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You're again lumping casual fans together with Die Hard fans. Every team has it's Die Hards that root for their team no matter what. You can have a successful league catering only to those fans and those fans alone. But you don't become the giant the NFL has become ove the past two decades with only Die Hards. The largest portion of fans rare casual -- they root for good teams who have good players. Players sell the games, not the teams. Watch any lead in to any nationally televised game and you'll see that's just a fact.


Put it in other terms. I worked on a top ten show for awhile that drew about 13 million viewers a week. But, the network wanted NEW viewers which led to massive casting shakeups to get younger (and cheaper) ... The numbers plummeted. The show was the same. Same concept. Same stories. New, unknown cast? Our numbers dropped by over half. Those that stayed are the die Hards. The ones that would watch anything our show did because they were loyal. So what did the network do? They brought back the old cast and the numbers went back up instantly.


Spin it however you like, the bulk of NFL fans are casual fans. They change their loyalty to teams based on who has the most exciting players. To believe otherwise is just ignoring the truth.


Casual fans don't spend money buying merchandise or buying tickets, or ordering sunday ticket. They may switch their allegiances based whatever team is good and/or playing in their area on a given sunday, but they aren't spending their cash to constantly buy new team apparel.


The fans that do spend money on NFL gear spend it based on whatever team they like. Sure they'll buy jerseys of a player on their team, but when that player moves along ro retires, they'll most likely simply buy another jersey of a new player on their team.


If these "casual" fans are simply fans of the players, why wasn't there this huge group of fans that started rooting for the eBills when we signed TO? Casual fans may have followed the Bills a bit more because of that, but it didn't prompt thousands of people to drop the #81 cowboys jersey for a #81 Bills jersey.


Casual fans don't spend money buying merchandise or buying tickets, or ordering sunday ticket.


I agree wrt the sunday ticket. This is purchased by diehard fans. But, many casual fans buy t-shirts, jerseys, etc. Often they are also given as gifts.

I have been to a game when there were 55,000-60,000 due to rain, and a poor team. Casual fans would rather stay home. If the team was winning, this same game would have sold out.


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