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The Absurdity of the French

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I think you are confusing foreign policy with culture. By your nonsequitor logic- American culture would be East Timor, Cambodia, Panama, Iraq (just a few examples in my lifetime- notice I didn't bring up slavery, the indians, the suffrage movement, etc).


How are we responsible for East Timor and Cambodia? And futhermore, if French culture is so superior to American culture, why is it not able to absormb and grow with foreign influence? And if it's a preference of yours, why not move there? I mean, if its SO unpalatable being American, you have the freedom to leave.

Edited by joesixpack
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How are we responsible for East Timor and Cambodia? And futhermore, if French culture is so superior to American culture, why is it not able to absormb and grow with foreign influence? And if it's a preference of yours, why not move there? I mean, if its SO unpalatable being American, you have the freedom to leave.

Henry Kissenger. Where did I say French culture was superior to American? Who said I preferred France? You love to leap to conclusions and should brush up on your reading comprehension

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They also have resisted the term "email". I can understand why some feel it is censorship (I am vehimately opposed to any censorship) but I feel this is preservation of their beautiful French culture. Globalization sucks IMO and France (and just about everywhere else) is littered with McDonalds, KFC, Nike, etc. I have read accounts of how many Parisian bouchons (over 10,000 IIRC) have closed since 1900. The first McDonalds opened in France in 1979 and it spread like aggresive cancer. It sickens me when I see glorious Wenceslas Square in Prague desecrated with Burger Kings and Pizza Hut. It is the homogenization of cultures. It blows my mind when I see someone foregoing the exquisite cuisine of France for a McDonalds, just as it blows my mind when I see someone pass up a Vienna coffeshop for a Starbucks. Corporate America is desecrating the world, destroying cultures, and exporting obesity and diabetes. I support France in their attempt to preserve their culture


Yes, that must be it, the less than 1% of the population that are tourists are responsible for the restaurant closings? I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 99% of the customers' preference for better service?


If globalization sucks, how in the world did you experience trecking the globe? Must be nice to be a trust fund baby.

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Mostly, but there is lots of tourists and immigrants too. There is a big influx of immigrants, but many are relegated to slums and treated as second class citizens from what I have seen. But French kids do love McDs for some reason. There is some great literature documenting French cuisine pre corporate homogenization. The Food Of France by Waverly comes to mind immediately. And it great to read A Moveable Feast by Hemmingway and not have any McD's references. Paris must of been amazing back in the 20's. I wish I could remember where I read about all the Bouchons that have closed so I could share. It seemed like there were great restaurants every block and Paris was a moveable feast. Too bad Olivier doesn't come round much too much these days. I would love to hear his informed take.


I like to think there is more to American culture then fast food, greed, Lady Gaga, pro wrestling and NASCAR. That seems so foreign to me


If your "rich culture" of bourgeousie restaurants, bigoted attitudes towards foreigners and pompous literature can't survive McDonald's and Lady Gaga, then it wasn't much of a culture to begin with....

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If your "rich culture" of bourgeousie restaurants, bigoted attitudes towards foreigners and pompous literature can't survive McDonald's and Lady Gaga, then it wasn't much of a culture to begin with....


And then there's the obvious ^

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If your "rich culture" of bourgeousie restaurants, bigoted attitudes towards foreigners and pompous literature can't survive McDonald's and Lady Gaga, then it wasn't much of a culture to begin with....

have you traveled through France? If not, then where do you make the assumption that the French are bigoted? If you haven't experienced French bigotry first hand isn't that bigoted of you Mr Kettle?



And I laughed out loud at the trust fund baby comment. Actually I work my ass off, save my money instead of blowing it on stupid **** like new cars, and stay at hostels and travel cheap. One doesn't have to be a trust fund baby to travel. And most of us aren't. Traveling is one of the greatest things one can do IMO.


Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.


- Mark Twain

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have you traveled through France? If not, then where do you make the assumption that the French are bigoted? If you haven't experienced French bigotry first hand isn't that bigoted of you Mr Kettle?



And I laughed out loud at the trust fund baby comment. Actually I work my ass off, save my money instead of blowing it on stupid **** like new cars, and stay at hostels and travel cheap. One doesn't have to be a trust fund baby to travel. And most of us aren't. Traveling is one of the greatest things one can do IMO.


Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.


- Mark Twain


So globalization that exports customer service & efficiency is bad, but globlaization that allows a pauper to travel the world is good?


Is that about right?

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