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No, he's not being serious. He alternates between being a serious poster and his simpleton persona (hence the name), sometimes within the same post.


I didn't buy it at first, but he is persistent, so I gave in. I'm sure he's feeling like an infant that just got away with stealing a cookie from the cookie jar so he must be happy that I fed into his trap. Not anymore, though, he'll be on ignore from now on. Congrats, ieatcrayons, you're the first person to go on that list for me. I don't have time for childish games.

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Here we go again, this has nothing to do with hating Jews. I know absolutely nothing about Judaism and don't hate anyone. Can't someone disagree with the Israeli government without being called a hater or an anti-Semite? Are you incapable of differentiating between the two? Or did the media make you the way you are? Jesus Christ!:doh:




Syria and Lebanon both have a military. There is no fighting between those parties. Got it?


Yes, the Israelis are at war with Hamas and no they don't have a military, but it is still a war, but don't try to tell me the Israelis are fighting a war with Syria or Lebanon.

All right already. I did apologize for that remark. Just kidding BHarami. I don't agree with you on this subject, but I do admire the hell out of you for standing your ground. I bet, now that I think about it, we are not that far apart in our beliefs. We both want piece, we both hate violence and we hope for peace. Is that about right?

I know we have been pretty hard on you, but you have won my respect, what ever that means to you. It means a lot to me. Fight the good fight brother!

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Paying for friends in the Middle East



I like the hippy logo in the back of the screen shot. It just calls out to me. It says......do not click this link.


What is that RT channel? I keep forgetting every time you link it.


All right already. I did apologize for that remark. Just kidding BHarami. I don't agree with you on this subject, but I do admire the hell out of you for standing your ground. I bet, now that I think about it, we are not that far apart in our beliefs. We both want piece, we both hate violence and we hope for peace. Is that about right?

I know we have been pretty hard on you, but you have won my respect, what ever that means to you. It means a lot to me. Fight the good fight brother!

With all due respect you both may want piece but if you talk to chicks like you write about politics, neither one of you will be getting piece.

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I like the hippy logo in the back of the screen shot. It just calls out to me. It says......do not click this link.


What is that RT channel? I keep forgetting every time you link it.



With all due respect you both may want piece but if you talk to chicks like you write about politics, neither one of you will be getting piece.

crayonz, when you say chicks, are you referring to chickens? If I wanted a piece of chicken, I'll just head on over to KFC and grab a bucket. I don't need no baby chicks permission.

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crayonz, when you say chicks, are you referring to chickens? If I wanted a piece of chicken, I'll just head on over to KFC and grab a bucket. I don't need no baby chicks permission.

I suggest you don't get a bucket at KFC......each one comes with a complimentary heart attack

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Thanks, bro, you've earned my respect, too. You're a stand up guy.


All right already. I did apologize for that remark. Just kidding BHarami. I don't agree with you on this subject, but I do admire the hell out of you for standing your ground. I bet, now that I think about it, we are not that far apart in our beliefs. We both want piece, we both hate violence and we hope for peace. Is that about right?

I know we have been pretty hard on you, but you have won my respect, what ever that means to you. It means a lot to me. Fight the good fight brother!

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Broads, is that like a flock of chickens? Or is that called a herd?


I think when chickens get together like that it's called brooding...because, y'know, in large groups they get all moody and goth...

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I admit, it is pretty stupid for groups like Hamas to continue doing the things that they do and expect different results. I can't argue with that, but what concerns me is your "we Americans don't care" argument. I always wondered how a guy like Hitler came to pass, now I see why.

Yes, and shocking as this may be: that's not a bad analogy. We could have got into WW2 earlier. Hell, I bet if FDR had to do it over again, given the fact that WW2, and not his policies, got us out of the Great Depression, he would have had us in there in 1939. But, think about that for a second: what would have been said about that move? Wouldn't half of the world accuse us of American imperialism/Opportunism?


We hadn't been attacked by Germany. Kinda like we hear today: "Iraq didn't attack us" blah, blah, blah.


It's simple: if we did move to stop Hitler, people, especially socialists, would howl and complain. If we didn't move to stop Hitler, people, especially socialists, would howl and complain. There is no easy answer, and the only certainty is the scumbag socialists in this country and others will use every war for political gain.


And, not for nothing, we already have a lot of foreign issues on our plate. We can't spend our entire time and all our money on other people's problems. I think we already spend more than enough money and time on this. If the $ is unbalanced,,,that is only because the odds against Israel are unbalanced as well. Of course, the flip side of that argument is: will we have to spend even more time and money later, i.e. Israel gets completely out of hand, and then we have to send in peacekeepers and/or all hell breaks loose and we are trying to help them defend their ground? God, what a mess that would be.

Tell me, if Palestinians were so innocent, why doesn't Jordan, Egypt and other muslim nations accept or fight for them? Why is that?

Uh, because they already did? Lots of times. Got smoked every time. Unfortunately, this is important because it created Arab Baggage.

They aren't in a state of war. Israel doesn't fight anyone with a military. The last time they fought Lebanon they turned tail and ran.

Israel has been attacked by 5 countries. Israel has been surprise attacked on a holiday. Unfortunately, this is important because it created Jewish Baggage.

I know this isn't very scientific, but most of the Palestinians I've known, and I've known a few, are nice people. Full of sh*t, but nice people. And they can articulate their stance without evoking ancient scriptures or invisible men in the sky. Most, not all, but most Israelis or American's living in Israel who I've interacted with, and there have been a few, are the biggest a-holes on the planet. And most can't justify their right to expand their borders without evoking scriptures from thousands of years ago that allocate the land they claim to a people from who they might well have some watered down line of decendency.


Just to clarify, Israel's been around for over 60 years and you can't very well expect them to just roll over and die, but a lot of Palestinians have reasonable gripes. It's not the simple good guy bad guy issue it's so often made out to be.

This all boils down to baggage.


Both sides have baggage, because somebody's family member was killed by (insert D-bag here).

Both sides have baggage, because somebody's family member receives praise by the rest of the the family because they killed (insert one side or the others people here)s.


Over the years, I have become gradually convinced that the Arab Baggage has a lot more to do with the shame they feel for being unable to defeat Israel in the field, despite having superior numbers and material every time, than it does with being "the victim". It's like the French: for all their bluster, you know that deep down they are ashamed of their military failures. That's the real reason why they haven't changed tactics. They feel they have to redeem themselves, and they don't see that they can do that with passive resistance. If you can go throw a rock/shoot a rocket/fire a rifle at the enemy, and then go home and receive praise, then you just took back a little piece of redemption.

Over the years, I have become gradually convinced that the Jewish Baggage has a lot more to do with the paranoia they rightfully feel, but then use to claim victim status...which gives them the cover they need to excuse their bad behavior. As long as they can keep claiming to be the little kid everybody picks on, then they can start trouble, and then go crying the their USA daddy every time somebody hits back. They feel they have to protect themselves, and they don't see that they can do that without making sure they get the last, and biggest, punch in every time there's trouble, just before we step in and break it up.


The only way this gets fixed is if smart, rational, patriots on both sides tell their own people:

1. Everybody on both sides has lost somebody, so, no, your little Johnny doesn't matter that much. You aren't special. If you go looking for revenge, you are going to jail.

2. Your family member was a soldier in a war that is now over. Stop talking about what your grandfather did. Start talking about what you, and more importantly, your kids, are going to do.

3. Recognize your baggage for what it is, and simply: let it go.

Arabs are never going to redeem themselves against Israel as long as Israel has nukes and the military support of the USA. Get over it, and yourselves. That piece of redemption is not worth the gallon of bad will and/or reprisal that comes with it.

Jews have exhausted their "We are the victim...that gets away with murder" motif. You aren't a victim if you are going after people. Get over it, and yourselves. That "security" you think you buy with being severe with the Arabs is not worth the gallon of bad will and/or hate that comes with it. You would think the Jews, of all people, would understand what happens when too many people are convinced they hate you.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Good post, but what's with the "shocking as this may be" remark? What's so shocking about it?


Yes, and shocking as this may be: that's not a bad analogy. We could have got into WW2 earlier. Hell, I bet if FDR had to do it over again, given the fact that WW2, and not his policies, got us out of the Great Depression, he would have had us in there in 1939. But, think about that for a second: what would have been said about that move? Wouldn't half of the world accuse us of American imperialism/Opportunism?


We hadn't been attacked by Germany. Kinda like we hear today: "Iraq didn't attack us" blah, blah, blah.


It's simple: if we did move to stop Hitler, people, especially socialists, would howl and complain. If we didn't move to stop Hitler, people, especially socialists, would howl and complain. There is no easy answer, and the only certainty is the scumbag socialists in this country and others will use every war for political gain.


And, not for nothing, we already have a lot of foreign issues on our plate. We can't spend our entire time and all our money on other people's problems. I think we already spend more than enough money and time on this. If the $ is unbalanced,,,that is only because the odds against Israel are unbalanced as well. Of course, the flip side of that argument is: will we have to spend even more time and money later, i.e. Israel gets completely out of hand, and then we have to send in peacekeepers and/or all hell breaks loose and we are trying to help them defend their ground? God, what a mess that would be.


Uh, because they already did? Lots of times. Got smoked every time. Unfortunately, this is important because it created Arab Baggage.


Israel has been attacked by 5 countries. Israel has been surprise attacked on a holiday. Unfortunately, this is important because it created Jewish Baggage.


This all boils down to baggage.


Both sides have baggage, because somebody's family member was killed by (insert D-bag here).

Both sides have baggage, because somebody's family member receives praise by the rest of the the family because they killed (insert one side or the others people here)s.


Over the years, I have become gradually convinced that the Arab Baggage has a lot more to do with the shame they feel for being unable to defeat Israel in the field, despite having superior numbers and material every time, than it does with being "the victim". It's like the French: for all their bluster, you know that deep down they are ashamed of their military failures. That's the real reason why they haven't changed tactics. They feel they have to redeem themselves, and they don't see that they can do that with passive resistance. If you can go throw a rock/shoot a rocket/fire a rifle at the enemy, and then go home and receive praise, then you just took back a little piece of redemption.

Over the years, I have become gradually convinced that the Jewish Baggage has a lot more to do with the paranoia they rightfully feel, but then use to claim victim status...which gives them the cover they need to excuse their bad behavior. As long as they can keep claiming to be the little kid everybody picks on, then they can start trouble, and then go crying the their USA daddy every time somebody hits back. They feel they have to protect themselves, and they don't see that they can do that without making sure they get the last, and biggest, punch in every time there's trouble, just before we step in and break it up.


The only way this gets fixed is if smart, rational, patriots on both sides tell their own people:

1. Everybody on both sides has lost somebody, so, no, your little Johnny doesn't matter that much. You aren't special. If you go looking for revenge, you are going to jail.

2. Your family member was a soldier in a war that is now over. Stop talking about what your grandfather did. Start talking about what you, and more importantly, your kids, are going to do.

3. Recognize your baggage for what it is, and simply: let it go.

Arabs are never going to redeem themselves against Israel as long as Israel has nukes and the military support of the USA. Get over it, and yourselves. That piece of redemption is not worth the gallon of bad will and/or reprisal that comes with it.

Jews have exhausted their "We are the victim...that gets away with murder" motif. You aren't a victim if you are going after people. Get over it, and yourselves. That "security" you think you buy with being severe with the Arabs is not worth the gallon of bad will and/or hate that comes with it. You would think the Jews, of all people, would understand what happens when too many people are convinced they hate you.

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Yes, and shocking as this may be: that's not a bad analogy. We could have got into WW2 earlier. Hell, I bet if FDR had to do it over again, given the fact that WW2, and not his policies, got us out of the Great Depression, he would have had us in there in 1939. But, think about that for a second: what would have been said about that move? Wouldn't half of the world accuse us of American imperialism/Opportunism?


We hadn't been attacked by Germany. Kinda like we hear today: "Iraq didn't attack us" blah, blah, blah.


It's simple: if we did move to stop Hitler, people, especially socialists, would howl and complain. If we didn't move to stop Hitler, people, especially socialists, would howl and complain. There is no easy answer, and the only certainty is the scumbag socialists in this country and others will use every war for political gain.


And, not for nothing, we already have a lot of foreign issues on our plate. We can't spend our entire time and all our money on other people's problems. I think we already spend more than enough money and time on this. If the $ is unbalanced,,,that is only because the odds against Israel are unbalanced as well. Of course, the flip side of that argument is: will we have to spend even more time and money later, i.e. Israel gets completely out of hand, and then we have to send in peacekeepers and/or all hell breaks loose and we are trying to help them defend their ground? God, what a mess that would be.


Uh, because they already did? Lots of times. Got smoked every time. Unfortunately, this is important because it created Arab Baggage.


Israel has been attacked by 5 countries. Israel has been surprise attacked on a holiday. Unfortunately, this is important because it created Jewish Baggage.


This all boils down to baggage.


Both sides have baggage, because somebody's family member was killed by (insert D-bag here).

Both sides have baggage, because somebody's family member receives praise by the rest of the the family because they killed (insert one side or the others people here)s.


Over the years, I have become gradually convinced that the Arab Baggage has a lot more to do with the shame they feel for being unable to defeat Israel in the field, despite having superior numbers and material every time, than it does with being "the victim". It's like the French: for all their bluster, you know that deep down they are ashamed of their military failures. That's the real reason why they haven't changed tactics. They feel they have to redeem themselves, and they don't see that they can do that with passive resistance. If you can go throw a rock/shoot a rocket/fire a rifle at the enemy, and then go home and receive praise, then you just took back a little piece of redemption.

Over the years, I have become gradually convinced that the Jewish Baggage has a lot more to do with the paranoia they rightfully feel, but then use to claim victim status...which gives them the cover they need to excuse their bad behavior. As long as they can keep claiming to be the little kid everybody picks on, then they can start trouble, and then go crying the their USA daddy every time somebody hits back. They feel they have to protect themselves, and they don't see that they can do that without making sure they get the last, and biggest, punch in every time there's trouble, just before we step in and break it up.


The only way this gets fixed is if smart, rational, patriots on both sides tell their own people:

1. Everybody on both sides has lost somebody, so, no, your little Johnny doesn't matter that much. You aren't special. If you go looking for revenge, you are going to jail.

2. Your family member was a soldier in a war that is now over. Stop talking about what your grandfather did. Start talking about what you, and more importantly, your kids, are going to do.

3. Recognize your baggage for what it is, and simply: let it go.

Arabs are never going to redeem themselves against Israel as long as Israel has nukes and the military support of the USA. Get over it, and yourselves. That piece of redemption is not worth the gallon of bad will and/or reprisal that comes with it.

Jews have exhausted their "We are the victim...that gets away with murder" motif. You aren't a victim if you are going after people. Get over it, and yourselves. That "security" you think you buy with being severe with the Arabs is not worth the gallon of bad will and/or hate that comes with it. You would think the Jews, of all people, would understand what happens when too many people are convinced they hate you.

Truly, one of your top posts, OC. Although the light green gave me a bit of a headache :oops:

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