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If the NCAA was even-handed...

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As most of you know, UNC lost most of their star defensive plaers (Quinn, Austin, etc.) for all of last season because they attended an agent-sponsored party in Florida.



What you might not know is that Marcell Dareus was also at the same party. All he received was a 2-game suspension and had to pay back some money:

NCAA Dareus Ruling


Why the uneven punishments? Quinn said he received $5600 worth of improper benefits (airfare, food, hotel, jewelry), while Dareus had to pay back $1700 worth of improper benefits. I guess about $4000 is the difference between missing the whole season or sitting out 2 games.


Lucky for us that the NCAA was so uneven in the punishments, or Dareus would have missed all of last season and probably dropped off the Bills radar for the #3 pick of the draft and we would all be discusssing how Blaine Gabbert is going to take us to the Super Bowl...

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Not sure how much truth there is to this, but my understanding is that once Dareus got to the party and figured out who was throwing it, he immediately left, which was the bigger difference in the two suspensions. I'm pretty sure Nix addressed this and said approximately the same thing right after we drafted him.

Edited by Captain Caveman
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Not sure how much truth there is to this, but my understanding is that once Dareus got to the party and figured out who was throwing it, he immediately left, which was the bigger difference in the two suspensions. I'm pretty sure Nix addressed this and said approximately the same thing right after we drafted him.


This is true, as far as all reports from every outlet go. They had evidence that Dareus was "tricked" into attending or that he did not know who was paying for things, and once he found out what was really going on, removed himself immediately. Furthermore, Dareus was honest and open in the investigation and hid nothing.


Quinn on the other hand, DENIED any wrong doing. Even when the NCAA presented all the evidence, he stuck to his story that he did nothing. This will get you the harshest punishment every time. Where you say "Quinn said he received...", that is inaccurate as he never admitted to it until it was too late.


I'm no fan of the NCAA police, but what you have here is a case of a high character guy (Dareus), and a kid who didnt do the right thing even when given multiple opportunities (Quinn).

Edited by DrDareustein
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This is true, as far as all reports from every outlet go. They had evidence that Dareus was "tricked" into attending or that he did not know who was paying for things, and once he found out what was really going on, removed himself immediately. Furthermore, Dareus was honest and open in the investigation and hid nothing.


Quinn on the other hand, DENIED any wrong doing. Even when the NCAA presented all the evidence, he stuck to his story that he did nothing. This will get you the harshest punishment every time. Where you say "Quinn said he received...", that is inaccurate as he never admitted to it until it was too late.


I'm no fan of the NCAA police, but what you have here is a case of a high character guy (Dareus), and a kid who didnt do the right thing even when given multiple opportunities (Quinn).



I can't find how he was "tricked", but Dareus had to know free airline tickets and hotel for a party were not ok with the NCAA.

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I can't find how he was "tricked", but Dareus had to know free airline tickets and hotel for a party were not ok with the NCAA.


He was told they were purchased by one entity (it was something like the other player, or the other player's parents) and it ended up being the agents. HE went on to ask questions because it sounded fishy, and once he found out, he removed himself.


Again, Im just going off of what I remember reading/hearing about it at the time.

Edited by DrDareustein
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There will be some differing opinions on this.....but imo what Darius did showed more responsibility and integrity then you would see from a normal kid (and lets face it....they are kids at this point still)


He left immediately...he didnt try to hide anything........I respect him more now that I know this


In truth....Darius seems like a pretty high character guy



And I get the OP's post and its a good one.....had Darius kept his mouth shut and gotten into more trouble....he would probably not have been off our radar.....its a good thing for us because he is going to be a foundation of this team for years to come.

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