 on a subject and be interesting; I think anyone doing it solo is bound to get boring.

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Francessa still does the same time slot on WFAN solo, I listen occassionally. He's ok, but too pompous and takes himself too seriously. As a team they could also go on for 45 on a subject and be interesting; I think anyone doing it solo is bound to get boring.


He repeats himself, he repeats himself, he repeats himself a lot... A lot. He repeats himself a LOT.

Stern is about as funny and relevant as Imus.

Russo never was relevant and never will be. JMHO.

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Stern is about as funny and relevant as Imus.

The amazing thing is that when it comes to the medium of sound, what is relevant? We no longer have major shock jocks shocking us - maybe we're already too desensatized? We no longer have major bands producing hit after hit - we have Larry GoGo, Katy Perry and 20 somethings in painted on pants out for a year or two. We no longer have radio stations or albums we must listen to - we have Crapple iPods, Sirius, Pandora and Slacker. We no longer pay attention to Rush or his little nephew Glenn Beck and there is no "left-wing" radio (Air America) anymore - we are too simple to care, or smart to listen, or we just do listen and become outraged.


What is there that is in the format of sound that we still can call relevant? Pop music is the only thing and that is only for a few weeks.

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Francessa still does the same time slot on WFAN solo, I listen occassionally. He's ok, but too pompous and takes himself too seriously. As a team they could also go on for 45 on a subject and be interesting; I think anyone doing it solo is bound to get boring.


I totally agree. I'm a huge fan of Brad Riter and I'll still listen, but he's way better with somebody to talk to (which he has most of the time, just sometimes he has to go solo)........And, I'm probably the only Schoop and the Bulldog fan here, but only when they're together. When it's just one, it's too dry and boring.


The amazing thing is that when it comes to the medium of sound, what is relevant? We no longer have major shock jocks shocking us - maybe we're already too desensatized? We no longer have major bands producing hit after hit - we have Larry GoGo, Katy Perry and 20 somethings in painted on pants out for a year or two. We no longer have radio stations or albums we must listen to - we have Crapple iPods, Sirius, Pandora and Slacker. We no longer pay attention to Rush or his little nephew Glenn Beck and there is no "left-wing" radio (Air America) anymore - we are too simple to care, or smart to listen, or we just do listen and become outraged.


What is there that is in the format of sound that we still can call relevant? Pop music is the only thing and that is only for a few weeks.



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For the effort he's given at Sirius they'd be better off. By the way I used to be a huge Stern fan, but the show is unlistenable these days.

I keep hearing this over and over from people who used to love Stern.


It's like the only thing less popular than Stern these days is professional soccer.

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I keep hearing this over and over from people who used to love Stern.


It's like the only thing less popular than Stern these days is professional soccer.

while i do not agre with the subject i can understand it. His thoughts and viewpoints are more structured then ever before, original, too. He can be the old Stern but without that chair being filled Artie it's like something left. He can do a great interview, still, but to be honest - there really are no great opportunities to interview anyone. The world is in a serious funk right now where we just do not care about the minutia of celebs, gossip and famous people like we used to just a decade ago. It is not Stern, it is, like I said above, the lack of general interest in the entire format of sound.

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say what you want about Howard Stern, but as far as i am concerned a less than stellar Howard Stern is a lot more enjoyable to listen to than most other entertainers....although, he is so goddam high maintenance.....that drives me crazy...but i listen every day....

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