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daq, congrats, if youre happy then we're happy for ya.


and if no one can state, here on the message board, why it may be a bad deal, then you got a good deal.


and no matter what, $100 down, $59/month  ?!?!


good job mang



Thats what I figured. Oh well. Gotta remember that these great "car dealership" owners know everything :devil:

Guest Billy Fucillo's Mom

daq, did you see that last post on the Tupac thread i did about how to judge a "good" mc?


if you did, let me know what you think, TubThumper brought up a question that i had never had to address and a few friends and i thought it over, this was quick off the top but its what we sorta ended coming up with anyways...






(sorry to steal your new car thunder)


Never buy a car based on monthly payment. ALWAYS negotiate the overall price of the car.


The money ALWAYS comes from somewhere and dealerships arent in the business of losing money. The customer ALWAYS pays. Either now or later but they pay.

Never buy a car based on monthly payment.  ALWAYS negotiate the overall price of the car.   


The money ALWAYS comes from somewhere and dealerships arent in the business of losing money.  The customer ALWAYS pays.  Either now or later but they pay.



So I figured ... but the sticker price is anywhere between (depending on which model) 18,000 to 20,000 and Im paying around 2,200 for 3 years ...

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