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Attention: Parents

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Every single sentence that comes out of the mother's mouth, makes me want to blast her in the face with a brick.


I'll pass on watching the video because I'm sure it will just get me pissed off and make me hope that woman dies very soon.

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I heard this on the drive to work this morning. What surprised me most was that the mom is from San Francisco where I live now and not Orange county where I used to live. I hope Child Protective Services is heading over to her place right now.

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if it was having positive results for either one than ok, maybe i get it....but common man....that mom is not attractive one iota...and i hate to judge kids appearance's....but damn....


I dont care what the little girl was saying....no little girl comes up with on their own getting injections of anything. And listening to the little girl worries for me frankly just what her ideas of beauty are.


I dont go near pagent contestant parents....they are too crazy for me....but I have had the opportunity to talk to some different casting directors that specialize in kids over this past year.....they look for REAL LOOKING kids.....a big genuine smile goes a lot further then bo tox treatments.

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