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Obama will not win re-election

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The technology in traditional "incandescent" bulbs is more than a century old. Such bulbs waste most of the electricity that feeds them, turning it into heat. The 100-watt bulb, in particular, produces so much heat that it's used in Hasbro's Easy-Bake Oven.


The Easy-Bake Oven voting bloc is huge, I tell you.... HUGE!!

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Yes he will because the majority are too stupid to understand or care.

I think they will get smarter when they have to buy this crap.


I realize my house is bigger than most people's home town, but $50 a light bulb is still steep. I ran a quick inventory on my property and discovered the number of 100 watt bulbs on premises is 194,368 plus 4,973 in my garages. At $50 per that is $9,967,050 which is not that much money but enough to at least notice. Plus this crap takes Sven forever to install and I am paying him hourly. This does not even take into account 60 watt bulbs which are numerous and the whole aesthetics of the thing.


If the average house has even 10% of my bulbage that means over $990k per household which will probably impact some people's budgets and tick them off. With the price of gas and fuel for Fleer Jets having gone up, people are probably ticked.

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I think they will get smarter when they have to buy this crap.


I realize my house is bigger than most people's home town, but $50 a light bulb is still steep. I ran a quick inventory on my property and discovered the number of 100 watt bulbs on premises is 194,368 plus 4,973 in my garages. At $50 per that is $9,967,050 which is not that much money but enough to at least notice. Plus this crap takes Sven forever to install and I am paying him hourly. This does not even take into account 60 watt bulbs which are numerous and the whole aesthetics of the thing.


If the average house has even 10% of my bulbage that means over $990k per household which will probably impact some people's budgets and tick them off. With the price of gas and fuel for Fleer Jets having gone up, people are probably ticked.

Not to mention the quality of the light from LEDs and fluorescents sucks for inside. This law will be overturned once a bunch of connected rich bitches have to put fluorescents in their vanities and see what their skin looks like under their "green" lighting.


And thanks for reminding me of one more reason I hate GWB.

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He will win because the Republican field is so pathetic that even they can't beat him.

Just out of curiousity, which Republican would you think is not so pathetic that they could beat Obama? I'm not asking as a wiseass. I'm genuinely interested in your answer.

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What gets me is those CFL's... Everybody it seems throws them in the regular garbage!


Anyway... What is wrong with just installing dimmer switches everywhere? I have lightbulbs going on 10+ years!

I don't throw my CFLs in the regular garbage. I go down to the river and feed them to the flying carp.

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Just out of curiousity, which Republican would you think is not so pathetic that they could beat Obama? I'm not asking as a wiseass. I'm genuinely interested in your answer.

I don't know much about Pawlenty. Romney is considered by many to be the front runner, but I won't even bother researching him, because the right wing has already eliminated him. Bauchman is in the Palin category, maybe worse. President Bush would have a much better chance, if it were constitutional for him to run.


The X factor is if Hillary Clinton decides to run.

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Just out of curiousity, which Republican would you think is not so pathetic that they could beat Obama? I'm not asking as a wiseass. I'm genuinely interested in your answer.


Chris Christie. Paul Ryan.


Romney is the leading candidate at the moment and I don't think he has a prayer.

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Chris Christie. Paul Ryan.


Romney is the leading candidate at the moment and I don't think he has a prayer.

If Romney somehow got the nomination, what do you think his chances would be against Obama?

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Chris Christie. Paul Ryan.


Romney is the leading candidate at the moment and I don't think he has a prayer.



I have zero faith in Americans to be smart enough to elect a guy like Chris Christie. Paul Ryan scares the establishment too much so he will never get out of the box.

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If Romney somehow got the nomination, what do you think his chances would be against Obama?


Of the realistic choices, he's got the best chance because he's a centrist conservative. I doubt the country will be ready to put a Mormon in charge. Mormons believe in crazier **** than Christians.

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Of the realistic choices, he's got the best chance because he's a centrist conservative. I doubt the country will be ready to put a Mormon in charge. Mormons believe in crazier **** than Christians.

Obama sounds a lot like Osama and we elected him. So what if Romney has the same religion as Osama? Not all Mormons are terrorists.

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