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So Chokee Fans you finally get...


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Don't be too happy wwo.  The Sox had a magical season, but now they've lost Pedro, might lose Lowe (although if the Yanks DO get RJ I bet they resign him), and Schilling says his recovery is going slowly and he might not be ready for the start of the season.



The Sux are like Vanilla Ice.... one hit wonders.... :D

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Guest BRH as guest
sure it is George just will wait to announce until Monday or Tuesday,  folks do not read the papers on the weekend , George is about getting the most publlicity possible.... just a matter of sweetening things for Sean Green


Not necessarily. The trade was proposed before the Dodgers found out they were losing Beltre.

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Not necessarily.  The trade was proposed before the Dodgers found out they were losing Beltre.



Johnson and Green have the same agent..... its about leverage and making a few extra dollars..... mind you when more than one team is in the mix complications sure can happen, one wonders why the sox would not call the Dodgers and say they will take Green, there is a great deal going on, but it will get done.... of course if it doesnt


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Schilling will be ready. Didnt he say he was done in playoffs also?? He wont miss Sunday Night baseball against the Chokees to begin the season trust me. We will get another starter im not worried. And name a player on red sox who you think takes steroids? Nobody was average before and then in one year explodes so i dont think so.Giambi def tipped it off when he came into year after balco and lost 45 lbs and sucked and had problems lol Give me a break. 1 year wonders what are you an idiot? We are in competition every year not just this past year. We just finally won it all thats all. We shall see. But anyway


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This is what I hate about baseball.


Didn't the fuggin' season just end? Isn't it football season? Does anyone really fuggin' care about an over-the-hill pitcher going to the Yankees.


And for fukkinoutloud, if you're gonna talk about baseball, talk about how badly the Cardinals got their asses beat.

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And how badly the Spankees CHOKED!! lol



What is it with you? The other day people (Yankee fans) were giving you congrats on Boomer and Renteria and all you can do is name call in return? Come on man. So the Yankees chocked BFD...they'll be back. Enjoy a championship man.

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Yes the Yankees choked. Big time. The worst choke in MLB history, if not sports history. That being said, they know where their problems are (i.e. pitching) and are trying to do something about it. The Sox' strength and the reason they won it all was because of their pitching, and they've lost a key part in Pedro, could potentially lose another in Lowe, and Schilling HIMSELF said that he probably won't be ready for the start of the season. They'll still be in contention but I wouldn't exactly install them as faves to win the WS this year.


As for steroids, what difference does that make to the Yanks? Giambi did NOTHING for the Yanks last year, and will be gone and not a distraction anymore.

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I am a purist... Just as lights don't belong at Wrigley, then mound needs to be higher and WILD CARD teams don't deserve respect.  My how they cheapened the sport... Thanks Bud for that one!  Baseball would be just like hockey if you keep letting teams into "playoffs"... There would always be an upset in the making... Ever wonder why no teams ever came back from 0-3 deficits?... Because historically, it was the two best regular season teams that squared off in October.  Geez... Let the Expos in and they might pull off an upset...


You play 163 games for a reason... Until the BoSox can get there by being atop the A Division... I will discount them.


:D  :lol:  :lol:




Lets take away the wild card in football too then. Only division winners deserve respect right? Then bow down to the New England Patriots. Winners of the AFC East 3 of the last 4 years now. Buffalo wouldnt be playing for jack chit these next 3 weeks without that precious wild card.

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Lets take away the wild card in football too then.    Only division winners deserve respect right?    Then bow down to the New England Patriots.  Winners of the AFC East 3 of the last 4 years now.    Buffalo wouldnt be playing for jack chit these next 3 weeks without that precious wild card.



You don't see a difference between NFL wildcards and MLB wildcards?

1. 162 games versus 16 games.

2. In baseball, your schedule is basically the same as every other team in your division. Same opponents, same home and away, etc. The only argument here in interleague, but that's a small fraction of the 162-game schedule.

3. In football, you play your division rivals, then the rest of your schedule is based on what happened last year. What happened last year means less and less each year with regards to how tough your schedule might be. You could enter a season with Tennessee or Kansas City on your schedule and think it's going to be a tough one. And you could have San Diego on your schedule and think it will be a breeze. But with parity in the NFL, you really never know. There is no parity in baseball.

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Whether or not the Red Sox were the wild card or not, the Wild Card has been GREAT for baseball. Without it, there would be NO meaningful games from Mid-August on in most divisions, attendance would be down as many cities like Houston, Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Texas, Philadelphia, San Diego etc... would no longer be in the hunt.

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Whether or not the Red Sox were the wild card or not, the Wild Card has been GREAT for baseball.    Without it, there would be NO meaningful games from Mid-August on in most divisions, attendance would be down as many cities like Houston, Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, Texas, Philadelphia, San Diego etc... would no longer be in the hunt.




I agree. It's done the same thing for MLB as a salary cap has done in the NFL.


Plus it's helped increase fan attendance.

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And name a player on red sox who you think takes steroids? Nobody was average before and then in one year explodes so i dont think so.




David Ortiz???


Average before, in one year he exploded....why not?


Steriods is ramped around the league, lets be honest already.

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