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Why? Because you or I might say the same things if we were in the same situations?

My goodness, I certainly hope not. Whitner is a fool for expressing his every whim on Twitter like a petulant child. That said, any "fan" poking and prodding him is equally childish.


Why? Because you or I might say the same things if we were in the same situations?


I would never complain about my job on a public site. Even if my boss gave me the worst day ever. Complaining about my employer for all the world to see would only make things worse. If you are the type to B word about your employer all over twitter, then god help you if you have a bad day, because you will probably get the pink slip.


How do you get compensation for a guy who is not under contract? :huh:


I think Code is thinking about the court proceedings. Could be a chance we live with existing rules next year. I still think it's time to break up with DW.


Anyone follow him on Twitter? He's making ambiguous comments like "I'm gone and I'm happy" a day after saying he is done in Buffalo, and he wonders why people read too much into it.


To be fair to Donte' Whitner, given the current situation with no CBA/no FA signings/no player-coach contact......it really is leaping to conclusions.


How could he know he's gone? Even if a friend of a friend of his agent talked to a friend of a friend of a GM and said "tell your boy we'll make him totally happy, he's worth what he wants"...


It's never a done deal 'til it's signed, and nothing can be signed right now


Code, I'll make you feel better. I want to let him walk because of his play. He is horrendous in coverage. He's been scored on by more NFL TE's than Kim Kardashian.

Now that is a valid reason. Though I suspect the KK comparison might be too close to call ;)


So let me see if I have this straight. Both of you want to let a former first round pick walk with no compensation not because of his playing ability or lack thereof, and not because he is "one more mistake away from a big suspension" (aka Lynch), but because you think his twitter comments are childish?


I weep for the future of the Bills Nation.



A lot of people don't think Whitner plays very well either. It's not about draft position anymore. He plays safety like Chris Kelsay plays LB. Unacceptable for the pay grade, which happens to be $6M per year that Whitner has been earning on average(and roughly expects in an extension). Throw in his loud mouth and it's nauseating to most Bills fans.


Remember kids, You can't spell Whitner without whiner.

Wow…I've never been a Whitner basher but that's pretty damn funny…just as good as whomever dubbed him "Twittner."


As for him having his period…maybe he's roomies with Drayton Florence…they say when roomates live together long enough that their periods…ah never mind.


Just having fun.




hahaha it just got serious. Donte was giving it all that " I'm outta here and happy" stuff, then this gets posted.


Buddy Nix on @DonteWhitner: "Donte doesn't seem to want to be here, so he won't" - If you missed it, download the podcast at www.wedg.com


two minutes later Donte changes his tune but with a brilliant ending.


"I never said I DIDN'T wanna be in buffalo...no more speculation please...I'm watching youtube Illuminati"



I dont normally read his posts but I thought this was quite amusing.

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