KD in CA Posted May 17, 2011 Posted May 17, 2011 So what are you saying? That Israel doesn't play the role if victim? Who doesn't play the role of victim in the ME?
Booster4324 Posted May 17, 2011 Posted May 17, 2011 I have high hopes for one of those bio fuels made from algea. Then we can tell the whole area to go !@#$ itself.
ExiledInIllinois Posted May 17, 2011 Posted May 17, 2011 I have high hopes for one of those bio fuels made from algea. Then we can tell the whole area to go !@#$ itself. Forget about it... Too bad the carp ate all the algea...
chicot Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 Well, isn't it nice to apply your standard on what qualifies a Jewish state? Isn't the definition of giving preference to Jews in a Jewish state the whole point of it being a Jewish state? You may disagree with the entire concept of a nation state being founded on the basis of being tied to a particular religion, but it is not against international law to have religion codified into a sovereign constitution. The apartheid argument is a tired one, as that can be applied to any agreived party that lost its land/property to a military conflict. The Jewish state was created under the auspices of international law, and ever since its founding people want a do over. Yet, the standard that the polite society the world wants Israel to live by somehow do not apply to anyone else (especially to the same members of that polite society). And Israel is a multicultural state right now, where people have to live by its laws. But at the end of the day it is a Jewish state. If you don't like it, please start a petition at the Vatican & Riyad asking that all religious nation states should be abolished. When you're successful with the big fish, maybe then you can adress Israel. I have no problem with the creation of a Jewish state provided that is what a majority of it's inhabitants want. I have every problem with the artificial creation of a Jewish state by the dispossession of the indigenous people in a region where the majority is non-Jewish. You may think that the current situation is both satisfactory and tenable. I do not. Sooner or later the Palestinian leadership (hopeless though it is) will realise that any prospect for a 2-state solution is long gone and will begin pressing for equal rights within Israel for all Palestinians within the occupied territories. At this point, Israel will face the prospect either of attempting to expel the Palestinians or becoming even more of an apartheid state than it is already, neither of which will be acceptable, either to the international community or even to many Israelis. That is not just my view. Several prominent Israelis have warned of exactly that prospect. As far as I'm aware the creation of the Vatican did not involve the creation of millions of refugees but if you know different let me know. As for Riyadh, I have no liking for the Saudi regime and will be happy when it is gone.
GG Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 I have no problem with the creation of a Jewish state provided that is what a majority of it's inhabitants want. I have every problem with the artificial creation of a Jewish state by the dispossession of the indigenous people in a region where the majority is non-Jewish. You may think that the current situation is both satisfactory and tenable. I do not. Sooner or later the Palestinian leadership (hopeless though it is) will realise that any prospect for a 2-state solution is long gone and will begin pressing for equal rights within Israel for all Palestinians within the occupied territories. At this point, Israel will face the prospect either of attempting to expel the Palestinians or becoming even more of an apartheid state than it is already, neither of which will be acceptable, either to the international community or even to many Israelis. That is not just my view. Several prominent Israelis have warned of exactly that prospect. As far as I'm aware the creation of the Vatican did not involve the creation of millions of refugees but if you know different let me know. As for Riyadh, I have no liking for the Saudi regime and will be happy when it is gone. If you're talking about displaced lands, then the Palestinians can also lay claim to half of Sinai and half of Jordan. You can't simply dismiss that problem because you're dealing with other Arabs, and expect Israel to be the only one to change its constitution to appease the polite society. Either you draw up new borders roughly equating '67 lines, or you do '48 all over again, and carve out more land for Palestinians out of Sinai & Jordan. I only see the first one as being realistic. As for the fallacy of land for peace, Sharon's gambit worked. What better way to show how serious Palestinians are about negotiating a true settlement than walking away from Gaza completely? The funny part is that in Israel & worldwide, more Jews support an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. Yet if only a handful of Arabs echo that sentiment, they get beaten down. So tell me that's a healthy environment to negotiate. Giving Palestinians more land will not solve the Arabs countries' problem of being stuck in the middle ages.
OCinBuffalo Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 (edited) I can't believe no one has ever tried a peaceful method of protest in Palestine. You're so smart. I can't believe that Palestinians expect anybody to report on the "Martin Luther King/Ghandi" story, when the "Hamas shooting rockets and suicide bombing" story is happening at the same time. You're so dumb. I can't believe anybody would be too dumb to run Ghandi playbook, and mess up the simple concept: "no violence of any kind". That's like saying we're going to run a power blocking, run-heavy offense...without making sure you have a devastating fullback. I can't believe that you don't seem to understand the rules of the game, after all this time: if all we hear about from you is "Allah Akbar" and then something blows up, then that's who you are. You can say it's not, but what you say is irrelevant when we have images on the screen making you a "liar". Don't you get it? All you have to do is win the PR campaign, and the US will force Israel to do whatever you can make a reasonable case for them doing. Instead of doing that and the rest of the right things right, you do the wrong things in a way that passes all possible understanding. You'd rather choose moronic chest pounding and poverty and violent insurrection and then death? Rather than simply getting a solid political/PR strategy together and sticking to it? Oh, and incidentally? Mahmoud Abbas agrees with me. Look at his editorial in the NY times. Notice where he says "Make this a legal matter not just a political one?" Yes, that is precisely what is needed here. Stop throwing rocks at tanks. Start throwing lawsuits at a government who has no way of beating you in court. Get it yet, you morons? Edited May 18, 2011 by OCinBuffalo
OCinBuffalo Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 This whole "right to exist" argument is stupid and nonsensical. So what if they recognize Israel's right to exist? Do you really think that sets things in stone for now and evermore? What is to stop future generations from going back on that? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Hamas have offered an indefinite truce and, in practice, that is virtually the same thing. Israel exists. Don't expect the Palestinians who lost everything in it's creation to like it as well. As far as I'm concerned Israel has no right to exist in it's current form, anymore than apartheid South Africa had any right to exist. Israeli law states that a Jew from anywhere in the world has the absolute right to emigrate and settle there, whereas Palestinians who can trace their ancestry back to that land for generations are denied the same right. That is racism pure and simple and I defy anyone to explain to me how it is not. The only fair solution to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a binational state with equal rights for all it's citizens. The 2-state solution is dead - the Israelis have ensured that by continually taking more and more land. The truly ironic thing is that it is Israeli policy that will inevitable lead to the end of Israel as a Jewish state. Good points here. However, b.harami and the rest of the Palestinians seem unable to make use of any of them. The problem is: you can't claim to be a victim, but then be a terrorist, at the same time. Conversely, the Jews can't claim to be a peace loving democracy that's simply dealing with the "Muslim problem" the same as every other country, but then turn around and oppress people, settle on land that isn't theirs, shoot protesters, etc. Nobody is buying either story, and they shouldn't because both are blatantly obvious BS. However, I will say this: whichever side puts the right words together with the right actions first, and is consistent for 6 months, wins. The only way your ironic prediction comes true is if the Palestinians/Hamas don't find a way to F up what Israel hands them by F'ing up themselves. This is like retard Survivor. "Which people are the biggest idiots, Palestinians or Jews? Stay tuned, folks!"
Justice Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 I can't believe that Palestinians expect anybody to report on the "Martin Luther King/Ghandi" story, when the "Hamas shooting rockets and suicide bombing" story is happening at the same time. You're so dumb. I can't believe anybody would be too dumb to run Ghandi playbook, and mess up the simple concept: "no violence of any kind". That's like saying we're going to run a power blocking, run-heavy offense...without making sure you have a devastating fullback. I can't believe that you don't seem to understand the rules of the game, after all this time: if all we hear about from you is "Allah Akbar" and then something blows up, then that's who you are. You can say it's not, but what you say is irrelevant when we have images on the screen making you a "liar". Don't you get it? All you have to do is win the PR campaign, and the US will force Israel to do whatever you can make a reasonable case for them doing. Instead of doing the right things right, you do the wrong things in a way that passes all possible understanding. You'd rather choose moronic chest pounding and poverty and violent insurrection and then death? Rather than simply getting a solid political/PR strategy together and sticking to it? Oh, and incidentally? Mahmoud Abbas agrees with me. Look at his editorial in the NY times. Notice where he says "Make this a legal matter not just a political one?" Yes, that is precisely what is needed here. Stop throwing rocks at tanks. Start throwing lawsuits at a government who has no way of beating you in court. Get it yet, you morons? How many times I gotta tell your stupid @** that I don't condone violence? Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, not the West Bank, therefore you can't pin that stupid crap that Hamas pulls off on all Palestinian people. The majority of Palestinians are Fatah supporters and agree with Abbas. The point here is Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank, not in Gaza, where Israel is getting most of it's resistance. Does that make sense to your dumb @**? Does that seem fair, to your dumb @**? And here's another few questions, if your little pea brain can handle it, if the US was invaded and occupied by someone else would you sit back idly and do nothing? If you had to experience collective punishment, would that make you happy? If you had no right to live on the land you were born in, would you not resist? Don't pass judgement on anyone until you lived in their shoes. Yeah, It's real easy for you to sit back and enjoy your civil liberties and point the finger at others that aren't experiencing the same freedoms that we take for granted, everyday. I'll tell you what, go to Palestine and live like a Palestinian for one month and let's see if you change your tune. You want to talk about blowing stuff up? Have you seen what the Israelis did to Gaza in return for their bottle rocket attacks? Yet you condone Israel's behavior and berate the Palestinians for theirs. You're a hypocrite. PR? In this country you actually think the Palestinians will have the media on the Palestinian side? You're kidding, right? Two options here: 1. Give the Palestinians their own state, unconditionally. or 2. Give the Palestinians equal rights in ALL of Israel, including the right to vote. Anything in between is illegal. ILLEGAL, you do understand that word, right? Occupying someone else's land is ILLEGAL!!! "Tard!!
Adam Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 Until the bashing one both sides and the violence on both sides ends, there can't be a peaceful resolution. I always wonder who will be the big one and step up to the plate, but unfortunately, I suspect it will be neither. And yes, B. Harami- you have a point- the crazies on both sides dictate the tone. Seems to be that way everywhere.
OCinBuffalo Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 (edited) How many times I gotta tell your stupid @** that I don't condone violence? How many times am I gonnna have to tell your stupid azz that most Americans don't give enough of a crap about this to care what you condone? If, in the 5 minutes we spend over the next 2 years really focusing on this issue, we see a single Palestinian doing something violent, then that's who all of you are. You may not like it, it may not be fair, you may be right: so f'ing what? Those are the current conditions we find ourselves in. You can either deny this rules of the game and continue to fail, or, you can start playing by the rules and getting better at the game. Your choice. Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, not the West Bank, therefore you can't pin that stupid crap that Hamas pulls off on all Palestinian people. The majority of Palestinians are Fatah supporters and agree with Abbas. Fine example of what I was saying above. These are all details that nobody in America(except the CIA, State department, and Israel/Palestinian political groups) cares about in any shape or form. We simply do not spend enough time on this issue for the distinction you are trying to make to have anything other than a small effect on our opinion. It's not a matter of our ignorance, it's a matter of your relevance. And, attacking our people as a way to make yourselves relevant? How has that worked for you so far? The point here is Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank, not in Gaza, where Israel is getting most of it's resistance. Does that make sense to your dumb @**? Does that seem fair, to your dumb @**? Sure it makes sense. And it probably will for all time. I have no real way to know what's fair. This seems like a property issue that should be in front of a judge....not a political issue that nobody is going to win short of all out war. But here's the bigger issue: What effect does that have on the "Palestinians are all a bunch of rag-head terrorist a-holes" perception that Palestinians, through actions, not words, have been creating in the minds of Americans for the last 60 years? Answer: none. And here's another few questions, if your little pea brain can handle it, if the US was invaded and occupied by someone else would you sit back idly and do nothing? If you had to experience collective punishment, would that make you happy? If you had no right to live on the land you were born in, would you not resist? I already addressed this. My answer is Yes, I would the worst enemy that the invader ever had....which means I wouldn't spend 60 years repeating the same failing tactics and expecting a different result. What difference do tactics make provided the strategy is accomplished? That's the difference between Palestinians and me: they love their losing tactics, losing, and then playing the victim. Don't pass judgement on anyone until you lived in their shoes. Yeah, It's real easy for you to sit back and enjoy your civil liberties and point the finger at others that aren't experiencing the same freedoms that we take for granted, everyday. I'll tell you what, go to Palestine and live like a Palestinian for one month and let's see if you change your tune. Do I need to shoot myself in the foot in order to appreciate that doing that is a stupid plan? Do I need to go live with the "footshooter" tribe, so I can appreciate their "shoot myself in the foot" culture? No. They are idiots, and I can sit right here at my desk and tell you that. You want to talk about blowing stuff up? Have you seen what the Israelis did to Gaza in return for their bottle rocket attacks? Yet you condone Israel's behavior and berate the Palestinians for theirs. You're a hypocrite. Question #1: No, not really. Question #2: No, not really. Question #3: No, not really. Statement #1: No, not really. The only behavior you can truly control is: Your own. You can't control what the Israelis do. You may have deluded yourself into believing that, but it's just a delusion. Take that, the fact that I can answer all your questions with the same answer, and the fact that this isn't all that relevant to Americans and what do you get? The only thing you should be focused on is: "How do we not look like A-holes every day, all the time, thereby make a clear contrast for the American people between us and Israel. If we can truly look like the misunderstood good guys, then we will win. IF we keep making excuses for our bad behavior, using other people's bad behavior, then we will accomplish nothing." PR? In this country you actually think the Palestinians will have the media on the Palestinian side? You're kidding, right? Yes, PR. No. No, I think Palestinians have stupidly done everything to play into the hands of the Jewish dominated media of this country. Go ahead and have more wide-eyed psychopaths chanting some gibberish in the street....it's not like that image is the only one I have seen in the media my entire life. Again, dumb. EDIT: We just had our own wide-eyed psychopaths chanting gibberish in the street in the form of public union members...how did that work out for them? Hell, they lost in states with Democratic, never mind Republican, governors. I think you could have our media firmly in hand, in under 6 months, if you do the following things: 1. After 1 year of 0 terrorist attacks, launch a "victimhood" media campaign. 2. Proceed to go on every single women's show in this country. Oprah, Oprah, Oprah. Send a Palestinian woman to talk about the suffering of the children, etc. Talk about how all you want is to live in your own homes without fear....blah blah blah 3. Once that's done, get a television sitcom that features an Palestinian family on TV...difficult, but the reward is worth it. No single thing in history did more for race relations in this country than "The Cosby Show". It has to be funny, and not say a word about the conflict. It has to show the family dealing with issues just like everybody else. 4. Once that show is doing well you go find the smartest Palestinian nerd you can, but, he has the be able to speak good English and have 0 temper and/or pride, and he must have a good sense of humor. Then, you set him up as a FOX news contributor. Why Fox? Because the viewer of Fox news are the people you have to convince. All you have to do is have this guy make good, consistent arguments, never defend terror, always talk about the virtue of putting another Arab democracy in place, and say something positive capitalism now and again. You do those things, and if you don't have the media, you will be well on your way to having it. The Jews had their sitcom: Sienfeld. Where's the Arab/Palestinian one? Did you think an overtly Jewish show about NYC Jews acting like NYC Jews was an accident? Two options here: 1. Give the Palestinians their own state, unconditionally. or 2. Give the Palestinians equal rights in ALL of Israel, including the right to vote. Anything in between is illegal. ILLEGAL, you do understand that word, right? Occupying someone else's land is ILLEGAL!!! "Tard!! Here's my 3 real options 1. Care slightly 2. Don't care at all 3. Care in a major way and support massive retaliation if any Arab decides to make me care more by attacking us. You don't seem to get that you are the one asking us for something: stop supporting Israel. It costs me nothing personally, in any real sense, to do nothing and say nothing and go along with my country supporting Israel. So, you have to sell me on why I should do/say anything at all. First rule of selling: figure out what your message is going to be, then stay on it, and don't let anybody on your side detract from your message. Your people have done a schit job of selling us anything other than the "stereotype". But here's the thing: you created the stereotype. I didn't know what a Palestinian was, until I saw one blowing something up, and then another picture of his buddies cheering about it. Edited May 18, 2011 by OCinBuffalo
DC Tom Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 If you're talking about displaced lands, then the Palestinians can also lay claim to half of Sinai and half of Jordan. Until recently, Jordan was as oppressive of the Palestinians as Israel is. If not more so. And largely for the same reason: Palestinians tried to make Jordan a Palestinian homeland via a violent insurgency.
Justice Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 How many times am I gonnna have to tell your stupid azz that most Americans don't give enough of a crap about this to care what you condone? If, in the 5 minutes we spend over the next 2 years really focusing on this issue, we see a single Palestinian doing something violent, then that's who all of you are. You may not like it, it may not be fair, you may be right: so f'ing what? Those are the current conditions we find ourselves in. You can either deny this rules of the game and continue to fail, or, you can start playing by the rules and getting better at the game. Your choice. Fine example of what I was saying above. These are all details that nobody in America(except the CIA, State department, and Israel/Palestinian political groups) cares about in any shape or form. We simply do not spend enough time on this issue for the distinction you are trying to make to have anything other than a small effect on our opinion. It's not a matter of our ignorance, it's a matter of your relevance. And, attacking our people as a way to make yourselves relevant? How has that worked for you so far? Sure it makes sense. And it probably will for all time. I have no real way to know what's fair. This seems like a property issue that should be in front of a judge....not a political issue that nobody is going to win short of all out war. But here's the bigger issue: What effect does that have on the "Palestinians are all a bunch of rag-head terrorist a-holes" perception that Palestinians, through actions, not words, have been creating in the minds of Americans for the last 60 years? Answer: none. I already addressed this. My answer is Yes, I would the worst enemy that the invader ever had....which means I wouldn't spend 60 years repeating the same failing tactics and expecting a different result. What difference do tactics make provided the strategy is accomplished? That's the difference between Palestinians and me: they love their losing tactics, losing, and then playing the victim. Do I need to shoot myself in the foot in order to appreciate that doing that is a stupid plan? Do I need to go live with the "footshooter" tribe, so I can appreciate their "shoot myself in the foot" culture? No. They are idiots, and I can sit right here at my desk and tell you that. Question #1: No, not really. Question #2: No, not really. Question #3: No, not really. Statement #1: No, not really. The only behavior you can truly control is: Your own. You can't control what the Israelis do. You may have deluded yourself into believing that, but it's just a delusion. Take that, the fact that I can answer all your questions with the same answer, and the fact that this isn't all that relevant to Americans and what do you get? The only thing you should be focused on is: "How do we not look like A-holes every day, all the time, thereby make a clear contrast for the American people between us and Israel. If we can truly look like the misunderstood good guys, then we will win. IF we keep making excuses for our bad behavior, using other people's bad behavior, then we will accomplish nothing." Yes, PR. No. No, I think Palestinians have stupidly done everything to play into the hands of the Jewish dominated media of this country. Go ahead and have more wide-eyed psychopaths chanting some gibberish in the street....it's not like that image is the only one I have seen in the media my entire life. Again, dumb. EDIT: We just had our own wide-eyed psychopaths chanting gibberish in the street in the form of public union members...how did that work out for them? Hell, they lost in states with Democratic, never mind Republican, governors. I think you could have our media firmly in hand, in under 6 months, if you do the following things: 1. After 1 year of 0 terrorist attacks, launch a "victimhood" media campaign. 2. Proceed to go on every single women's show in this country. Oprah, Oprah, Oprah. Send a Palestinian woman to talk about the suffering of the children, etc. Talk about how all you want is to live in your own homes without fear....blah blah blah 3. Once that's done, get a television sitcom that features an Palestinian family on TV...difficult, but the reward is worth it. No single thing in history did more for race relations in this country than "The Cosby Show". It has to be funny, and not say a word about the conflict. It has to show the family dealing with issues just like everybody else. 4. Once that show is doing well you go find the smartest Palestinian nerd you can, but, he has the be able to speak good English and have 0 temper and/or pride, and he must have a good sense of humor. Then, you set him up as a FOX news contributor. Why Fox? Because the viewer of Fox news are the people you have to convince. All you have to do is have this guy make good, consistent arguments, never defend terror, always talk about the virtue of putting another Arab democracy in place, and say something positive capitalism now and again. You do those things, and if you don't have the media, you will be well on your way to having it. The Jews had their sitcom: Sienfeld. Where's the Arab/Palestinian one? Did you think an overtly Jewish show about NYC Jews acting like NYC Jews was an accident? Here's my 3 real options 1. Care slightly 2. Don't care at all 3. Care in a major way and support massive retaliation if any Arab decides to make me care more by attacking us. You don't seem to get that you are the one asking us for something: stop supporting Israel. It costs me nothing personally, in any real sense, to do nothing and say nothing and go along with my country supporting Israel. So, you have to sell me on why I should do/say anything at all. First rule of selling: figure out what your message is going to be, then stay on it, and don't let anybody on your side detract from your message. Your people have done a schit job of selling us anything other than the "stereotype". But here's the thing: you created the stereotype. I didn't know what a Palestinian was, until I saw one blowing something up, and then another picture of his buddies cheering about it. I admit, it is pretty stupid for groups like Hamas to continue doing the things that they do and expect different results. I can't argue with that, but what concerns me is your "we Americans don't care" argument. I always wondered how a guy like Hitler came to pass, now I see why.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 Until recently, Jordan was as oppressive of the Palestinians as Israel is. If not more so. And largely for the same reason: Palestinians tried to make Jordan a Palestinian homeland via a violent insurgency. Facts suck.
DC Tom Posted May 18, 2011 Posted May 18, 2011 Facts suck. Not if you stick your fingers in your ears and scream "Neener! Neener! Neener! I can't hear you!" They they don't exist.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Not if you stick your fingers in your ears and scream "Neener! Neener! Neener! I can't hear you!" They they don't exist. That's the most often overlooked issue in the Israeli-Arab conflict: that the palestinian arabs aren't welcome ANYWHERE.
erynthered Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 (edited) http://news.yahoo.co..._palestinians_1 President Barack Obama is endorsing the Palestinians' demand for their future state to be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, in a move that will likely infuriate Israel. Israel says the borders of a Palestinian state have to be determined through negotiations.In a speech outlining U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Obama on Thursday sided with the Palestinians' opening position a day ahead of a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to referring to the 1967 borders. Until Thursday, the U.S. position had been that the Palestinian goal of a state based on the 1967 borders, with agreed land swaps, should be reconciled with Israel's desire for a secure Jewish state through negotiations. Ooops forgot this one. Bye Bye cashola!! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703509104576331661918527154.html?mod=googlenews_wsj As an aside. Peter Fonda calls obama a "!@#$ing trator" http://news.yahoo.co..._20110518154556 Edited May 19, 2011 by erynthered
Magox Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 Jewish support is important for the president, not just for the obvious financial reasons, but also in actual tangible votes, such as in the state of Florida which will most likely go down to the wire in the 2012 elections.
Justice Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 President Barack Obama is endorsing the Palestinians' demand for their future state to be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, in a move that will likely infuriate Israel. Israel says the borders of a Palestinian state have to be determined through negotiations.In a speech outlining U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Obama on Thursday sided with the Palestinians' opening position a day ahead of a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to referring to the 1967 borders. Until Thursday, the U.S. position had been that the Palestinian goal of a state based on the 1967 borders, with agreed land swaps, should be reconciled with Israel's desire for a secure Jewish state through negotiations. Ooops forgot this one. Bye Bye cashola!! http://online.wsj.co...=googlenews_wsj That's funny, how come there was no mention of this, in that article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/18/AR2011021805442.html
Rob's House Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 (edited) I know this isn't very scientific, but most of the Palestinians I've known, and I've known a few, are nice people. Full of sh*t, but nice people. And they can articulate their stance without evoking ancient scriptures or invisible men in the sky. Most, not all, but most Israelis or American's living in Israel who I've interacted with, and there have been a few, are the biggest a-holes on the planet. And most can't justify their right to expand their borders without evoking scriptures from thousands of years ago that allocate the land they claim to a people from who they might well have some watered down line of decendency. Just to clarify, Israel's been around for over 60 years and you can't very well expect them to just roll over and die, but a lot of Palestinians have reasonable gripes. It's not the simple good guy bad guy issue it's so often made out to be. Edited May 20, 2011 by Rob's House
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