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Now that I've gotta sec, let me hit up a couple of your other points.


1. You're not with the whole PC thing, but you're against anti-semtism? Way to stick by your convictions.


2. With $3 billion a year in US aid, anyone could've made something nice out of the place.


3. Why no one helps? Maybe they don't want to get the crap kicked out of them by the US and Israel.



Your hatred for Israel and Jews in particular is very evident in your posts. You claim Palestine is not a terrorist state.


First off, I'd like to point out that Palestinian's don't fall under the terrorist label, IMO


Your words not mine. So firing thousands of rockets into Israel is not a terrorist action?

You are blinded by your hate. As far as being offended, please , give me a break. I am not into the whole PC movement. I see Palestine as a Muslim land that is not wanted by other muslim nations. yet it is Israel that has the problem. I see a bunch of hate filed people who were living in a damn desert before the Jews turned that land into something.

Tell me, if Palestinians were so innocent, why doesn't Jordan, Egypt and other muslim nations accept or fight for them? Why is that?

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Before you spew out some nasty accusations, I suggest you prove that by posting some examples. You have all the evidence you need right here on the board. You won't find one single anti-semetic comment made by me, unless you have a different definition of anti-semetic than everyone else.


Many people on this board don't agree with my stance on Palestine and yet I have never been called an anti-Semite. I'm supremely offended and either you Produce the proof or apologize.


For the record, I recognize Israel's right to exist and believe that the holy land should belong to Christians, Jews and Muslims, alike.


Frankly, you come across as Anti-Semitic to me.

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Frankly, you come across as Anti-Semitic to me.


I do? Why? Well then I present the same challenge to you as I did the other guy. Prove it. If you can't then don't point a finger.


BTW, would an anti-Semite lend his jewish friend a great deal of cash? Just wonderin'

Edited by b.harami98
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Israel gets aid from the U.S. The PA gets aid from the U.S. and several other entities. Maybe if the Palistinians didn't have such a proclivity for attacking Israel then the U.S. wouldn't give so much military aid to Israel.


Let's not forget about the illegal nukes that they have. I'm sure you need them against the mighty Palestinians.

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I do? Why? Well then I present the same challenge to you as I did the other guy. Prove it. If you can't then don't point a finger.


BTW, would an anti-Semite lend his jewish friend a great deal of cash? Just wonderin'


Your posts portray your attitude. Sure there are plenty of things to blame Israel about, but you are decidedly one sided in your viewpoint. It really is that simple. I do not need to post examples, your posts in this thread alone prove what I am saying.

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Your posts portray your attitude. Sure there are plenty of things to blame Israel about, but you are decidedly one sided in your viewpoint. It really is that simple. I do not need to post examples, your posts in this thread alone prove what I am saying.


Well, you're wrong. You're more one sided than I am. I recognize Israel's right to exist. I condemn Hamas. I'm against violence on both sides. What more can I do?

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Let's not forget about the illegal nukes that they have. I'm sure you need them against the mighty Palestinians.


Now that's just ignorant. Don't try to reframe the discussion. If Israel has nukes it's only because it is a deterrent against Arab states in the general area that would like to see Israel destroyed. The Palestinians do their little thing with rockets and suitcase bombs.

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I guess these guys hate Jews too.


Jews for Justice for Palestinians


Not agreeing with Israel does not make someone an anti-semite. In reality, there are many Jews who are against the occupation in the West Bank and the treatment of Palestinians. You see that simply by clicking on Haaretz.com. Of course this kind of liberty does not seem to exist in Arab countries as you may have noticed in the last few months.


With regards to Hamas, it seems that there are some groups inside Gaza who believe that Hamas is "softening". That in itself will make it difficult, let alone impossible to actually negotiate any peace with Palestinian groups.

Edited by meazza
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Secondly, the Israelis started the war in '67. Get your facts straight. Their excuse was attack first, before being attacked, but there is no real proof they were going to be attacked in the first place.



That's a disputed fact. Irregardless, no one ever got anywhere listening to other peoples opinions. They did what they needed to do, and on three fronts, mind you, dominated their opponent. I'm sure Arabs wouldn't have been crying had Israeli's gotten creamed in the Yom Kippur war.


That is exactly my point.


I know what your point is, simply put I'm also addressing the issue of how there will never be a peace agreement as long as extremists still have a voice.


The first thing Hamas did when they united with Fatah was announce that they would not recognize Israel. The only reason they did was that they did not lose support from the extremists that support them.

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That's a disputed fact. Irregardless, no one ever got anywhere listening to other peoples opinions. They did what they needed to do, and on three fronts, mind you, dominated their opponent. I'm sure Arabs wouldn't have been crying had Israeli's gotten creamed in the Yom Kippur war.




I know what your point is, simply put I'm also addressing the issue of how there will never be a peace agreement as long as extremists still have a voice.


The first thing Hamas did when they united with Fatah was announce that they would not recognize Israel. The only reason they did was that they did not lose support from the extremists that support them.


As I've said before, recognition is a red herring. In practice, it means nothing.

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Now that's just ignorant. Don't try to reframe the discussion. If Israel has nukes it's only because it is a deterrent against Arab states in the general area that would like to see Israel destroyed. The Palestinians do their little thing with rockets and suitcase bombs.


The nukes are well within the context of our discussion. They get $3 billion a year in aid from the US, some of that goes towards their nuclear program.


I don't get your logic. And you call me ignorant. Whatever.


Besides, is that excuse good enough for the Arabs as well? Maybe they need a deterrent for Israel.


Plus you say "if" as if they don't. You're the ignorant one, my friend, ever hear of Dimona?

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As I've said before, recognition is a red herring. In practice, it means nothing.


Welcome to politics. I'd love to know how bibi would look to his voter base (remember he gets elected) when he signs a peace agreement with a political group who doesn't believe they should exist...

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