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soccer reminder

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The Rose Bowl won't give US any home-field advantage. It will probably be 90% Mexican supporters.

That's true.


That said, Mexico hasn't beaten the USMNT First Squad in over 11 years on US Soil. Let's hope that continues Saturday night.

That's the part I had in mind. Obviously, if this game was at Azteca, USA would have almost no chance.

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I'm still convinced that they would have made the semifinals of the World Cup last year had they had a even slightly better coach. They had the easiest group and easiest path into the semis. Poor gameday decisions haunted the team.

Wow. Do you rate USA's talent level that highly?


Like AJ, I'm curious to hear your thoughts about Adu, who I'm happy to see has worked his way at least back into the conversation.


Seems to me that the one position where team USA has a wealth of players is attacking midfielders. Besides Donovan and Dempsey, there's Holden who in my opinion is hugely talented--he just has a hard time staying healthy. I feel almost as good about Feilhaber (I know I'm probably in the minority there). He's had some poorly timed injuries too which have hurt his progress. Even Bradley seems to be evolving more and more into an attacking-minded player.


Tough for Adu to work his way into the permanent mix. I'm rooting for him though. So much great natural touch.


My dilemma for tomorrow is to watch the final on FSC (standard definition with English language commentary) or Univision (HD, in Spanish). I'm leaning towards Univision.


Go USA! :thumbsup:

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You know, I've been thinking about it and I hope that the powers that be were watching the NBA draft last night. If you saw the draft, and if you've paid attention to the way basketball is played on the world stage over the last 15-20 years, you'd notice that there are a LOT of european players and teams that can, and HAVE, competed both in the actual NBA and also against American NBA players. Why is this interesting? It's interesting for two reasons: First of all, most people who follow American sports consider the NBA players the best athletes on earth. I can't say I disagree. Second, you have much smaller counties like Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Spain, etc who, by learning how to play FUNDAMENTAL, STRATEGIC BASKETBALL, have successfully competed against and even beaten teams composed of our own NBA players....the aforementioned best athletes on earth.


So what's my point? My point is that the whole idea that we'll never be great at soccer is because our best, most talented athletes play other sports like football, baseball, and basketball, while absolutely true, is completely IRRELEVANT. Exactly how is it that these lanky players from abroad can so successfully compete among and against the NBA talent? Obviously it's NOT because of their athletic prowess. It's because they have learned the fundamentals of basketball, both in terms of an individual game and the team game. How brilliant is that?? So what is the solution?


The solution is the dead horse we've all been beating for a while now. The key to competing on the world stage in soccer is NOT having the greatest athletes in America. Would it be nice? Sure it would. But do we NEED them? Absolutely not. We need fundamental, smart soccer to be taught to and adopted by our players. Our lesser American athletes can become the fundamentally sound and uber-competitive equivalent of the European basketball player. Unfortunately, it's clear that Bob Bradley is not the man to bring about this change, so my whole theory and point are probably moot anyway...but gosh, it's so CLEAR what needs to be done...we CAN compete amongst the best in the world, and the solution is much more simple and feasible than trying to convince LeBron, Kobe, and 'melo to play some soccer.


What do you guys think?

Edited by ajzepp
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Dang, I got home late and missed the first goal...who would've known we'd score that fast? lol


I LOVE that Freddy is starting!



Whoa, a beautiful chance by Mexico goes off the goal post! Phew!

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That 4th goal by mexico was one of the best goals I've ever seen...that being said, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for the US to have allowed it. Unbelievable...

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... memo to Tim. There was more Spanish spoken in the seats of the Rose Bowl last

night than English.

Congrats to the Mexican team who out played the US squad on Sat.

The speed of the Mexican players was too much for the US defense.

Losing Cherundulo to the ankle injury was the deciding factor.

Feddy Adu played well. I hope that is an indication of things to come.

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Congrats to the Mexican team who out played the US squad on Sat.



As much as it pains me, I have to admit that they're the better team and they definitely deserve to represent the region in the Confederations Cup.


I think Mexico is on the rise and poised to compete with the top nations. They will probably be a top five team when the WC rolls around. Meanwhile, the U.S. is treading water, trying to figure out how not to get sent home by Ghana once again.

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As much as it pains me, I have to admit that they're the better team and they definitely deserve to represent the region in the Confederations Cup.


I think Mexico is on the rise and poised to compete with the top nations. They will probably be a top five team when the WC rolls around. Meanwhile, the U.S. is treading water, trying to figure out how not to get sent home by Ghana once again.


I've watched that final Mexican goal about six times, and I'm just blown away by it. That's one of the best examples I've ever seen as to why this is called "the beautiful game". That shot was so full of precision and touch that it's unbelievable. For that ball to have been hit just right to gently glide over the top of the defender's head, yet below the crossbar, and with the right amt of touch...wow, just unreal.


I still can't believe we had a 2-0 goal lead and couldn't close the deal, but it's to be expected I suppose.

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What's your take on Freddy Adu? You think he's got the potential to live up to the hype from a few years ago?

I have always been an huge Adu supporter and never liked him being banished from the USMNT program. From a team that struggles with scoring goals, Freddy has always had a knack for creating goals. He is and will continue to be the most skilled player in the US Program and a good manager has to find a way to make use of that skill.


I've heard people with far more soccer knowledge then myself say that the US system would have ruined a player like Lionel Messi. US Soccer prefers to select/develop well-rounded players over skilled players.


Wow. Do you rate USA's talent level that highly?

Compared to the teams they played or would have played in the World Cup? Yes.


England was good but highly overrated. Slovenia, Algeria, Ghana and Uruguay are teams the US should beat consistently.


If they were in another group with different knock-out stage opponents, I might have been happy with a Round of 16 appearance but they should have done much better with the favorable matchups they got.


I'm still pissed off about last night's game. I don't care who the opponent is, you don't blow 2-0 leads in soccer. Bob Bradley has managed to do it twice in the finals of a major tournament.


The guy plain and simply has to go. As soon he put Bornstein in, I knew we were in trouble. All four Mexican goals came on his side. Bradley should have realized that mistake and pulled him at halftime.


Mexico figured out our weakness at the back and abused it. What might have been if Dolo never went down.

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I have always been an huge Adu supporter and never liked him being banished from the USMNT program. From a team that struggles with scoring goals, Freddy has always had a knack for creating goals. He is and will continue to be the most skilled player in the US Program and a good manager has to find a way to make use of that skill.


I've heard people with far more soccer knowledge then myself say that the US system would have ruined a player like Lionel Messi. US Soccer prefers to select/develop well-rounded players over skilled players.



Compared to the teams they played or would have played in the World Cup? Yes.


England was good but highly overrated. Slovenia, Algeria, Ghana and Uruguay are teams the US should beat consistently.


If they were in another group with different knock-out stage opponents, I might have been happy with a Round of 16 appearance but they should have done much better with the favorable matchups they got.


I'm still pissed off about last night's game. I don't care who the opponent is, you don't blow 2-0 leads in soccer. Bob Bradley has managed to do it twice in the finals of a major tournament.


The guy plain and simply has to go. As soon he put Bornstein in, I knew we were in trouble. All four Mexican goals came on his side. Bradley should have realized that mistake and pulled him at halftime.


Mexico figured out our weakness at the back and abused it. What might have been if Dolo never went down.



You're exactly right...I forgot we were up by 2 against Brazil in the Confederations Cup...against Brazil Bradley can hide behind the argument that, well, it's Brazil. But that excuse holds less water against Mexico. And I agree that Mexico is on the rise, but we should be the stronger team.


I also agree about the adu thing...I saw absolutely no point in leaving him off the WC roster, so I'm glad he's getting playing time now. This whole thing is just a mess. They're wasting an opportunity here and it's making me sick to my stomach. The time is now, and if they don't make a move to bring in some new leadership, then they deserve what they get. It's just too bad that we, as fans, have to sit by powerless to do anything about it.

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In case you missed it, US Soccer finally grew some balls this past weekend and fired Bob Bradley.


He has been replaced by Jurgen Klinsmann.


Full Press Conference From Monday


I think this is a huge step in the right direction especially since Klinsmann will have a hand in restructuring the youth game and how we develop players.


US plays Mexico next Wednesday at 9pm at Lincoln Financial Field in Philly. ESPN2 will carry the game.

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In case you missed it, US Soccer finally grew some balls this past weekend and fired Bob Bradley.


He has been replaced by Jurgen Klinsmann.


Full Press Conference From Monday


I think this is a huge step in the right direction especially since Klinsmann will have a hand in restructuring the youth game and how we develop players.


US plays Mexico next Wednesday at 9pm at Lincoln Financial Field in Philly. ESPN2 will carry the game.




MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow!!! :w00t::thumbsup::beer:


I missed this announcement somehow. This is very very exciting. I think this is an awesome move. Really looking forward to how things develop in the next couple years and into WC 2014.


Nice work, AJ! You finally got someone to listen to you.

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Wow!!! :w00t::thumbsup::beer:


I missed this announcement somehow. This is very very exciting. I think this is an awesome move. Really looking forward to how things develop in the next couple years and into WC 2014.


Nice work, AJ! You finally got someone to listen to you.


LOL! I can't believe it!!! Whining endlessly about something really DOES work!!! :w00t:

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