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Fox news says Bin Laden is dead!

Steve O

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Thanks for your service! You should be very proud of this.


I am proud because we kept the fight up on the enemy and didn't quit when things got tough. The War on Terror isn't over, but this is major victory on destroying the al Qaeda terrorists.


I am proud of the US Military and those in other organizations that were more relentless than most thought they were.

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Appaently happened a few days ago, white house was waiting for DNA match to report


That's Fox's story. Tonights information, save that of Fox, indicated an operation was done today and he was killed in a fire fight.

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That's Fox's story. Tonights information, save that of Fox, indicated an operation was done today and he was killed in a fire fight.


The President said it was today.........I've been watching CNN the whole time and before the speech, they said the same thing about a few days ago.

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GhostOsama Osama Bin Laden

Was just granted my 72 virgins, YES!

The bad news for him is they look like Rosie O'Donnell and smell like Roseanne Barr.


May he rot in hell a loooooong time.

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For nearly 10 years, I've turned on the news almost every morning hoping to see this deadline. I can't express enough my admiration for ALL the individuals involved in this.

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The locals are going off in D.C.


Military actives and vets and allies who participated in the chase and capture and our every day safety - TAKE A BOW. Thank you!


Take a well deserved bow!

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