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Father gives cancer stricken son marijuana...


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Guest three3

"Doctors said 2-year-old Cash Hyde would likely die after they found a stage 4 brain tumor surrounding his optic nerve just a year ago this week.


And he nearly did. After being subjected to seven different chemotherapy drugs, the little boy from Missoula, Montana suffered septic shock, a stroke and pulmonary hemorrhaging.


Cash was so sick he went 40 days without eating..."





read more here: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/montana-father-medical-marijuana-cancer-stricken-toddler-son/story?id=13529490

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Can't wait for the kid to start showing neurological and developmental symptoms, and the father sues the hospital for damages. To which the hospital will respond "!@#$ you, it was your pot extract."


That'll be a real circus. :w00t:

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Can't wait for the kid to start showing neurological and developmental symptoms, and the father sues the hospital for damages. To which the hospital will respond "!@#$ you, it was your pot extract."


That'll be a real circus. :w00t:


Interesting take on it. Do you actually think that somebody would be that ingnorant and not just be thankful that their child was alive? Ooops, nevermind! ;)

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and it works

of course it did. I have friends battling/ have battled stomach cancer, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, melanoma, breast cancer, Hodgkin's- and they all swear by weed. Many quit the addicting pain medications and just used weed. They say it was the one thing that made them feel better. Marijuana is schedule 1(along with crystal meth, heroin, pcp) meaning there is no medical use for it. Weed comforts what ever ails you. And drug makers make heroin and doctors prescribe- it is called oxycontin. The biggest drug dealers in the world are the pharmaceutical companys ($289 million). It is ok if big business pumps kids with xanax, oxycontin, ritalin, aderol, etc- as long as a dollar can be made. But the most useful plant in the world (marijuana) it is illegal. All this in the "land of the free". Our draconian drug laws are ass backwards

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Guest three3

i'd like to see alcohol and cigarettes work that type of magic. just another day in backwards land...

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Unfortunately, this will become a polarizing issue instead of a celebration that the kid is alive. I do not thank marijuana, I thank Jesus...no, not that mythical fairy tale guy - the Mexican who picked the buds and brought them in to the country.

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Guest three3

Unfortunately, this will become a polarizing issue instead of a celebration that the kid is alive. I do not thank marijuana, I thank Jesus...no, not that mythical fairy tale guy - the Mexican who picked the buds and brought them in to the country.


one of the best posts i have ever read

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Unfortunately, this will become a polarizing issue instead of a celebration that the kid is alive. I do not thank marijuana, I thank Jesus...no, not that mythical fairy tale guy - the Mexican who picked the buds and brought them in to the country.


Ho. Ly. Crap.


This is 10/10.


:lol: :lol:

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of course it did. I have friends battling/ have battled stomach cancer, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, melanoma, breast cancer, Hodgkin's- and they all swear by weed. Many quit the addicting pain medications and just used weed. They say it was the one thing that made them feel better. Marijuana is schedule 1(along with crystal meth, heroin, pcp) meaning there is no medical use for it. Weed comforts what ever ails you. And drug makers make heroin and doctors prescribe- it is called oxycontin. The biggest drug dealers in the world are the pharmaceutical companys ($289 million). It is ok if big business pumps kids with xanax, oxycontin, ritalin, aderol, etc- as long as a dollar can be made. But the most useful plant in the world (marijuana) it is illegal. All this in the "land of the free". Our draconian drug laws are ass backwards


And every politician in Washington is happy to keep accepting millions in bribe money to keep it that way.

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Unfortunately, this will become a polarizing issue instead of a celebration that the kid is alive. I do not thank marijuana, I thank Jesus...no, not that mythical fairy tale guy - the Mexican who picked the buds and brought them in to the country.


Hey, he cures cancer, paints my house, makes my lawn look good...


Sounds like a mythical fairy-tale guy to me.

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And every politician in Washington is happy to keep accepting millions in bribe money to keep it that way.

LIke that POS sellout whore Tom Delay. Want to know who has been funding those Partnership For A Drug Free America commercials? Jim Beam, Philip Morris, Miller, Anheuser Busch, R.J. Reynolds, Bristol Meyers-Squibb, Merck & Company. Booze companies, cigarette companies, and drug companies fund partnership for a drug free America

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LIke that POS sellout whore Tom Delay. Want to know who has been funding those Partnership For A Drug Free America commercials? Jim Beam, Philip Morris, Miller, Anheuser Busch, R.J. Reynolds, Bristol Meyers-Squibb, Merck & Company. Booze companies, cigarette companies, and drug companies fund partnership for a drug free America


Tom Delay?? He's been out of office for over 5 years. How come you're not refering to Nancy & the 'most ethical Congress in history' as sellout whores for keeping the status quo?

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Tom Delay?? He's been out of office for over 5 years. How come you're not refering to Nancy & the 'most ethical Congress in history' as sellout whores for keeping the status quo?

They are all a bunch of sellout whores. Delay was the one who really took douchebaggery to a new level. Got enough money and you can buy just about any politician

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LIke that POS sellout whore Tom Delay. Want to know who has been funding those Partnership For A Drug Free America commercials? Jim Beam, Philip Morris, Miller, Anheuser Busch, R.J. Reynolds, Bristol Meyers-Squibb, Merck & Company. Booze companies, cigarette companies, and drug companies fund partnership for a drug free America

Other than PR, why would cigarette and alcohol companies want drugs illegal?

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