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Father gives cancer stricken son marijuana...


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competition. They want to shake you down for every last cent they can get out of you

In some ways that would be like cola companies lobbying against salty popcorn. If you don't believe me get a couple packs of smokes, a case of beer, and drop acid or break out an 8 ball and check your inventory the next day.

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Guest three3

In some ways that would be like cola companies lobbying against salty popcorn. If you don't believe me get a couple packs of smokes, a case of beer, and drop acid or break out an 8 ball and check your inventory the next day.


aren't you the sucker who fell for the law school scam? gullible in more ways than one, i can see.

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Unfortunately, this will become a polarizing issue instead of a celebration that the kid is alive. I do not thank marijuana, I thank Jesus...no, not that mythical fairy tale guy - the Mexican who picked the buds and brought them in to the country.


Haha, that made me literally laugh out loud at my job. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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of course it did. I have friends battling/ have battled stomach cancer, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, melanoma, breast cancer, Hodgkin's- and they all swear by weed. Many quit the addicting pain medications and just used weed. They say it was the one thing that made them feel better. Marijuana is schedule 1(along with crystal meth, heroin, pcp) meaning there is no medical use for it. Weed comforts what ever ails you. And drug makers make heroin and doctors prescribe- it is called oxycontin. The biggest drug dealers in the world are the pharmaceutical companys ($289 million). It is ok if big business pumps kids with xanax, oxycontin, ritalin, aderol, etc- as long as a dollar can be made. But the most useful plant in the world (marijuana) it is illegal. All this in the "land of the free". Our draconian drug laws are ass backwards



Sounds like you have a good line on a decent supplier.... Maybe you could put me in touch with them.....:ph34r:

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I do have to lol at how easy it is for everyone to find drugs... except for the DEA.



I'm not DEA, but I will confess to being on a few task forces over the years.


Also, I've never met a DEA agent I didn't like.:D

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Guest three3

Sounds like you have a good line on a decent supplier.... Maybe you could put me in touch with them.....:ph34r:

shredd and ragan just floated the idea of the seneca nation selling marijuana, as they are a sovereign nation. thoughts?

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shredd and ragan just floated the idea of the seneca nation selling marijuana, as they are a sovereign nation. thoughts?



Federal law applies on sovereign nation land.

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The Federal government has admitted that marijuana may actually cure cancer. Here is one of many studies linked:

In an in vivo model using severe combined immunodeficient mice, subcutaneous tumors were generated by inoculating the animals with cells from human non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines.[12] Tumor growth was inhibited by 60% in THC-treated mice compared with vehicle-treated control mice. Tumor specimens revealed that THC had antiangiogenic and antiproliferative effects.





It's too bad really... I love my country, but it pains me to see science being openly shunned in our society.

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The Federal government has admitted that marijuana may actually cure cancer. Here is one of many studies linked:

I love and trust everything my government tells me. I will begin smoking pot tomorrow, not to get rid of cancer but as a preventative to getting it. I will also consider snorting 8balls to help with allergies.

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I love and trust everything my government tells me. I will begin smoking pot tomorrow, not to get rid of cancer but as a preventative to getting it. I will also consider snorting 8balls to help with allergies.


You buyin'?

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"Doctors said 2-year-old Cash Hyde would likely die after they found a stage 4 brain tumor surrounding his optic nerve just a year ago this week.


And he nearly did. After being subjected to seven different chemotherapy drugs, the little boy from Missoula, Montana suffered septic shock, a stroke and pulmonary hemorrhaging.


Cash was so sick he went 40 days without eating..."





read more here: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/montana-father-medical-marijuana-cancer-stricken-toddler-son/story?id=13529490

It is great that the kid is still alive. That is the #1 thing here.


Instead of celebrating that, the "article" probably written by yet another hippy, goes on to talk about pot pot pot. It does not say a thing about proof that the pot is what help the kid. It does not appear to mention that the kid did not actually smoke pot. It sloughs over the fact that the dad appears to be a stoned out spliff man from way back. Pot cured his attention deficit disorder? Lololololololol. Tell that to Osama Bin Laden. Oh yeah you can't. He lost his attention span. First some pot entered his brain, after a sufficient amount of pot and the ensuing stupification, a bullet entered his brain and he is dead. Good.


Anyway, the thread has devolved into glorifying pot over the life of the child. Awesome. The one post seeming to talk about the kid first turned into a joke about illegal aliens.


Next we get a post claiming pot cures fibromyalgia. OMFG. Is it also what gives the tooth fairy the ability to carry all those quarters despite her size?


It is great that the kid is still alive. That is the #1 thing here.

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Unfortunately, this will become a polarizing issue instead of a celebration that the kid is alive. I do not thank marijuana, I thank Jesus...no, not that mythical fairy tale guy - the Mexican who picked the buds and brought them in to the country.


I haven't been around as much lately, but I had to log in to comment on this post. Funniest thing I've read on this site. Ever. Bravo.

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shredd and ragan just floated the idea of the seneca nation selling marijuana, as they are a sovereign nation. thoughts?

It would be like the fireworks stores in PA before July 4th. The NY Troopers position someone near the or in the parking lots of the stores right over the border, who then radios in the cars with NY plates, so when they cross the border into NY they get pulled over and searched.


That's why I buy mine in the middle of winter.

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It would be like the fireworks stores in PA before July 4th. The NY Troopers position someone near the or in the parking lots of the stores right over the border, who then radios in the cars with NY plates, so when they cross the border into NY they get pulled over and searched.


That's why I buy mine in the middle of winter.



Again, federal law applies on Indian Lands. Marijuana is illegal in any quantity according to 21 USC which would apply on any Indian nation.


Just saying......

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