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Hardly. These attacks are a result of 40-50 !@#$s. How do you know that any of these kids have had anything to do with liberal policies? What if half these kids are from middle class or rich families?. Not every black person you see is poor. :wallbash: This is why Tom calls you an idiot, and I call you an unmitigated moron. I am just willing to explain it to you, he is not. Think first: the reason for this could be as simple as bad parenting.


In other words even Blacks who are elevated out of poverty are still prone to bouts of mayhem? Yeah, But I'm the racist.


Charles Payne's kids would never join a flash mob robbery. Hermain Cain's kids would never join a flash mob robbery. Allen Wests kids would never join a flash mob robbery. Three men who I respect a whole lot. I'd bet you the vast majority of these flash mobs kids were born to single mothers who have been encouraged to have as many kids as possible to get on the federal dole.

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These flash mob robberies/attacks are a zeitgeist moment in America and people like you just want to ignore it until it goes away. These attacks are the end product of 40 years of liberal policies and should be mandatory viewing for every politician suggesting we create more entitlement programs.

Brilliant analysis


Some less informed individuals might point to the very high rates of unemployment in the Black youth sector.


African American youth unemployment came in at a staggering 45 percent in the recent report. When the discouraged, unemployed and underemployed are added, we are talking about 90 percent, the vast majority of young African American people......


and some might point to the rise of social media and technology


yes some when confronted by a new behavior might look for recent changes in the environment but not you- you are too smart for that malarkey, even though crime rates have always risen and fallen in a cyclical manner - for example crime rates started going up in the mid 1950s hit a peak around 1980 and has been on a downward trend at least to 2009- but all that is for lessor lights so now I'm sure you are going to prove that the LBJ great society programs not only correlate with flash mobs but are the causation of flash mobs and I'm sure you are going to do this without talking out your ass and pitiful anecdotal evidence.


In other words even Blacks who are elevated out of poverty are still prone to bouts of mayhem? Yeah, But I'm the racist.


Charles Payne's kids would never join a flash mob robbery. Hermain Cain's kids would never join a flash mob robbery. Allen Wests kids would never join a flash mob robbery. Three men who I respect a whole lot. I'd bet you the vast majority of these flash mobs kids were born to single mothers who have been encouraged to have as many kids as possible to get on the federal dole.

No, you are the racist...because you think being black means you commit crime, regardless of your economic status. AND, you think black people can't control themselves, because liberal policies control them instead.


I would submit that the kids you listed have...good parents, more likely than not.


The flash mob kids probably have bad ones. Or, maybe the kids themselves are just a-holes, like I said above.


Are you saying that liberal policies are more culpable than the kids themselves?


No, you are the racist...because you think being black means you commit crime, regardless of your economic status. AND, you think black people can't control themselves, because liberal policies control them instead.


I would submit that the kids you listed have...good parents, more likely than not.


The flash mob kids probably have bad ones. Or, maybe the kids themselves are just a-holes, like I said above.


Are you saying that liberal policies are more culpable than the kids themselves?


And why is that? It's because the breakdown of the black family structure. And why is that-40 years of liberal policies.


And why is that? It's because the breakdown of the black family structure. And why is that-40 years of liberal policies.


Or, more likely, it's just that these kids are a-holes...or...they believe what they are doing is acceptable, because their cultural values say it is.


You are talking in absolutes. There's no way every black family has been effected the same way, or at all, by liberal policies. I am not saying liberal policies are good, but your attributing them to the chief cause of these attacks is silly.


The fact is that these a-holes themselves are making choices. Nobody is choosing for them.


These flash mob robberies/attacks are a zeitgeist moment in America and people like you just want to ignore it until it goes away. These attacks are the end product of 40 years of liberal policies and should be mandatory viewing for every politician suggesting we create more entitlement programs.


Wow. Earlier when I called you an idiot, it was just because I hadn't called anyone an idiot in two days and I was jonesin'.


After reading this laugher...you're an idiot. Specifically because...you're an idiot. Flash mobs a "zeitgeist" moment? Maybe in that they demonstrate the power of cheap communications devices. A result of liberal policies? Maybe if LBJ's "Great Society" invented cell phones.


Wow. Earlier when I called you an idiot, it was just because I hadn't called anyone an idiot in two days and I was jonesin'.


After reading this laugher...you're an idiot. Specifically because...you're an idiot. Flash mobs a "zeitgeist" moment? Maybe in that they demonstrate the power of cheap communications devices. A result of liberal policies? Maybe if LBJ's "Great Society" invented cell phones.



All just isolated events, no zeitgeist here.

  • 2 weeks later...



" 'We got you, you white mother-------!' " LaVelle said he heard someone yell in the "mob" of black and Hispanic youths.


Inside his house, LaVelle, 37, called to his wife, Kim, 30, to go to their bedroom with their twin 13-month-old boys, Mark and Mason, and to call police. He also ordered his two other sons, 11 and 17, and his nephew, 7, to stay upstairs.


With the two teens hiding in the house, LaVelle, 5 feet 10, 220 pounds, a well-known sports-league organizer and coach in the community, went outside to try to calm the angry mob.


They were standing on his steps. One shouted, " 'Something's going to happen now!' " LaVelle recalled in an interview Friday at his house. LaVelle got nervous and went back inside, locking his door with a deadbolt.


But the attackers pounded on his front windows and kicked his wooden door so hard, it flew open and some of them entered his house.


"The first guy hits me with a pipe. The second guy knocks me in the face. All I'm hearing is my wife and kids screaming," said LaVelle, who feared that the next time they saw him, he would be in a casket.


Dave may have a point about liberal policies and entitlement programs leading to this type of problem. Thomas Sowell certainly thinks so, and I find him to be pretty on point on a lot of socio-economic topics.





Dave may be a one-trick pony, but there's no denying the point is valid. Entitlement programs and a blind eye toward violence is making the issue progressively worse.


Dave may be a one-trick pony, but there's no denying the point is valid. Entitlement programs and a blind eye toward violence is making the issue progressively worse.



I've been saying all along that each of Dave's posts (at least the ones that include a link) are pretty much spot on. On an individual basis I can't criticize them. The amount of posts with racial connotations makes him look like a one trick pony, and it really pisses off not only the libtards, but the polically correct at all costs posters too.


Dave may have a point about liberal policies and entitlement programs leading to this type of problem. Thomas Sowell certainly thinks so, and I find him to be pretty on point on a lot of socio-economic topics.





Dave may be a one-trick pony, but there's no denying the point is valid. Entitlement programs and a blind eye toward violence is making the issue progressively worse.

These programs have been in place for 40+ years, now some people would think a new behavior would be caused by a recent change in the environment like say a massive increase in youth unemployment- but not you geniuses, you're going to blames something that's been around for 45 years- if you look at historical crime statistics you see crime rates increasing from the early 1950's peaking around 1980 and declining to at least 2009- so it looks to me that in place social programs have about zero to do with either increases in crime rates or decreases in crime rates - I don't expect people on this board to prove causation but it'd be nice if you at least showed correlation.


These programs have been in place for 40+ years, now some people would think a new behavior would be caused by a recent change in the environment like say a massive increase in youth unemployment- but not you geniuses, you're going to blames something that's been around for 45 years- if you look at historical crime statistics you see crime rates increasing from the early 1950's peaking around 1980 and declining to at least 2009- so it looks to me that in place social programs have about zero to do with either increases in crime rates or decreases in crime rates - I don't expect people on this board to prove causation but it'd be nice if you at least showed correlation.

Read the article I linked then familiarize yourself with the book referenced therein for all the causality you need, genius.


Not all changes in behaviour happen over night in response to a singular event, genius. And our current political system didn't simply transform into what we see today 45 years ago and hold steady, it slowly changed into what we have today, genius. But I'm sure you already knew that, genius. Its not crime statistics we are discussing here, genius, its a general shift in behavior and attitudes.


Read the article I linked then familiarize yourself with the book referenced therein for all the causality you need, genius.


Not all changes in behaviour happen over night in response to a singular event, genius. And our current political system didn't simply transform into what we see today 45 years ago and hold steady, it slowly changed into what we have today, genius. But I'm sure you already knew that, genius. Its not crime statistics we are discussing here, genius, its a general shift in behavior and attitudes.

"When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly disrespectful and impatient of restraint".

Hesiod, 8th century BC


"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"

Plato, 4th Century BC


"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint... As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress."

Attributed to Peter the Hermit, AD 12743


In April 1738, the press covered a report from a British Government committee which had been set up to "examine the causes of the present notorious immorality and profaneness."4


In the 1800s, hordes of teens and pre-teens ran wild in American city streets, dodging authorities, "gnawing away at the foundations of society", as a commentator put it. In 1850, New York City recorded more than 200 gang wars fought largely by adolescent boys.5

as for Dalrymple, anecdotes are not scholarship, when unemployment rates in America go from near 10% during the first years of Reagan's Presidency to under 4% during Clinton and back over 9% with Obama do you really think that has a !@#$ing thing to do with values? do you think that the 500mil Chinese who have risen out of poverty did so because they suddenly changed their values, and if it's social programs ruining every think shouldn't Norway, Denmark, and Sweden be hellholes while Somalia and Mexico be paradises-


this is a chart of social spending as compared to GDP for OECD countries-


Sweden (31.3)

France (28.7)

Denmark (27.6)

Germany (27.3)

Belgium (26.5)

Austria (26.1)

Norway (25.1)

Italy (24.2)

Portugal (23.5)

Poland (22.9)

Hungary (22.7)

Finland (22.5)

Luxembourg (22.2)

Greece (21.3)

Czech Republic (21.1)

Netherlands (20.7)

OECD-30 (20.6)

Switzerland (20.5)

Spain (20.3)

United Kingdom (20.1)

Iceland (18.7)

New Zealand (18)

Australia (17.9)

Japan (17.7)

Slovak Republic (17.3)

Canada (17.3)

United States (16.2)

Ireland (15.9)

Turkey (13.2)

Mexico (6.8)

Korea (5.7


prove a correlation between social spending and whatever moral decadency your pea brain thinks we are undergoing in the world.


And the winner of the Gross Over Simplification of the Year award goes to....llybob.


When did I claim that employment rates had anything to do with values? You claimed that flash mobs and other trends among todays anti-social youth were all because of short term economic conditions. I do not share your belief. Toss more crime rates out there if it makes you feel intelligent, but we were never discussing crime rates. Or go on another ridiculous tangent to counter the argument put forth by Sowell and Dalrymple. We are not discussing employment or economics, but rather how the messages sent by our increasingly socialist governments have conditioned generations who take no responsibility for their actions, expect others to take care of them, blame others when they aren't taken care of, and then lash out.


Your misunderstanding of the conversation and specious causality is not my problem. Check out some of the crime rates in Europe and the trends there, or maybe even read the Dalrymple book if you'd like to debate, rather than just copy and paste the book jacket.

Posted (edited)

Thomas Sowell=Uncle Tom.

Yea I said it :unsure:

I really hope you're joking.


These programs have been in place for 40+ years, now some people would think a new behavior would be caused by a recent change in the environment like say a massive increase in youth unemployment- but not you geniuses, you're going to blames something that's been around for 45 years- if you look at historical crime statistics you see crime rates increasing from the early 1950's peaking around 1980 and declining to at least 2009- so it looks to me that in place social programs have about zero to do with either increases in crime rates or decreases in crime rates - I don't expect people on this board to prove causation but it'd be nice if you at least showed correlation.

The broader point is that the culture that this phenomenon grows out of is a culture that largely grew out of an entitlement system that incentivized illegitimacy and perpetuated poverty.

Edited by Rob's House

And the winner of the Gross Over Simplification of the Year award goes to....llybob.


When did I claim that employment rates had anything to do with values? You claimed that flash mobs and other trends among todays anti-social youth were all because of short term economic conditions. I do not share your belief. Toss more crime rates out there if it makes you feel intelligent, but we were never discussing crime rates. Or go on another ridiculous tangent to counter the argument put forth by Sowell and Dalrymple. We are not discussing employment or economics, but rather how the messages sent by our increasingly socialist governments have conditioned generations who take no responsibility for their actions, expect others to take care of them, blame others when they aren't taken care of, and then lash out.


Your misunderstanding of the conversation and specious causality is not my problem. Check out some of the crime rates in Europe and the trends there, or maybe even read the Dalrymple book if you'd like to debate, rather than just copy and paste the book jacket.

If Dalrymple had worked at Betty Ford we'd get a book how substance abuse makes you affluence,if he was an NBA trainer he'd probably write a book about how playing basketball makes you taller than average.



We are not discussing employment or economics, but rather how the messages sent by our increasingly socialist governments have conditioned generations who take no responsibility for their actions, expect others to take care of them, blame others when they aren't taken care of, and then lash out.


If this is your general theory you should explain all the countries that have more social spending and less social turmoil and all the countries that have less social spending and more social turmoil- or perhaps you care to explain the American or French revolution with this theory- or maybe the tremendous gang violence, riots, and massacres taking place in NY city between 1820-1910, I can show more positive correlation between the Tea party, The BP oil disaster, The Volt, The end of the space Shuttle, skinny jeans, and Ipads with social unrest than you can to social spending.


If Dalrymple had worked at Betty Ford we'd get a book how substance abuse makes you affluence,if he was an NBA trainer he'd probably write a book about how playing basketball makes you taller than average.





If this is your general theory you should explain all the countries that have more social spending and less social turmoil and all the countries that have less social spending and more social turmoil- or perhaps you care to explain the American or French revolution with this theory- or maybe the tremendous gang violence, riots, and massacres taking place in NY city between 1820-1910, I can show more positive correlation between the Tea party, The BP oil disaster, The Volt, The end of the space Shuttle, skinny jeans, and Ipads with social unrest than you can to social spending.

Then I suppose its a good thing that I, and no one else has claimed that the behavior in discussion is caused by the amounts spent. Only you have brought that to the table and attempted to quantify behaviour in terms of $$s. It is how the money is spent and what the entitlements, hand-outs, etc. communicate to our populace that is changing behavior. People expect the government to take care of them, and accept little responsibility themselves. It will be harder to quantify this argument, so you'd better dismiss it again.


As I said before, READ THE BOOK, or at least get it on tape if you care to discuss further. Until then we have nothing to discuss as you don't know what I'm talking about, and I know what you're talking about isn't relevant to the conversation.


I'll explain all human history in terms of social spending when you explain every instance of social unrest in terms of unemployment and crime rates. Your stats and arguments do nothing to undermine or disprove the theory presented by Dalrymple and backed by Sowell. No one has argued that unemployment and recession are not sources of social strife, just that the nature and behaviour have of such strife have changed in nations adopting increasingly socialist policies. But if everything has to be one or the other and black or white, then I'm sure you and a man from Elma will have lots to talk about.

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