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Lockout Boerdom - Bills History

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On the NFL network from time to time they show


"The 10 Best Teams to Never Win a Superbowl"


During that they list the Bills at #3 & they always bring up the question toward the end (because Norwood was a pro-bowl kicker while with the Bills) was it in all actuality Jim Kelly's fault or possibly the D's fault that the Bills didn't win that first Superbowl against the Giants ? Or all of the above :blush: ?


At the end of the game with 8 seconds left on the clock & the fact that Norwood inside of 45 yds was almost a machine all year long, the question of (in the K-gun hurry up offense) couldn't Jim Kelly & the powerful Bills offense have picked up another 3 or 4 yards with a short play out of bounds or another play in less than 8 seconds & still have time to ground the ball rather than Kelly grounding the ball first :oops: & being outside of Norwoods actual comfort zone ??


I know I know I'M LIVING IN THE PAST - GET OVER IT !! But ever since that infamous day wide right always gives me (& all Bills fans) a :sick: feeling . Norwood has always taken the blame when in all reality the guy was one of the best kickers we ever had to that point & yet all is forgotten up to the point of WIDE RIGHT (even typing it sucks!!)


To me Superbowl 25 will go down as one of if not the greatest Superbowls in the history of the NFL !! How many other SB's have come down to 8 seconds left with a 1 point differential & the kick or mistake of not making one more play on offense has determined the way a team would be looked at for the rest of their existence - NONE !! - i rest my case !!


The reporters on that 10 best to never show say that IF that kick would have been made the Bills would have went down as one of if not the best teams ever in the history of the NFL - Which i still think they are the best no matter what the media thinks !!


But could we as fans have been blaming the wrong guy or did you look at it differently than most all this time , or in all actuality was it a total team let down because there was some defensive plays that if we would have stopped them the out come would have been different too .


OK everybody pile on for bringing up old crap & opening old wounds but hey i'm bored -cut a guy a little slack !! :blink:

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Norwood is the last guy that should be "blamed."


My blame goes to:


1.) The defense. One of the worst SB performances in history. Whether you run a hurry-up or not, when your defense allows 41 minutes of possession to the other team and can't get off the field to give your offense a chance, the blame goes to the defense.


2.) The defense.


3.) Kelly. His stubbornness in the first quarter especially played right into the Giants' hands. Had we allowed our OLine to get off the ball and TT to take advantage of their alignment, the Giants wouldn't have stayed in their gimmick 2-5 front. Instead of Andre getting pounded over the middle, our OLine would have been pounding their LBs instead. OLinemen LIVE for that and LBs don't like it at all. But Kelly insisted on forcing the issue and never forced the Giants to counter. Some blame should go to Marchibroda and Levy as well for not recognizing the obvious.


4.) The defense.



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Norwood is the last guy that should be "blamed."


My blame goes to:


1.) The defense. One of the worst SB performances in history. Whether you run a hurry-up or not, when your defense allows 41 minutes of possession to the other team and can't get off the field to give your offense a chance, the blame goes to the defense.


2.) The defense.


3.) Kelly. His stubbornness in the first quarter especially played right into the Giants' hands. Had we allowed our OLine to get off the ball and TT to take advantage of their alignment, the Giants wouldn't have stayed in their gimmick 2-5 front. Instead of Andre getting pounded over the middle, our OLine would have been pounding their LBs instead. OLinemen LIVE for that and LBs don't like it at all. But Kelly insisted on forcing the issue and never forced the Giants to counter. Some blame should go to Marchibroda and Levy as well for not recognizing the obvious.


4.) The defense.



Another Bills player who deserves some of the blame is Frank Reich… the holder on Norwood's wide right, 47-yard, game-losing attempt.


Reich clearly didn't spin the ball so that the laces were facing the goalpost. At the moment of impact, the laces were pointing to the right… 3 o'clock if you're looking at the ball from above… and the added drag on that side of the ball caused the kick to fade to the right.


Over 47 yards, that mistake by the holder could very likely have caused the miss, IMO… especially because Norwood missed by a pretty slim margin.



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