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The Commander-in Chief

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I'm just curious how those of you that lean to the left feel about the POTUS campaigning one way, but acting another way once he got in office. Do you think he had a change of heart once he became "in the know", or do you think he was just being disingenuous in the first place?

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I'm just curious how those of you that lean to the left feel about the POTUS campaigning one way, but acting another way once he got in office. Do you think he had a change of heart once he became "in the know", or do you think he was just being disingenuous in the first place?


No kidding, I heard a left-leaning talking head on the radio this morning explaining that as "Obama didn't continue any Bush policies, that's just Fox's election-year propaganda." I predict that's roughly the answer you're going to get from our resident looney-Dems. Except for Joe-3-Pack, who'll probably just blame it on space aliens or something...





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No kidding, I heard a left-leaning talking head on the radio this morning explaining that as "Obama didn't continue any Bush policies, that's just Fox's election-year propaganda." I predict that's roughly the answer you're going to get from our resident looney-Dems. Except for Joe-3-Pack, who'll probably just blame it on space aliens or something...






Actually I only posted this to see if I'd get any answers from the left. What do you think the over/under should be on that?

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Actually I only posted this to see if I'd get any answers from the left. What do you think the over/under should be on that?


Do posts written in drooling Tasmanian Devil count?


If not...one. And I'll take the under.

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So drooling Tasmanian Devil does count...


They count as 3/5 of a person as far as the over/under goes but for all other purposes they don't count and actually can't count (i.e. entitlement programs).

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Guest three3

i've never and will probably never vote for a republican. same with democrats. i've voted third party since i turned 18. the smart ones have already left the usa and it is only a matter of time until i join them.

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I think like most liars and phonies/frauds Obama started to believe his own horseshit. Combined with an aggressive marketing campaign including a fawning media, why wouldn't you start to believe it?

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