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NY26 just went to the Dems

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Seriously. It's the exact same thing here in California. The majority of voters consistently put liberals into office to run their city, county and state offices by overwhelming margins. It never, ever fails. And yet the state is bleeding from every hole in its body while people and businesses move away in record numbers. California unemployment and taxes are some of the highest -- if not THE highest -- in the country, with NYS a very close second. Property is expensive, illegals are free, the unions rule the school, homeless people are everywhere begging for scraps, and now we're about to release almost 40,000 prisoners into the streets to reduce prison crowding because, y'know, taking 40,000 illegal prisoners and sending them back to Mexico would not be very civil.


We should start a thread called "Official Place to Post Articles About People and Businesses Leaving CA and NYS" and it would surely rival that Last Post thread over in that place where you can't discuss politics in political threads.



I didn't pay much attention to the census, but I just read this will be the first one that didn't result in CA gaining seats in the House. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

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I didn't say there wasn't...but the Republicans had there fun in 2010, embracing your Tea Party, and now, they are starting to learn that they have painted themselves into a corner. No reasonable adult will get the Republican nod, because anyone who is not lock, stock and barell in line witht he Tea Party will suffer the consequences, within their own party...the special interestst that Republicans cater too are not necessarily the ones that will get the most public support.


Guys like Mitch Daniels don't want anything to do with the party, right now, because it is a friggin' mess. Maybe they will send the "bat signal" out to Jeb Bush...a real Washington outsider to invigor the troops...


Of course, by your "Republican = Tea Party" logic, Hochul only won the seat because the Republicans split their vote.


Nice referendum on your party, that is. :rolleyes:


Hochul captured 47% of the vote in New York's 26th Congressional District, Republican state Assembly member Jane Corwin garnered 43% and tea party candidate Jack Davis secured 9%

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Of course, by your "Republican = Tea Party" logic, Hochul only won the seat because the Republicans split their vote.


Nice referendum on your party, that is. :rolleyes:

the story IS the 47%...in kemp's old district. spin it however you want, Ryan's medicare plan is a huge loser

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the story IS the 47%...in kemp's old district. spin it however you want, Ryan's medicare plan is a huge loser


There's no spin. Never underestimate the desire for a free lunch.


While this quote's origins are debatable, "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic," there's no denying its truism.

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Of course, by your "Republican = Tea Party" logic, Hochul only won the seat because the Republicans split their vote.


Nice referendum on your party, that is. :rolleyes:


That is the problem the Republican party is facing, it is not "Republicna=Tea Party". The Republicans embraced the Tea Party for short term gains in 2010, but it is lookig, more and more, like they are hanging themselves with the rope they got...


It is telling that Hochul got as much of the vote as she did, in that district. If Davis hadn't received a single vote, and Corwin won by the slimest of margins, would that be a "referendum" for Republicans? Truth is, Hochul did as well as she did, because Democrats came out to vote, because there was an issue that mattered to them. There was a third candidate that syphoned votes, that happens in nearly every election. Boo-hoo...make your bed, you have to lie in it.


Yeah, that's a real mandate.



In a district that always goes Republican, and, where there is normally a much greater Republican voter turn out, it may not be a mandate, by your definiton (whatever that is), but it is significant. I wonder how many Republicans voted Democrat yesterday, based on this one issue.

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I continue to search, but I can't find bills called Obamacare or Ryancare.......


If we stopped electing people who take money BRIBES from the healthcare lobby, and opened the state borders for getting healthcare, then much of the problem would be solved. Of course, there is no silver bullet, which will disappoint America, Land of the Entitled, but it would help a lot.


This is a true groundswell for the Democrats, a tsunami if you will. It will be sweeping across the fruited Plaines and come 2012 the Democrats will once again own all three houses because of this historic win. Amen.

I can hear music playing in the background


the story IS the 47%...in kemp's old district. spin it however you want, Ryan's medicare plan is a huge loser

Ryan's plan should have been a starting point for negotiations, not an end point. However in today's era of partisan politics and wingnut radio/tv shows, this is what happenes.......

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Ryan's plan should have been a starting point for negotiations, not an end point. However in today's era of partisan politics and wingnut radio/tv shows, this is what happenes.......

i think this was gingrich's tack on that wing nut show "meet the press"....didn't work out so well for him. and didn't we already have a starting point? it was passed into law about a year ago.

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i think this was gingrich's tack on that wing nut show "meet the press"....didn't work out so well for him. and didn't we already have a starting point? it was passed into law about a year ago.

Santorum's attack on Gingrich was idiotic, but ironic......

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Yeah, that's a real mandate.



Good grief this place is filled with idiots.


It's a message, mandate, referendum when BOTH sides are fighting to ACCOMPLISH something, and the public comes out and elects an official to specifically push the result 1 way or another. Kind of like Scott Brown, and even on a lesser note, the judge in WI.


If the "Ryan Plan" was really up for election like the idiots here believe, you would actually have a large turnout on both sides. But the damn thing has already passed the House where this person was elected.


Since this election was meaningless in terms of the bill passing or not, this vote was in no way a message, mandate, or referendum. It's barely even a memo, validation, or poll.

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