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Sarah Palin writes at an eight grade reading level

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none of which reflects the sentiment "hope and change are needed there". agree or not, military action is substantive and qaddaffi likely sees it as profound.


ALL of it reflects that sentiment. Tons of goodwill, backing an unfocused, half-assed, and indecisive policy of military action that is absolutely not substantive, despite the empty wishes of those who employ it.

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Really...she didn't do much of anything except keep her composure and piss off Biden, and most of her answers were coherent, if shallow. Which, while not a notable set of accomplishments, is certainly more than we should reasonably have expected.

Which is actually more than Biden did that day.

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He never said that.


He did say that we wouldn't stand idly by, but would take a limited military action as part of a broad coalition, because Qadaffi has lost the letigimacy to lead and must leave, but we're not fighting against Qadaffi, and that we'll continue to apply pressure until he leaves, and all options are on the table, but ground troops won't be used.


But he didn't say "Let's bomb Libya." 'Cause he's...y'know...an intellectual.


So, what do you think a Nobel Peace Prize winner should do?

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So, what do you think a Nobel Peace Prize winner should do?


Who gives a **** about the Nobel Peace Prize? It's not Obama's fault he was awarded a medal by morons who failed to realize he hadn't done anything to earn it.

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Who gives a **** about the Nobel Peace Prize? It's not Obama's fault he was awarded a medal by morons who failed to realize he hadn't done anything to earn it.


Just pointing out how hyped up this guy has been from the MSM and the other "elite" in the world.

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she is street smart, no doubt. but is that enough to compensate for her obvious deficits in her general fund of knowledge? you're right, it doesn't matter if her goal is to make money. it matters plenty if her aim is to be potus. i think and hope you're right about her goals although i actually would like to see her run and be forced to debate substantive and in depth, complicated issues. "aw shucks" just won't cut it in discussing the middle east.

There is a difference between being ignorance and being stupid. Is or was she pretty ignorant about matters that were important for being auditioned at the POTUS level? Absolutely.


Is she as dumb as her caricature has made her out to be? absolutely not.

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There is a difference between being ignorance and being stupid. Is or was she pretty ignorant about matters that were important for being auditioned at the POTUS level? Absolutely.


Is she as dumb as her caricature has made her out to be? absolutely not.

She was ignorant about a lot of important things. Her innate ability to be coached-up in a few short years is in no way a decent substitute for having processed these ideas on her own over an extended period of time. It amounts to nothing more than fill in the blanks with status quo Republican party politics.

Edited by Gene Frenkle
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She was ignorant about a lot of important things. Her innate ability to be coached-up in a few short years is in no way a decent substitute for having processed these ideas on her own over an extended period of time. It amounts to nothing more than fill in the blanks with status quo Republican party politics.

I´m not talking about that, I´m talking about her level of intelligence. Certain areas or topics I´ll give you a listen, but in others not so much, specially the ones where you are already fixed in your views, such as rednecks, religion and Sarah Palin.

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It amounts to nothing more than fill in the blanks with status quo Republican party politics.

As opposed to the Mad Libs approach that the current POTUS takes? Jesus, I really wish you liberals would either stop talking about how stupid Palin is, or at least qualify your comments with "Well, she's pretty damn stupid, but at least she ain't Obama stupid" because every single waking day we find out just how stupid Obama is. Obama has consistently proven he is so far out of his mental league as commander in chief that even his own party is starting to distance themselves from him.


Here's an example: how unbelieveably stupid do you have to be to introduce a budget that is SO FREAKING EMBARRASSING that you can't even find ONE person in your party to vote for it? I mean, even Ryan's plan got SOME votes. But POTUS? The big goose egg. Bumpkus. No one. 0-97.


And how genuinely stupid do you have to be to even remotely think it's a good idea to tell the American people that you MUST spend a trillion dollars to keep unemployment below 8% when you didn't need to even remotely make a commitment THAT monumentally stupid? That's "Read my lips" stupid. It's even beyond "Tell them the website number" stupid.


So repeat after me: "That Palin may be stupid, but she ain't Obama stupid."

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She was ignorant about a lot of important things. Her innate ability to be coached-up in a few short years is in no way a decent substitute for having processed these ideas on her own over an extended period of time. It amounts to nothing more than fill in the blanks with status quo Republican party politics.


Maybe someone should coach up your idiot Obama and tell him that cracking jokes about the worst economy since the depression is beyond stupid. Sara Palin doesn't strike me as someone who cracks a lot of unemployment jokes.





It's too bad for us Obama's the biggest joke in history. For all you unemployed liberals that don't get it, he doesn't care so much so that he's now begun laughing at you and cracking jokes at your expense. He's golfing, partying, having lavish star studded dinners like he's on a four year episode of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," during the worst economy since the depression and now he's making fun of the fact that Americans are unemployed. But somehow he's the smart one? Sorry, I don't buy it. I think Palin would tear him up in a debate. America is finally waking up to the fact that Obama lied about who he was. He is and has always been a "do as I say" and "not as I do" far lefty limousine liberal nose up talk down America hating elitist. If he gets elected again, you can stick as fork in this country, were done.

Edited by 1billsfan
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He's golfing, partying, having lavish star studded dinners like he's on a four year episode of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," during the worst economy since the depression and now he's making fun of the fact that Americans are unemployed. But somehow he's the smart one?

When you put it like that, I think he is.... He's living it up with parties and vacations, while the rest of us scrape by... Good gig if you can get it.

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When you put it like that, I think he is.... He's living it up with parties and vacations, while the rest of us scrape by... Good gig if you can get it.



Well yes I guess, but only until the bill comes due this coming year. Was kicking back as POTUS worth it all when you become the most hated man in America? The MSM can no longer provide cover for this failure. I highly doubt there'll any real* town halls meetings on Obama's campaign trail this year.



* non-union members

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He never said that.


He did say that we wouldn't stand idly by, but would take a limited military action as part of a broad coalition, because Qadaffi has lost the letigimacy to lead and must leave, but we're not fighting against Qadaffi, and that we'll continue to apply pressure until he leaves, and all options are on the table, but ground troops won't be used.


But he didn't say "Let's bomb Libya." 'Cause he's...y'know...an intellectual.


If that was the criteria for the "Obama Doctrine" then why stand idly by and not intervene in Syria? (playing devils advocate)


As opposed to the Mad Libs approach that the current POTUS takes? Jesus, I really wish you liberals would either stop talking about how stupid Palin is, or at least qualify your comments with "Well, she's pretty damn stupid, but at least she ain't Obama stupid" because every single waking day we find out just how stupid Obama is. Obama has consistently proven he is so far out of his mental league as commander in chief that even his own party is starting to distance themselves from him.


Here's an example: how unbelieveably stupid do you have to be to introduce a budget that is SO FREAKING EMBARRASSING that you can't even find ONE person in your party to vote for it? I mean, even Ryan's plan got SOME votes. But POTUS? The big goose egg. Bumpkus. No one. 0-97.


And how genuinely stupid do you have to be to even remotely think it's a good idea to tell the American people that you MUST spend a trillion dollars to keep unemployment below 8% when you didn't need to even remotely make a commitment THAT monumentally stupid? That's "Read my lips" stupid. It's even beyond "Tell them the website number" stupid.


So repeat after me: "That Palin may be stupid, but she ain't Obama stupid."



Kinda like a certain president... ramming a HUGGGGGGE stimulus bill down our throats that was sold as the only hope to not let our economy implode with the key selling point of "shovel ready projects" weren't in fact as shovel ready as was mentioned (not that it should be a suprise) but the point that he sees fit to make jokes about this terrible legislation that amounted to a union money laundering attempt while the unemployment continues to rise. Let me be clear, it just shows how out of touch and out of his league he is http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2011/06/13/obama-jokes-jobs-council-shovel-ready-was-not-shovel-ready-we-expected

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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