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Thank God for TIVO


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in 10 years this past week. I took a trip to NY and Boston this weekend with the wife and had to miss the Bills game. I Tivoed the game before I left and made sure I missed all footage, scores and highlights for all of this weekend's games, which wasn't an easy thing to do in NY with scores on taxi cabs, buildings in Times Square and on newspapers. Not to mention my cell phone ringing off the hook at about 4:30pm from a Bills fan that only calls me when the Bills lose (which I didn't answer). I didn't get back from my trip to NY and Boston until Wednesday night. By then I was acting like Chris Rock's character from "New Jack City", fiening for a hit of some Bills' football. I finally watched the game at 11:30pm Wednesday and probably made enough noise to wake up all of my neighbors! But like I said before. Thank God for TIVO!

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