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One Black Man's Perspective

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Still idiotic. The right of a state to manage its own finances is just a little bit different than the right of the federal government to force consumers to buy a product.

But hasn't there been a unwritten mandate for years? A friend of mine who didn't have much money, went to the ER and had surgery. The taxpayers picked up the tab.

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Why do you cite foreign nations policies? I could care less what Canada, South Africa does. I could care even less what the Universal Declaration piece of toilet paper states. No international law or organization should have power over our country. Whether you realize it or not, we have it right, at least if we were to let the US Constitution and the Bill Of Rights rule us. Now how these documents have been executed, thats another story.



Are we part of the UN? Ummm yeah, so we are signing off on policies we don't believe in?


Bottom line is that Walker lied and was wrong. He went AGAINST the Will of the People.

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