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Would anyone care if the NHL folded

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I do not watch hockey or basketball, and I only watch baseball playoffs and the World Series.


The exception is the occasional live game with the Rochester Amerks or Red Wings. On TV I find it boring.


That said, I feel bad for hockey FANS that there is no season. :o

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US Money??? exchange rate is 1.24 The Canadian dollar is steadily gaining on the US. Our economic growth is out pacing the US.


Scrap the NHL. New Canadian League with select Northern US cities.


New cap structure. If they players want big money, go make their own league.


As fans, I want the game back, I could care less how much the players and owners make. And if guys like Lindros or anyone else doesn't like it, find a new occupation. It's a free world.




While the exchange rate has improved, your income/sales/property taxes still drive players to the States.


That said, the best regular season hockey I've ever seen was the Owen Sound Attack vs. the Plymouth Whalers (in Owen Sound.) At least the young guys put forth effort. Took my Brother-in-Law (a life long Leafs fan) to the Fleet in March a couple years ago to see the Leafs and the B's and even at that point in the season there was no intensity...


If only hockey players played with the intensity that football players did...

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Love Hockey and miss it. When I was in Virginia, I would go everytime the Sabres played the Capitals. Now that watching hockey is basically impossible kind of glad I'm not missing anything. The thing that disturbs me about hockey, and probably all of the other major sports, is the turnover of players, the lack of loyalty (owners and players), franchise upheavel, have/have nots (baseball) and the watering down of tradition (hockey). I used to love NHL's tradition with the different conferences and the Olympics with Junior college/college players instead of NHL pros. I personally like the hard hitting style of hockey, doesn't bother me, kinda miss the bench clearing brawls too. During the playoffs the pureness of the sport is evident... Where's Gilbert Perrault and Guy Lafleur when you need them.

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I do not watch hockey or basketball, and I only watch baseball playoffs and the World Series.


The exception is the occasional live game with the Rochester Amerks or Red Wings. On TV I find it boring.


That said, I feel bad for hockey FANS that there is no season.  :devil:




thank you rock - a true sports fan....

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I miss hockey very much and millions would care if it folded. Whoever started this post must work for ESPN because i swear since the lockout started, ive seen at least 5 ESPN reporters say thery dont miss it, did ESPN lose their NHL contract and are now trying to kill it? This sport is rich in tradition and history, itts been around alot longer than television. Hate to say it but i think its because its too white for everyone to enjoy it.

If you're looking for a sport to kill: NASCAR

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I remember watching the sabres with my father... the frence connection flying up and down the ice... it was fun to watch and exciting. Now a'days the games suck. Teams trying to hold on to a 1 - nothing lead in the first... sigh...



It is a shame but professional hockey is on life support and the plug should be pulled and the body buried in canada.

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The NHL needs to fix this once and for all. If that means abolishing the NHL and starting a new league, so be it. Hockey needs to learn from the other sports. Here is what they need to do:


1) Establish both a minimum and a maximum salary cap.

2) Give Franchises breaks on the cap for resigning their own players to promote a long-term team identity and not just laundry.

3) Promote the college game as the road to professional Hockey.

4) Open up the ice by allowing the 2 line pass

5) Eliminate or restrict southern teams with little if any following until the market demands it (and I live in the south).

6) Pay all players in canadian money.

7) Hockey should not be played in June. Shorten the season and games will become more meaningful. Try a 60 game season for starters.

8) Drastically alter overtime so that every game will have a winner. My proposal: 1st a 5v5 5 min OT period followed by a 4x4 5 minute overtime period. If the game is still tied, do what college football does and give each team alternating 5x4 2 minute Power plays until the game is decided. That would be exciting.

9) Find that big time star and promote the hell out of him. Hockey has no gretsky or lemieux anymore (okay, so he still plays, its not the same). Ask the average Joe on the street who ITO, is the best player in hockey, and they are probably clueless. The NHL needs a face. This lockout is becoming that face.

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I miss hockey very much and millions would care if it folded. Whoever started this post must work for ESPN because i swear since the lockout started, ive seen at least 5 ESPN reporters say thery dont miss it, did ESPN lose their NHL contract and are now trying to kill it? This sport is rich in tradition and history, itts been around alot longer than television.  Hate to say it but i think its because its too white for everyone to enjoy it. 

If you're looking for a sport to kill: NASCAR




The reason E$PN dosent like the NHL is because the NHL does not have the Kobe/Shaq soap operas or Domink Hasek does not have a Ray Lewis type dance when he goes on the ice.


NHL players are too boring for them. And I say screw E$PN anyway. Id rather see the NHL on local TV and Centre Ice packages anyway.

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I got an idea...we'll change the Western Conference to the Campbell Conference and the Eastern Conference will become the Wales Conference. We'll then name the divisions after people who played a big part in the history of hockey. Maybe something like Adams, Patrick, Norris & Smythe. Oh and here's an idea....if a city doesn't at least average...oh lets say a minimum of 10 inches of snow a year, NO TEAM FOR YOU!


I'm still waiting for some diehard Habs or Leaf fan to step up and take Bettman out. I'm first in line to contribute to the defense fund.

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