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Lincoln... Gay?

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As much as I would love to see that Honest Abe was the original Log Cabin Republican, I don't think any fashion conscious gay man would be caught dead in that stupid hat and wearing that much black. The color is all wrong for a man that tall and thin. Also, his portraits suggest he had very poor complexion. Couldn't the leader of the free world get a facial once in a while? And that beard!?!?!......let's just say as a gay man Abbey needs a complete makeover.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
How is that any different then today?



You missed my MAJOR point, which was that the progressive nature of the social aspect of Republicans during that time has now completely vanished, and has been replaced by the old Democratic Bible Belt constituency and its conservatism.


In other words, the social platforms switched parties somehow. I would probably venture to guess that it partly happened after a series of very conservative Republicans in Coolidge and Hoover(Hoover, naturally conservative in all aspects, had to be countered by a progressive FDR), and the other foot dropped in reaction to the Civil Rights Era/Kennedy and Johnson programs. NIXON's presidency began what we know today as the modern Republican party.

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