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Fox news says Bin Laden is dead!

Steve O

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Anyone else completely hate everyone on their facebook today? Half of the people were worried that we were celebrating too much and the other half was worried to death that someone might give Obama some credit.

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Anyone else completely hate everyone on their facebook today? Half of the people were worried that we were celebrating too much and the other half was worried to death that someone might give Obama some credit.


Most of my FB is food, wine and music so no. Most of my friends that I do have posted nothing about it. You need some new friends.

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Anyone else completely hate everyone on their facebook today? Half of the people were worried that we were celebrating too much and the other half was worried to death that someone might give Obama some credit.


I don't have a Facebook account... Never have, never will... Too gratuitous, trendy.


What I am trying to say is that Facebook is like TV and this message board is like radio... I am a "radio guy."

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I don't have a Facebook account... Never have, never will... Too gratuitous, trendy.


I get lots of updates on wine deals/specials from restaurants. Live videos and songs and concert updates. I get great stuff off it every day. I've done some great networking on there.

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I get lots of updates on wine deals/specials from restaurants. Live videos and songs and concert updates. I get great stuff off it every day. I've done some great networking on there.


More power to you! I really should get on it to monitor my son! Kinda go covert on his butt! God knows he won't befriend me by myself... ;)

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I get lots of updates on wine deals/specials from restaurants. Live videos and songs and concert updates. I get great stuff off it every day. I've done some great networking on there.

That's mostly what I use it for lately. I also like to use Facebook to share cool articles or news stories I find interesting.

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Anyone else completely hate everyone on their facebook today? Half of the people were worried that we were celebrating too much and the other half was worried to death that someone might give Obama some credit.



No such issue with my 'Friends' -many of which are ex & career military from both sides of the aisle. Very positive response.


I guess it's all about the friends you keep..:flirt:

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And the other half (huh???) were bagging on everything republican



Anyone else completely hate everyone on their facebook today? Half of the people were worried that we were celebrating too much and the other half was worried to death that someone might give Obama some credit.

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Come on stop being so cynical.


Dude, seriously think back as long as you and I have been on this board.

From the Bills, PPP, and just about anything from OTW.


Do you really think I can stop being cynical about anything?

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Been a helluva weekend. I found a text from ESPN last night @ 1230 am EST saying he was killed. !@#$ yeah.


It is not a political issue...and I am already tired of people who talk about how there are "winners" and "losers" in this; in the end humanity lost and that is all that matters.


I can think of one loser who is currently sitting at the bottom of the ocean with a hole in his head.

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most of my facebook friends really didn't comment on the guy's death. I am happy he's dead and hope any number of his compatriots join him real soon. My problem with the celebration is that it is too early to celebrate. We should have twenty or thirty more of the leaders of Al Qaeda with their heads shot off real soon. They are criminal thugs who should have always been the targets of our energy.


Funny how simple it turned out to be to get the big cheese once we actually committed our resources to that as the primary goal.

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Funny how simple it turned out to be to get the big cheese once we actually committed our resources to that as the primary goal.

I'm with you. That was so simple, huh? I'm particularly glad to see everyone is back on board with the usefulness of waterboarding.

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Guest three3


that's exactly what happened. i clicked another board's link to a story detailing the death and an alleged trojan infected my computer, disabled my anti-virus software and a windows 7 security kept popping up stating "you are unprotected" and requested that i purchase "full protection". i restarted, enabled my anti-virus software ran a scan and it removed the trojan..i hope..

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I'm with you. That was so simple, huh? I'm particularly glad to see everyone is back on board with the usefulness of waterboarding.

Waterboarding my ass. Elint, hard intel work and the commitment to follow up on information and act decisively. We waterboarded for ten years and the guy was still living high on the hog in Pakistan. We needed a guy with guts enough to decide to go and get him.

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Waterboarding my ass. Elint, hard intel work and the commitment to follow up on information and act decisively. We waterboarded for ten years and the guy was still living high on the hog in Pakistan. We needed a guy with guts enough to decide to go and get him.



You realize that the intel that got them the courier that led them to Bin Laden came from KSM (and others) being waterboarded. It took a number of years to figure out who the courier was, and then follow him to the compound. The revelation that OBL used a number of couriers, and that one in particular was highly trusted and probably living with him came directly from interrogations.


Just saying....

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Waterboarding my ass. Elint, hard intel work and the commitment to follow up on information and act decisively. We waterboarded for ten years and the guy was still living high on the hog in Pakistan. We needed a guy with guts enough to decide to go and get him.


Damn you've got yourself some pretty high security clearance there.

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