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Can't believe this woman is leading in the polls!

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I thought WNY was going down the tubes because of decades of rising taxes and policies that have ensured the astronomical growth of government at the expense of anything that can actually generate wealth.


Who knew it was really all because of some woman I had never heard of.

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Could be b/c she's not a supercilious, smarmy, elitist !@#$.


I mean, that could play into it.


Just a thought.


Also, that over the next year-plus, any pol that Obama touches outside of traditional blue states is going to turn to **** in Nov. 2012 as more people come to see the worsening effect his policies have had on hiring, the price of gas, the national debt, etc. B/c there's that too.

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I'm sure if somebody tried that with a Democratic candidate there'd be an outrcry, uproar, threats of lawsuits, accusations of racism, and DDoS attacks

Hey good satire is good satire and I thought the Beast did a hysterical job with the faux Corwin site which almost resembles her real site.



And they won't get into any trouble or lawsuits. Head Beastie Paul Fallon is a lawyer.

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Hey good satire is good satire and I thought the Beast did a hysterical job with the faux Corwin site which almost resembles her real site.



And they won't get into any trouble or lawsuits. Head Beastie Paul Fallon is a lawyer.


You'd think that if you could beat her on issues, you wouldn't have to resort to mockery.

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You'd think that if you could beat her on issues, you wouldn't have to resort to mockery.


Of course they could. Just look at the rich history of progress that WNY Dem base can point to in the last two generations.

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Hey good satire is good satire and I thought the Beast did a hysterical job with the faux Corwin site which almost resembles her real site.



And they won't get into any trouble or lawsuits. Head Beastie Paul Fallon is a lawyer.


You're absolutely right and I agree with you. Please point some out to me when you find it, I can always use a good laugh.

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Of course they could. Just look at the rich history of progress that WNY Dem base can point to in the last two generations.


Last I heard, 70% of the city of Buffalo was on welfare (the other 30% are presumably employed by the city).


Isn't that what progressives consider progress? The government taking care of everybody?


The most important question: Would ya?


Only if I were 16 and she was my teacher...

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Last I heard, 70% of the city of Buffalo was on welfare (the other 30% are presumably employed by the city).


Isn't that what progressives consider progress? The government taking care of everybody?




Only if I were 16 and she was my teacher...

It's a suburban district...and a notoriously idiotic run-gubermint-like-a-bidness one. Past icons from the district include Chris "Chix with Dix" Lee and Tom "Enron" Reynolds so Corwin should fit in very well because like them, she came by her wealth the old fashion way...she inherited it.

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It's a suburban district...and a notoriously idiotic run-gubermint-like-a-bidness one. Past icons from the district include Chris "Chix with Dix" Lee and Tom "Enron" Reynolds so Corwin should fit in very well because like them, she came by her wealth the old fashion way...she inherited it.


And yet you wonder why anyone with an inkling of entrepreneurial spirit hightails out of Buffalo as soon as high school is over?

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Look on the bright side, at least Buffalo isn't as bad as Detroit


Yes we can!


I don't know, Detroit was the only major US city to see home prices rise in March. But then again when you can buy a 5 br 4.5 bath home for $12,000 kind of hard for them not to go up.


But holy crap! A 47% illiteracy rate is incredible. :o

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But holy crap! A 47% illiteracy rate is incredible. :o


Countries with lower literacy rates:


Ivory Coast

Central African Republic





Sierra Leone




Burkina Faso





And...a selected list of countries with higher literacy rates:


Bangladesh (53.5%)

Haiti (62.1% - seriously? Freakin' Haiti?)

Yemen (58.9%)

Papua New Guinea (57.8%. Yes, headhunting cannibals have a better literacy rate than Detroit.)

Solomon Islands (76.6%)



That's just ridiculous.

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Countries with lower literacy rates:


Ivory Coast

Central African Republic





Sierra Leone




Burkina Faso






You forgot the last one. Oh wait you're talking about countries. Nevermind.

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If this doesn't prove that the tea-bagger fad is nothing more than a tightly knit conservative organization funded by the Koch heads and the RNC, and hardly the grassroots "movement" its die-hard supporters say it is then nothing will.







So Rus Thompson and his merry band of bozos love the career political bimbo but make fun of the anti-establishment candidate. Can't say no one saw this coming.

Edited by Bishop Hedd
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