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NYC bike thief chops down tree to steal bike


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This video is going viral today. Unbelievable.





New York City cops are on the hunt for a man who used an ax to chop down a Brooklyn tree early Wednesday morning.


The bizarre 2 AM incident was captured by a surveillance camera attached to a neighboring building in the borough’s Kensington neighborhood. Video of the tree assault (seen above) was uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday.


The video shows the attacker taking a total of 53 whacks at the tree over approximately five minutes. On several occasions, neighborhood men can be seen seen trying to stop the ax wielder from downing the tree. It does not appear that the primary motive of the attacker was to steal the bicycle chained to the tree (though, 20 minutes after first striking the tree, the portly perp returned to the block and carried the bike away).


I'm the furthest thing from a tree-hugger but this is just sad to me.

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