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Glenn Beck: Where are the half-men half-monkeys?

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I get my best material from Howard Stern, who was breaking down this clip this morning. I have to admit being somewhat oblivious to most of Glenn Beck's stupidity. I know he's a moron with a blackboard and just assumed he was a Ruch clone but apparently he's much dumber.


Sorry to go ...llybob on you all and post a vid but here goes. Commence evolutionary idiocy.



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Rush Limbo has that beat! I was just out driving and heard this, he had callers saying it was the best drink EVER!





“The Liberals are coming.


The Liberals are coming.


My good friend Paul Revere laid out the blueprint of how to deal with this. Sound the alarm! One if by land, Two If By Tea!


Two If By Tea represents traditional American values of capitalism and the pursuit of excellence. Each bottle is designed to rise above the sameness and mediocrity that threatens our great nation. Just grab a 12-pack and join the fight to preserve the America we know and love. It's worth it!


Fellow Americans, hold on to our exceptional values, stand up against those who want to suppress your individual rights and above all take pride in being an American! While you're at it, join me in drinking a bottle of my tea as we admire the great United States of America and the military and law enforcement officials who fight to defend our freedom every day. Thank God, yes God, for the blessings of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and of course, this wonderful drink - Two If By Tea!”


—Rush Limbaugh


note to dittoheads, the Patriots boycotted tea :rolleyes:

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Rush Limbo has that beat! I was just out driving and heard this, he had callers saying it was the best drink EVER!







note to dittoheads, the Patriots boycotted tea :rolleyes:


He's just selling a product is all, but I see you couldn't resist showing up to prove Glenn Beck wrong about the 1/2 man 1/2 monkey thing.

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If it weren't for Media Matter, The Daily Show, and Liberals looking to get offended, I suspect Beck's ratings would plummet

I've said it repeatedly the past couple of years: if the left really wants people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to go away, the first thing they should do is shut their freaking pieholes about Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

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I've said it repeatedly the past couple of years: if the left really wants people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to go away, the first thing they should do is shut their freaking pieholes about Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.


He's good comedy. Same reason I miss Air America or whatever that Lib talk radio station was.

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I'm busy and only had time to read the thread title. I couldn't even click on the video. Can you summarize why Glenn Beck is looking for VA Bills Canadians?


My God...how did you miss a perfectly good anti-Canuck moment?

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If it weren't for Media Matter, The Daily Show, and Liberals looking to get offended, I suspect Beck's ratings would plummet


I find it hysterical that the only people I know who have ever listened to these shows are far-left nutjobs like Dave. I guess they need something to stir up their angry little hearts. :lol:

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I find it hysterical that the only people I know who have ever listened to these shows are far-left nutjobs like Dave. I guess they need something to stir up their angry little hearts. :lol:


I know some far-right nutjobs that listen...and I mean FAR-right, and I mean nutjobs, in the "God commands us to keep guns to protect ourselvess from the athiest evolutionists and thieving monkey !@#$s that are running the government and persecuting us God-fearing folk" sense.

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I know some far-right nutjobs that listen...and I mean FAR-right, and I mean nutjobs, in the "God commands us to keep guns to protect ourselvess from the athiest evolutionists and thieving monkey !@#$s that are running the government and persecuting us God-fearing folk" sense.



Oh I'm sure that's the other half of the audience. Fortunately we don't get a lot of those nuts in my area.




p.s. oooohhhhhh.....you said the N-Word!!!!! :o

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Oh I'm sure that's the other half of the audience. Fortunately we don't get a lot of those nuts in my area.


Sadly, I'm related to them, so they're not completely avoidable.


But it's a real hoot when they start arguing with my sister-in-law (who makes Dave_in_Norfolk look like a well-informed moderate).


p.s. oooohhhhhh.....you said the N-Word!!!!! :o


I also brought up politics in the potato chip thread, and had my weekly "Die, thread, die" post deleted in "Last Post Wins." I should be Desaparacidos before the end of the day.

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