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Hey Rockinon, as a former Newfance Panther, you should know not to get your hopes up TOO high. And I know about not getting hopes up too high, I'm a former Roy Hart Ram.


But seriously, I'm cautiously optomistic about how the talks have been going. RWR


Hey, we had some good seasons! Of course our biggest rival back then was Wilson. I didn't play football, but I remember going to your school for cross country. We cleaned house on your school.


Hey, we had some good seasons! Of course our biggest rival back then was Wilson. I didn't play football, but I remember going to your school for cross country. We cleaned house on your school.


Cleaned house in CC? That must have been when the CC coach we had when I was in High School retired by then. We had a real strong CC program. Our big rival was Medina. Only 4 miles down the road from Middleport, where I grew up. Interesting, you said in a previous post you went into the AF after high school and now you have an RV. Same w/ me. Air Force, then GI Bill to go to Oswego State, then 30 years as a history teacher. And my wife & I love to camp. We live in Va.


How about them Bills in the mid 80's when you were graduating from Newfane? Quarterbacks whose name will live in infamy: Ferragamo, Duffek, Mathison, and yes, we even had Art Shliester in camp when we were able to finally sign Kelly. Talk about lean years.


PS: The Plattsburgh area is a beautiful area. We'll be camping in that neck of the woods in July when go up to Hubbardton, Vt., for a reenactment.


The fact that the NFL actually plays a big role in my job (tickets, suites, appearances, hospitality, etc...), I hope that this gets done sooner rather than later. Oh yeah, I also want tailgaiting to start on time!!

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