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Hugo Chavez dead? (unconfirmed)


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He still has a ways to go to catch that other shining example of freedom and democracy in the Western hemisphere: Fidel Castro.



Here's the latest on Hugo from the right wing hacks at Human Rights Watch.


And that other paragon of democracy: Saddam Hussein.



But none of 'em hold a candle to the 99% "for" votes, with 99.9% of the electorate voting, that Hitler got in the referendum for remilitarizing the Rheinland. A shining example of democracy, there...

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And that other paragon of democracy: Saddam Hussein.



But none of 'em hold a candle to the 99% "for" votes, with 99.9% of the electorate voting, that Hitler got in the referendum for remilitarizing the Rheinland. A shining example of democracy, there...



Damn. I thought for sure Pete was going to get your new and improved automated response from that program you wrote.


Though the above is pretty good too....... :lol:

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Chavez is far more democratic than any number of right-wing despots that the US has been more than happy to prop up in that region of the world.


Put down the hookah.

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Chavez is far more democratic than any number of right-wing despots that the US has been more than happy to prop up in that region of the world.


But actually...



...no, I got nothing. That's actually pretty true.

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Chavez is far more democratic than any number of right-wing despots that the US has been more than happy to prop up in that region of the world.

Does that mean the despot we're discussing in this thread is not to be criticized?


Oh right...I almost forgot. You've been a big Chavez apologist all along.

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Does that mean the despot we're discussing in this thread is not to be criticized?


Oh right...I almost forgot. You've been a big Chavez apologist all along.


There are plenty of reasons to criticize Chavez. He says and does plenty of stupid things and he obviously has an ego the size of a planet. However, what I take issue with is the idea that he is a dictator with little or no support in the population, and that every election he has won was fixed. That is very far from the truth.

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There are plenty of reasons to criticize Chavez. He says and does plenty of stupid things and he obviously has an ego the size of a planet. However, what I take issue with is the idea that he is a dictator with little or no support in the population, and that every election he has won was fixed. That is very far from the truth.


But he has his moments...like when he took the podium at the UN after Bush gave a speech, sniffed the air, and said "I smell sulfur." :lol:

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Chavez has won more elections then just about any leader in the world. The "decree" was passed by Venezuela's congress. And the "media"(one TV station I think) was a big force in the contrived coup attempt.


Do you consider FDR a dictator? He tried to circumvent the supreme court and add cronie judges to tighten his grip on power. By your criteria, that is a dictator I think


That's really reaching...... FDR did far more for this country and the population as a whole (not just the rich), than all the presidents that followed him combined.

Edited by Spiderweb
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There are plenty of reasons to criticize Chavez. He says and does plenty of stupid things and he obviously has an ego the size of a planet. However, what I take issue with is the idea that he is a dictator with little or no support in the population, and that every election he has won was fixed. That is very far from the truth.


No one has suggested either thing. He has moved to consolidate his power and control after taking office (like almost every dictator does), and of course he has supporters -- what leader doesn't? Are you suggesting popularity excuses attacks on opposition leaders, critical journalists, etc? It sure seems it when the biggest criticism you can muster is the size of his ego.





dissent is the highest form of patriotism- Thomas Jefferson

At the risk of attempting to follow your 'logic', parroting Chavez's propaganda = dissent?? :blink:

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[quote name='KD in CT' timestamp='1309264542' post='2182629'


At the risk of attempting to follow your 'logic', parroting Chavez's propaganda = dissent?? :blink:

Where did I parrot Chavez's propaganda? All I did was ask why people wished Chavez dead. Chavez is one of the Fox news bad guys of the day. I guess he is villified because he does not kowtow to the USA, roll over and privatize all Venezeula's natural resources, so the Bechtel's, Nestle's and Mobil's of the corporate world can pillage Venezuela for profit. Is that why people want Chavez dead?

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We know how this board feels about bicyclists

I saw one the other day that actually stopped for a red light and wait till it turned green before going through an intersection. I was so shocked I almost dropped my cell phone I was texting on with one hand, the big mac I had in the other hand, and lost the grip I had on the steering wheel with my knees.

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