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Texas Border Wars

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Weather out here is awful so inside all day. Was watching this show and have to say it was interesting and alarming at the same time. As it went on the problem just seems so overwhelming. I was wondering if this could be a job better suited for the military just from resource perspective? I know our military is scattered elsewhere but even so maybe some should be allocated for this job. Since it is our border that is being breached I guess it could be justified? Not sure how capable the Rangers are or the resources available to them.

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How dare you suggest our racist, gringo military be deployed and use racist force against those poor, defensless Mexicans just excersising their God...sorry...NATURAL right to a better life????

Well this is a consideration only intellectual juggernauts of government can sort out. I was thinking from the drug trafficking side. Of course stopping illegals would be a side effect.

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Well this is a consideration only intellectual juggernauts of government can sort out. I was thinking from the drug trafficking side. Of course stopping illegals would be a side effect.



Yes, the intellectual juggernauts of the TSW time is much better spent on other things...

Edited by Buftex
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Weather out here is awful so inside all day. Was watching this show and have to say it was interesting and alarming at the same time. As it went on the problem just seems so overwhelming. I was wondering if this could be a job better suited for the military just from resource perspective? I know our military is scattered elsewhere but even so maybe some should be allocated for this job. Since it is our border that is being breached I guess it could be justified? Not sure how capable the Rangers are or the resources available to them.


Don't hold your breath. No politician is going to be the one to 'declare war on Latinos' and have tens of millions of voters shift to the other party. Just look at the hysterical reaction from the lunatics when AZ passed a law that basically said it would enforce existing immigration laws.


And look what happened when Clinton used force to send Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba -- it cost ALGORE a bunch of votes in S. Florida that just to happened to make the difference in a Presidential election. Now multiply that effect by about a hundred if we used force to close the boarder (which I don't believe for one second would be difficult at all).

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