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Get ready for some noise in Georgia


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i remember when this happened last time in Richmond(probably 13 years ago :rolleyes: )...it was very loud...and the number of cicada skeletons laying around was pretty wild...if you can drown out the drone of the bugs, its actually a nice sound on a summer evening...


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I guess they are extinct here in CT. So I googled to hear what they sound like



pretty cool noise. I would take those over gypsy moths any day. Nothing ruins a good hike in the woods then gypsy moth caterpillers rainimg literally and having to pick them out of your hair. They just fall out of trees, thousands a second and it really does sound like it is raining

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I guess they are extinct here in CT. So I googled to hear what they sound like




pretty cool noise. I would take those over gypsy moths any day. Nothing ruins a good hike in the woods then gypsy moth caterpillers rainimg literally and having to pick them out of your hair. They just fall out of trees, thousands a second and it really does sound like it is raining



Not to mention they chomp the sh-- out of everything in the forest.

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A few years back the 17 year cicada's came out around here... Some older neighborhoods, people were literally shoveling them up (like snow) to clear their walks and driveways.


This is the norm in NC...it happens pretty much every year...


2004 in Ohio was aweful in the Cbus area.


Same year... We get the yearly/annual ones too... The numbers aren't "predator satiation" like the cicada that come out after many years. Supposedly they can be eaten... :sick:


There is an old strand of trees (that area's ground must have not been turned over in 17 years?) near the far corner of my street... I nicknamed it "Cicada Corner." Now everybody in my family calls the corner that... How it got the name was a few years ago, when the 17 year cicada came out, I was driving and turning at the corner... There were these three girls running for their life, panicing in a swarm of cicada... Hence: "Cicada Corner." :lol:

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You think this is bad....I will never forget 1998 here in St. Louis where we had both the 17 year and the 13 year brood overlap. Everything outside was covered in Cicadas....you literally couldn't go outside for a few days.

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Interesting! Never experienced them before. I hope we get some here in Atlanta. Would be cool to see a swarm of bugs take over the city for a bit.

They are so very loud, so very annoying...you will be over that wish in a week.

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Speaking of bugs... When I worked hydrographic survey on the upper MS river we would get these emerging en masse (around late May and into June):




Covering a truck in Ontario


I remember the motel we would stay at (Dubuque, IA area). Literally in the morning, when opening the door, you would push piles of them out of the way. At the locks and dams on the upper MS, the morning ritual (for that time of the year) is taking the fire hoses and washing the buggers off the lock walls.



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The Yankees remember the mayflys all too well


Speaking of bugs... When I worked hydrographic survey on the upper MS river we would get these emerging en masse (around late May and into June):




Covering a truck in Ontario


I remember the motel we would stay at (Dubuque, IA area). Literally in the morning, when opening the door, you would push piles of them out of the way. At the locks and dams on the upper MS, the morning ritual (for that time of the year) is taking the fire hoses and washing the buggers off the lock walls.

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They are so very loud, so very annoying...you will be over that wish in a week.


I dont doubt it. When Spring hit a month ago, I woke up in a fury because of the singing birds at 6am. HA!


Im not counting on them showing up in the city though. Anyone with prior experience know if theyll come through a mostly concrete metropolis? Or will I have to go out to the burbs to see them?

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I dont doubt it. When Spring hit a month ago, I woke up in a fury because of the singing birds at 6am. HA!


Im not counting on them showing up in the city though. Anyone with prior experience know if theyll come through a mostly concrete metropolis? Or will I have to go out to the burbs to see them?

They will be ... every where.

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I think birds singing in the morning is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. Especially in the spring time


Birds suck. They're fine if you are in the pool or doing nothing...if you are trying to sleep or read or anything that requires use of the mind (or peace of it)...the chirping destroys you and you have to go inside. Sometimes I want to go buy a beebee gun.

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Birds suck. They're fine if you are in the pool or doing nothing...if you are trying to sleep or read or anything that requires use of the mind (or peace of it)...the chirping destroys you and you have to go inside. Sometimes I want to go buy a beebee gun.

Cars, loud mufflers, horns, city noises SUCK. I'll take the birds and the noisy bugs any day. A night when I lay down and hear crickets and owls, a few dog barks and a cow bellow...I am happy. It is only when the a-hole neighbor and his muffler or the other guy with a little car that when shifts it goes tooo-chh-shhhhh really loudly that I get upset.


durn city slicker

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Cars, loud mufflers, horns, city noises SUCK. I'll take the birds and the noisy bugs any day. A night when I lay down and hear crickets and owls, a few dog barks and a cow bellow...I am happy. It is only when the a-hole neighbor and his muffler or the other guy with a little car that when shifts it goes tooo-chh-shhhhh really loudly that I get upset.


durn city slicker


All of that is ok w/ me....a hoard of crazy bugs is fine too...anything semi constant...birds chirping is sporadic and penetrates the mind. Impossible to do anything w/ those damn birds around.

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