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Men, want to understand women?

Just Jack

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A little joke along the lines of this topic.....


A man who was very active in the church and teaching God’s word was visited by God himself one day.



God said to him, “Son, you have always been faithful and have always spread my word. I want to reward you for your dedication, so I am going to grant you one wish that I will make happen as a token of my gratitude to you.”



The man thought for a long while, and finally, he came to his conclusion and told God, “Lord, I really love driving my motorcycle along the pacific highway, so my wish is to have a bridge from the pacific coast to Hawaii so that I can enjoy riding my motorcycle there too.”



God looked at him for a few moments and then said, “Son, I’m disappointed in you, I wanted you to ask for something that would help all mankind, yet you were selfish and asked for something you wanted for yourself. I can build this bridge, it will exhaust many of the earths natural resources, but I can and will build it for you if you want it.”



The man though again for a few moments, and said, “I am truly sorry God, I was selfish, and I want to change my wish. I want men to be able to know what women are thinking. I no longer want men to have to wonder why a woman is crying, they will just know. Men everywhere will no longer have to ask a woman, “What’s Wrong?”, because we will know what is wrong. This is what I want for all mankind.



God looked at the man for a few moments, and then replied,















“Do you want two lanes or four lanes on the bridge?”




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A little joke along the lines of this topic.....


A man who was very active in the church and teaching God’s word was visited by God himself one day.



God said to him, “Son, you have always been faithful and have always spread my word. I want to reward you for your dedication, so I am going to grant you one wish that I will make happen as a token of my gratitude to you.”



The man thought for a long while, and finally, he came to his conclusion and told God, “Lord, I really love driving my motorcycle along the pacific highway, so my wish is to have a bridge from the pacific coast to Hawaii so that I can enjoy riding my motorcycle there too.”



God looked at him for a few moments and then said, “Son, I’m disappointed in you, I wanted you to ask for something that would help all mankind, yet you were selfish and asked for something you wanted for yourself. I can build this bridge, it will exhaust many of the earths natural resources, but I can and will build it for you if you want it.”



The man though again for a few moments, and said, “I am truly sorry God, I was selfish, and I want to change my wish. I want men to be able to know what women are thinking. I no longer want men to have to wonder why a woman is crying, they will just know. Men everywhere will no longer have to ask a woman, “What’s Wrong?”, because we will know what is wrong. This is what I want for all mankind.



God looked at the man for a few moments, and then replied,















“Do you want two lanes or four lanes on the bridge?”



That joke is so old it could vote...

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