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Anthony Weiner

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Chicken dinner.


It's pretty easy to track a hacker these days. Given the severity of hacking into a congressperson's account, I'm sure once Weiner asks authorities to dig into this, the federal government will find the person who did this in short order.

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Chicken dinner.


It's pretty easy to track a hacker these days. Given the severity of hacking into a congressperson's account, I'm sure once Weiner asks authorities to dig into this, the federal government will find the person who did this in short order.


Yes, I would fully expect all of this to become public and charges to be filed. Anything less would leave the little Weiner exposed.

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I was genuinely curious if anyone in the media was planning on looking further into this incident.


He doesn't request an investigation, but DOES hire an attorney. When asked if the woody in the undies was him, he refuses to answer.


Maybe you need to take a photo of yourself without a shirt on to speed things up.


ABC News: THAT YOU IN THE UNDERWEAR?: Weiner 'Not Going to Talk'


Looks like the Weiner is going down. So to speak.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I was genuinely curious if anyone in the media was planning on looking further into this incident.


He doesn't request an investigation, but DOES hire an attorney. When asked if the woody in the undies was him, he refuses to answer.


Maybe you need to take a photo of yourself without a shirt on to speed things up.


ABC News: THAT YOU IN THE UNDERWEAR?: Weiner 'Not Going to Talk'


Looks like the Weiner is going down. So to speak.

His analogy made no sense I can tell you that. He said: "If I was giving a speech in front of 45,000 people and someone in the back threw a pie, would I spend the next 2 hours of my speech responding.....".


I have three real problems with that:


1. 2 hours? What kind of speech last two hours?


2. Are there 45,000 people on Earth that would attend a speech by this particular nerd?


3. Who the heck has a strong enough arm to throw a pie over 45,000 people? Does the pie have wings?


It doesn't add up.

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I was genuinely curious if anyone in the media was planning on looking further into this incident.


He doesn't request an investigation, but DOES hire an attorney. When asked if the woody in the undies was him, he refuses to answer.


Maybe you need to take a photo of yourself without a shirt on to speed things up.


ABC News: THAT YOU IN THE UNDERWEAR?: Weiner 'Not Going to Talk'


Looks like the Weiner is going down. So to speak.


It would only be a story of interest if he became a Republican. Then he'd be outed in no time flat.

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Andrew Breitbart - amazing he gets talked to like he's a credible person :wallbash:


As opposed to ... uhm ... a Christiane Amanpour?


Stop the ridiculous pontification. It's as transparent as your insight.

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So you honestly believe he did it.

What I honestly believe is if he didn't do it, why not ask for an investigation into someone who hacked into the account of a US Congressman? FBI would wrap this up in time for lunch.


Plus, when CNN asks you "Is that your dick in the photo?", a simple yes or no would suffice. When you refuse to answer the question, it doesn't help.


Plus, why did he hire a lawyer if he doesn't want an investigation?


When Obama and Palin had their accounts hacked, culprits were nabbed almost immediately. Let's get the guy who hacked Weiner's account, right? RIGHT?


Oh, wait. We don't need no stinkin' investigation because now it's not a hack but a prank???


Yes, Breitbart is definitely the problem here.

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LA nails it. Actions speak louder than words (although his words, specifically the "no comment," don't help him much) and Weiner is acting like a guy who is guilty.


Yeah, I heard the CNN interplay this morning. It was probably his dong.


What I don't understand is "Who cares?" So he sent a picture of his schlong out? The woman doesn't seem to care. Why should anyone else, besides that it's just kind of funny how base we all are?

Edited by Peace
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Yeah, I heard the CNN interplay this morning. It was probably his dong.


What I don't understand is "Who cares?" So he sent a picture of his schlong out? The woman doesn't seem to care. Why should anyone else, besides that it's just kind of funny how base we all are?

Lying. Cheating. Infidelity. Some people don't like those traits in their elected official.


I know. Crazy, right?

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I "care" becuase for once Id like to see fair treatment in the media.


And becuase Anthony Weiner is a major leage !@#$.


I care because last time a congressman did this Joe the six pack made the picture his avatar. If he stays consistent and true to form this crass picture will get him banned and he will blame the jews zionists.

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