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Obama: Companies need to "step up" and hire workers

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President Obama urged businesses to "step up" and hire workers, pressing banks and other corporations to do more to help an economy that he said would take "several years" to recover fully.


Well, maybe if O and the spectre of his tax-and-spend pals didn't scare the **** out of every business owner, they would hire.




By Nov '12, Obama is probably going to resemble the Chris Farley character in the Herlihy Boy SNL sketch....

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Well, maybe if O and the spectre of his tax-and-spend pals didn't scare the **** out of every business owner, they would hire.




By Nov '12, Obama is probably going to resemble the Chris Farley character in the Herlihy Boy SNL sketch....


So you're saying that by Nov 2012 Obama is going to pathetically unfunny?

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Would these be the same banks that Obama vilified to millions of ignorant people to help get elected?


And hey, maybe the oil companies can hire a bunch of new people right after the government finishes extorting billions of dollars from them.

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Would these be the same banks that Obama vilified to millions of ignorant people to help get elected?


And hey, maybe the oil companies can hire a bunch of new people right after the government finishes extorting billions of dollars from them.


Well, now that the federal government is going to sell more offshore drilling leases... :wallbash:



Most incoherent policy ever.

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Would these be the same banks that Obama vilified to millions of ignorant people to help get elected?


And hey, maybe the oil companies can hire a bunch of new people right after the government finishes extorting billions of dollars from them.


To do what? they can't drill anywhere!!! :wallbash:

Edited by Gary M
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While this will be interpreted as a stereotypical post from a conservative who's simply plucking the low-hanging fruit, believe me when I tell you that whether its politics, work, or whatever, I have never met a leader worth following whose sole premise for motivating action is to remind people what he/she did for them. People catch on quickly and soon begin weighing whether their effort is worth whatever "favor" they'll be ask to make up in the future.


From a strictly political standpoint, I find it pretty embarrassing that the POTUS is so stupid as to think giving a speech asking people to hire makes good sense. All it seems to do is set the stage for the next speech when he says "Hey, I asked. Not my fault they're not hiring."

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While this will be interpreted as a stereotypical post from a conservative who's simply plucking the low-hanging fruit, believe me when I tell you that whether its politics, work, or whatever, I have never met a leader worth following whose sole premise for motivating action is to remind people what he/she did for them. People catch on quickly and soon begin weighing whether their effort is worth whatever "favor" they'll be ask to make up in the future.


From a strictly political standpoint, I find it pretty embarrassing that the POTUS is so stupid as to think giving a speech asking people to hire makes good sense. All it seems to do is set the stage for the next speech when he says "Hey, I asked. Not my fault they're not hiring."



Basically describes all politicians.

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Makes you wish the POTUS had even the least bit of business experience before we handed him the crown. ANY business experience. A lemonade stand, for christ's sake.


But no.


More waivers should do the trick..........




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Makes you wish the POTUS had even the least bit of business experience before we handed him the crown. ANY business experience. A lemonade stand, for christ's sake.


But no.



yeah, cause that guarantees there would be no issues or problems right? I have to ask, what have Republicans done since they gained the house to push job creation?

Edited by pBills
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He's partially right. It's not just the "big industry" companies. I see it everyday while working with smaller companies.


There was a big tightening in 2009 where people got laid off and companies started surviving on an overworked "skeleton crew". Now that the economy is starting to turn around and business is picking up (and I can verify that it IS indeed picking up), the companies are saying to themselves "Well, if we are already getting by on 5 workers instead of 15, then we'll just keep overworking these 5 people".


I have worked directly with no less than 10 companies who are functioning like this right now. They desperately need more people, but dont want to pay them because the existing people are picking up the slack.


It has nothing to do with the President, or partisan politics.

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yeah, cause that guarantees there would be no issues or problems right? I have to ask, what have Republicans done since they gained the house to push job creation?

Consider this: the US has seen job growth every month since December. What single event took place just prior to this spurt of month-over-month consecutive job growth?


Apparently all the the Repupblicans had to do is take over Congress to ensure that the WH doesn't go on any more spending sprees with more bailouts (read that, kickbacks) to its union supporters (See GM).

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Consider this: the US has seen job growth every month since December. What single event took place just prior to this spurt of month-over-month consecutive job growth?


Apparently all the the Repupblicans had to do is take over Congress to ensure that the WH doesn't go on any more spending sprees with more bailouts (read that, kickbacks) to its union supporters (See GM).



So now the bailouts WERENT Bush's idea?


Also, we're still talking about the Bailouts?


Last question: what in the world am I doing on PPP?

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Consider this: the US has seen job growth every month since December. What single event took place just prior to this spurt of month-over-month consecutive job growth?


Apparently all the the Repupblicans had to do is take over Congress to ensure that the WH doesn't go on any more spending sprees with more bailouts (read that, kickbacks) to its union supporters (See GM).



HAHAHAHA... man I guess they shouldn't have done those other spending sprees to those non-union supporters on Wall Street right. Fact is that GM is paying off. Face it Republicans have only used "jobs" as a keyword. Bigger concerns...union busting, abortion, medicare/medicaid voucher system and protecting the low tax rates of the wealthy

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He didn't say that.


He said that the new Republicans would stop more spending.


Oh, he meant that Republicans were needed to stop the Democratic President from acting like a Republican?


I guess I understand...




You starting to see what I mean about partisan politics ruining this country??

Edited by DrDareustein
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