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I love Drudge. He has this stuff everyday



Thanks to political correctness, all of the national networks (including the conservative Fox News) are afraid of reporting on the growing number of incidents involving black people perpetrating violent, racially charged attacks on white people for fear of racial accusations.


I have no doubt that the tipping point for this can all be traced back to Obama and Holder's gutless decision not to prosecute the black panthers in Philly.


Thanks to political correctness, all of the national networks (including the conservative Fox News) are afraid of reporting on the growing number of incidents involving black people perpetrating violent, racially charged attacks on white people for fear of racial accusations.


I have no doubt that the tipping point for this can all be traced back to Obama and Holder's gutless decision not to prosecute the black panthers in Philly.


I think the entitlement mentality has more to do with it. They may have a sense of emboldenment from the actions/inactions of our feckless president though.


I see this thread has brought out all of our local "conservative" heroes. *wink* *wink*


Hence the reason why the MSM doesn't cover these stories.


I guess it's also brought out the people who think it best we ignore violent acts of hate crimes because the victims are white and the ones who are perpetrating them might be offended. We should be good little citizens and only cover stories approved by the government run MSM. Got it.


Hence the reason why the MSM doesn't cover these stories.


I guess it's also brought out the people who think it best we ignore violent acts of hate crimes because the victims are white and the ones who are perpetrating them might be offended. We should be good little citizens and only cover stories approved by the government run MSM. Got it.

YOU sir, are a great American.


Just curious Gene, do you condone the actions of flash mobs?


He just thinks that these Youths are misunderstood and this is just them protesting socioeconomic conditions. Never min that their targets are never government buildings and their attacks usually involve them laughing all the while they stuff their pockets with snickers bars and designer jeans. I'm sure if the government offered them all 40,000 dollar a year jobs they'd jump at the offer.


Just curious Gene, do you condone the actions of flash mobs?

Of course not. Are you serious?


He just thinks that these Youths are misunderstood and this is just them protesting socioeconomic conditions. Never min that their targets are never government buildings and their attacks usually involve them laughing all the while they stuff their pockets with snickers bars and designer jeans. I'm sure if the government offered them all 40,000 dollar a year jobs they'd jump at the offer.

Wrong, you backward fuk, I'm just bored of all the thinly-veiled racist threads you idiots create to justify your runaway xenophobia for your small, simple minds.


YOU sir, are not a great American.


Another day another flash mob




This particular flash mob robbery happened in a 7-Eleven near where i live in Maryland (suburb of DC). This area is not inner city at all but rather suburban and nice middle class (mixed) area around. Those kids are probably all 16-19 yr olds from the high schools nearby. Just ridiculous. We've seen several more in some nice stores in D.C. as well. I try not to think of these African American kids as "thugs" or whatever but they make it real hard. ALl the flash mob robberies around this region that are caught on video are black youths. Just sad man.


Of course not. Are you serious?



Wrong, you backward fuk, I'm just bored of all the thinly-veiled racist threads you idiots create to justify your runaway xenophobia for your small, simple minds.


YOU sir, are not a great American.



Why do I get the feeling you'd be singing a different tune if white people were pulling black people out of their cars screaming that "it's beat on blacky night"? You have a very warped, strange and double standard view of what racism is. You seem like a well behaved government robot though. Can you expand your mind enough to know that these people were innocent victims of violent racist attacks? That it is a pretty sick thought they aren't being reported on by the MSM because of this double standard you're helping to perpetuate? Your want of sweeping these incidents under the rug will only foster resentment, anger and eventual hatred between the races. What you're doing is not helping, but hurting the situation.


Why do I get the feeling you'd be singing a different tune if white people were pulling black people out of their cars screaming that "it's beat on blacky night"? You have a very warped, strange and double standard view of what racism is. You seem like a well behaved government robot though. Can you expand your mind enough to know that these people were innocent victims of violent racist attacks? That it is a pretty sick thought they aren't being reported on by the MSM because of this double standard you're helping to perpetuate? Your want of sweeping these incidents under the rug will only foster resentment, anger and eventual hatred between the races. What you're doing is not helping, but hurting the situation.

I haven't said ANYTHING about the attacks other than that I don't condone them. They're despicable an likely at least partially racially motivated. I'm just tired of looking at the same subtly racist threads from the same not-so-subtle posters every time I look at this forum.


I haven't said ANYTHING about the attacks other than that I don't condone them. They're despicable an likely at least partially racially motivated. I'm just tired of looking at the same subtly racist threads from the same not-so-subtle posters every time I look at this forum.



There's nothing racist about my thread other than reverse racism (which is racism, duh) of the MSM. How come Al Shaprton isn't up in arms? Was Obama and Holder's decision to play racial favorites the first domino to fall? This clearly isn't going away. We can have real conversations about what's going on in this country, right? Stop with the insinuations that this is a racist thread. Please point out one racist comment I made in this thread.


I long for the days when nigra chillun were only playing midnite basketball.


Nah, there were problems even then.


The only practical solution to this problem is to make 'em pick cotton for twelve hours a day, then lock 'em up at night. Right, Dave?

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