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11 year old breaks teacher's nose


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I don't give a damn how old that kid was. If he would have taken a swing at me, he would have been picking his teeth up off the ground...


LOl, then the article would read "Teacher in jail after beating up 11 year old student", and the resident tough guys would instead be posting "I dont care what my kid did, if that was my son's teacher, he'd be in the morgue instead of the jail"... :rolleyes:

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LOl, then the article would read "Teacher in jail after beating up 11 year old student", and the resident tough guys would instead be posting "I dont care what my kid did, if that was my son's teacher, he'd be in the morgue instead of the jail"... :rolleyes:


Too true.


When did they start having special schools for problem elementary school kids? I thought that was only for high schoolers?

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Too true.


When did they start having special schools for problem elementary school kids? I thought that was only for high schoolers?


When parents stopped disciplining their kids at home.


Who here wouldn't have had their father kick their ass when they got home, if they did this?

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Perfectly stated. That's the biggest issue all schools currently face.


Seconded (or thirded whichever the case may be) if parents were allowed to actually still discipline their kids in the home instead of them being able to call the cops on their own parents because they see their friends do it.....then we would not have this problem.


You know....I am actually trying to remember when I actually ever spanked my kids.....but the THREAT of it from my wife seemed to be enough to do the trick.

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When parents stopped disciplining their kids at home.


Who here wouldn't have had their father kick their ass when they got home, if they did this?



Hell, just smart mouthing the teacher would have earned that...never mind actually cursing and assault!

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Seconded (or thirded whichever the case may be) if parents were allowed to actually still discipline their kids in the home instead of them being able to call the cops on their own parents because they see their friends do it.....then we would not have this problem.


You know....I am actually trying to remember when I actually ever spanked my kids.....but the THREAT of it from my wife seemed to be enough to do the trick.


Never understood this line of logic, from the dumbass kid's point of view anyway. Do they not know about the horror stories coming out of those group homes? Might as well be sent to prison themselves...

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Never understood this line of logic, from the dumbass kid's point of view anyway.


I know a kid who did that (real nightmare of a discipline problem, lived across the street). The cops showed up and basically told him "You deserve it, kid."

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Seconded (or thirded whichever the case may be) if parents were allowed to actually still discipline their kids in the home instead of them being able to call the cops on their own parents because they see their friends do it.....then we would not have this problem.

You can in NY. I did a ride-along with the Sheriffs department and the deputy I was riding with was telling me one problem is kids calling 911 on their parents. When they arrive, they explain to the kid, with the parent listening, that parents have a right to discipline their children. He went on to tell me as long as it's an open hand, meaning it's okay to slap or spank, but no belts or punches, etc.

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My father to scare me into acting behaving would take his belt off and snap it in his hands. Never ever used it on me, but it scared me enough to act right.

When I was about 12 I raised my hand to my mother. Never hit her. My dad was told when I came home. He never hit me, but was screaming at me so vehemently that I feared being killed if I ever hit my mom or any woman.

My brother at the same age (he's ten years younger) slapped my mom. She hauled off and socked him in the jaw. Told my dad she took care of it when he came home. She was about 54 at the time.

Edited by Wacka
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When parents stopped disciplining their kids at home.


Who here wouldn't have had their father kick their ass when they got home, if they did this?

In my youth, that would have happened after Fr. Sturm had already slapped me in the head with my Latin vocabulary book, then thrown me down the stairs.


(Then later, at home, my father would have said, "That's why we're paying them," before administering his own ass-kicking.)



post-2970-050728200 1307542912_thumb.png

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My father to scare me into acting behaving would take his belt off and snap it in his hands. Never ever used it on me, but it scared me enough to act right.

When I was about 12 I raised my hand to my mother. Never hit her. My dad was told when I came home. He never hit me, but was screaming at me so vehemently that I feared being killed if I ever hit my mom or any woman.

My brother at the same age (he's ten years younger) slapped my mom. She hauled off and socked him in the jaw. Told my dad she took care of it when he came home. She was about 54 at the time.


Called my mom a B____ once when I was about 14. Once. Dad came off the couch, and I was on the floor in about a half-a-second-flat.

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In my youth, that would have happened after Fr. Sturm had already slapped me in the head with my Latin vocabulary book, then thrown me down the stairs.


If a teacher hit you back then, the standard parental response was "what did you do? you must have deserved it!" Today it's file a lawsuit and have the teacher arrested.

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Who here wouldn't have had their father kick their ass when they got home, if they did this?



Me ....


Only because at that age I was small enough that my mother would have handled the job prior to my father coming home ... :lol:

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