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China wants to take a look at the "Stealth Helicopter"

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But didn't they send it to us with instructions in the box on how to put it together?


Have you ever tried to put something together with instructions made in China?

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Why not just get it from the Israelis. They have dibs on pretty much all of our stuff. And what they don't they have spies like pollard and aipac get for them.


Access? He'll, they invented stealth. Damn jews, always skulking in the shadows, waiting until our backs are turned so they can steal our children and drink their blood in their rituals...

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Access? He'll, they invented stealth. Damn jews, always skulking in the shadows, waiting until our backs are turned so they can steal our children and drink their blood in their rituals...

With their record of abusing America's goodwill, I guess sarcasm, putting words in one's mouth and implying theyre a racist is the only line of defense. Heck that's what we have Fox news for!!

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With their record of abusing America's goodwill, I guess sarcasm, putting words in one's mouth and implying theyre a racist is the only line of defense. Heck that's what we have Fox news for!!


No, sarcasm, putting words into your mouth, and observing you're an anti-semite is just to point out that, despite your belief that you're some sort of free thinker and independent intellectual, you don't have an original thought in your head. EVERYTHING you post is a parroting of some faux-libertarian hive-mind groupthink internet conspiracy.


Even blind criticism would be more honest. You can't even manage that much. You blindly swallow others' criticism, and claim it makes you insightful because you're not a "follower" like everyone else.

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Oh yeah there is that distraction tactic of changing the subject from allied abuse of US goodwill, to is the challenger's viewpoint "original, conspiratorial, partison." Delivered in bullying fashion.


Gee if I didn't know any better I'd think you stole O'Reilly's playbill! Not that it takes any kind of talent or anything, lack of morals and turning one's back on America all that's required.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Oh yeah there is that distraction tactic of changing the subject from allied abuse of US goodwill, to is the challenger's viewpoint "original, conspiratorial, partison." Delivered in bullying fashion.


No, what I said was merely a truthful, accurate, and objective observation: your shtick is verbatim from "anti-ZOG" conspiracy theory publications. When I'm bullying, I call you a complete !@#$ing idiot who couldn't manage a coherent thought if his mommy spotted him one. Which would also be truthful and accurate...but bullying, yes.


Because really, when you get down to it, one has to wonder exactly what the !@#$ you were thinking introducing a completely irrelevent Israel reference into a thread about China, Pakistan, and aircraft technology. :wacko:


Gee if I didn't know any better I'd think you stole O'Reilly's playbill! Not that it takes any kind of talent or anything, lack of morals and turning one's back on America all that's required.



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Why not just get it from the Israelis. They have dibs on pretty much all of our stuff. And what they don't they have spies like pollard and aipac get for them.


Those damn Jews are always taking advantage of us. They should just go back to where they belong!

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Pulling over drunk drivers?


Laugh all you want but Joe is right (just like Dexter was). Israel is not our true friend and the jews should just go back to their original countries and leave the holy land to the Palestinians.

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