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Parcells draft special, Big Board included.


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I know most of you were watching the Sabres, but it was so bad I turned it off for The Parecells draft special last night on ESPN. Nothing too earth shattering, but he did have some cool insight into how teams draft rooms work on draft day and some different scounting techiniques and grading systems he experienced. He also admitted that he puts a lot into prototypical heights and weights. For example unless a guy is 6'5, he doenst project him to T but moves him to G. He expects all his 34 OLBs to be a minimum of 6'3'', QBs to be 6'3'', ect.


The most intriguing part was his big board though. It was hard to see because they only panned across it at times, and he didn’t have every player up there. Unless I was reading it wrong, which I don’t think I was, his rankings are quite a bit different than some others we have seen.


Amakumora he had above Peterson at CB, Peterson closer to the bottom of his round 1 slot, which indicates he has a later round 1 grade.. He had Nate Irving from NC State as the top ILB, and at the top of the 1st round slot (as opposed to the bottom or middle of the round I assume that makes him a top 10-12 pick?). The next highest ILb was M Wilson as a mid 2. He had JJ Watt as the top DE, Bowers as the 2nd best DE, and had Cameron Heyward as a mid-first round pick, rated above Cam Jordan and Quinn in that order, with Claiborne being the last 1st round DE. Brooks Reed was all the way down in the 4th round on his board. At OT he had Nate Soldier as the top rated LT at the top of the 1st round, Smith as a mid 1st , and Coztanzo as a late 1st. Sherrod was a mid 2nd, and Carimi was a mid THIRD rounder. He had Newton as his top QB, and had Dalton pretty low, mainly because of his lack of size. He had Phil Taylor has a mid 1 and said he was prob the only true 34 NG at the top. Rudolph he had as a late 1 and his next best rated was Stocker in the 3rd I think.


At this time, I would like to ask that posters refrain from claiming our, or any, future pick was the “Consensus” best player available. A “Consensus” almost never exists (not even Suh was the consensus best DT available last year), and I think it’s very evident that teams have largely varying grades on players. So if we take Von Miller, or AJ Green, or whoever, I do not want to hear that he was clearly the BPA.

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At this time, I would like to ask that posters refrain from claiming our, or any, future pick was the “Consensus” best player available. A “Consensus” almost never exists (not even Suh was the consensus best DT available last year), and I think it’s very evident that teams have largely varying grades on players. So if we take Von Miller, or AJ Green, or whoever, I do not want to hear that he was clearly the BPA.

That's a deal as long as you don't complain about the player. He might be high on some boards.

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That's a deal as long as you don't complain about the player. He might be high on some boards.

Just because a player is high on some boards doesn't mean we shouldn't complain about him.


Think of it this way…I think everyone would agree that Grey Goose is a top shelf vodka just like Von Miller is a top shelf player (high on most boards).


But sometimes when you reach up to that top shelf for the bottle of Grey Goose, you drop it and it crashes on the floor. Often times it's better to reach for one of the "call brands" like Smirnoff…especially if you don't have a bar back who is quick to respond around spills and cautious around broken glass.



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That's a deal as long as you don't complain about the player. He might be high on some boards.


Green is high on most boards, but not all boards. I have seen people rank Julio Jones as better than Green for example.


Miller is high on most boards, but not all boards. That rogue scout guy on his blog calls Miller “over rated” and a “reach” at 3, for example.


Same goes for Dareus and Newton with Fairley and Gabbert respectively. Parcells has Amakumora over Peterson and Watt over all other Des and Heyward over Jordan. Im pretty sure I just discounted every potential top 10 pick from being a consensus BPA at almost any pick, thats all im saying.


PS and if you dont want to be complain then you better hope Dareus falls to us.

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PS and if you dont want to be complain then you better hope Dareus falls to us.


Likewise, if you don't want to hear that the player selected was the best player available, you better hope that we don't draft Newton, Dareus, Miller, or AJ Green.

Edited by thebandit27
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Green is high on most boards, but not all boards. I have seen people rank Julio Jones as better than Green for example.


Miller is high on most boards, but not all boards. That rogue scout guy on his blog calls Miller “over rated” and a “reach” at 3, for example.


Same goes for Dareus and Newton with Fairley and Gabbert respectively. Parcells has Amakumora over Peterson and Watt over all other Des and Heyward over Jordan. Im pretty sure I just discounted every potential top 10 pick from being a consensus BPA at almost any pick, thats all im saying.


PS and if you dont want to be complain then you better hope Dareus falls to us.

That's not all you're saying. What you're saying is that whomever the Bills pick you are going to cherry pick negative opinions and whine like a kid whose candy has been stolen.

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That's not all you're saying. What you're saying is that whomever the Bills pick you are going to cherry pick negative opinions and whine like a kid whose candy has been stolen.


I didnt say that at all. Stop putting words in my mouth.

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Copied from another board:




1st: Newton, Gabbert


2nd: Mallett, Ponder, Locker


3rd: Dalton, Kaepernick






1st: Green, Jones


2nd: Smith, Cobb, Young


3rd: Hankerson, Baldwin, Pettis, Jernigan, Gates (?)






1st: Ingram


2nd: Williams, Thomas, Leshoure


3rd: Murray, Hunter






1st: Rudolph


2nd: None






1st: Solder, Smith, Castonzo


2nd: Sherrod, Reid


3rd: Cannon, Carimi, Ijalana






1st: None


2nd: Watkins, Wisniewski


3rd: Carpenter, Rackley


4th: Boling, Moffitt






1st: Pouncey


2nd: None


3rd: Hudson


4th: Fusco


See his defensive rankings after the jump!






1st: Watt, Bowers, Heyward, Jordan, Quinn, Clayborne


2nd: Bailey, Acho


3rd: Ballard, Sheard, McPhee


4th: Romeus






1st: Dareus, Fairley, Taylor, Wilkerson


2nd: Liuget, Paea, Austin


3rd: Nevis, Ellis, Powell, Jenkins






1st: Miller, Smith, Kerrigan


2nd: Ayers, Moch, Houston






1st: Irving


2nd: Wilson, Carter


3rd: Matthews, Sheppard, Homan


4th: Jones, Sturdivant






1st: None


2nd: Moore, McDaniel






1st: Peterson, Amukamara


2nd: Smith, Williams, Brown(?), Harris

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Okay, but I watched this special as well and Miller was tops on Parcell's board. So, if he is indeed the BPA on all of the boards, I will make a point of letting everyone know.


And the Rogue Scout from that article called him over rated at a reach at 3, so he is not the BPA on that dudes board.


I'm just saying that there is literally never a time where every evauluator, even if they are professionals, agree that 1 player is BPA, so I would appreciate it if fans around here didnt drown you and I and everyone else with that post after the Bils draft ?????? tomorrow night. Nothing more, nothing less. My comments werent specific to any player, team, or media pundint in particular.

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That's a deal as long as you don't complain about the player. He might be high on some boards.

That's the first thing I thought after I read the post.



Just because a player is high on some boards doesn't mean we shouldn't complain about him.


Think of it this way…I think everyone would agree that Grey Goose is a top shelf vodka just like Von Miller is a top shelf player (high on most boards).


But sometimes when you reach up to that top shelf for the bottle of Grey Goose, you drop it and it crashes on the floor. Often times it's better to reach for one of the "call brands" like Smirnoff…especially if you don't have a bar back who is quick to respond around spills and cautious around broken glass.

San Jose, I'm with crayonz on this. I don't think he's talking about the rest of us, just thoner. I think he's just saying with Thoners history of posting, and his open disdain for Von Miller, you know Thoner is going to go off on the deep end if we pick him, which there is a very good chance of. So, I feel it is a fair trade. When we pick miller, no one qoutes bpa, and thoner doesn't biatch about someone rated by maybe,and i'm guessing here, 90% of the pundits, as a top 3 pick in this draft. Not a "concensus", but when most people are saying it there should be a little merit to it.


I didnt say that at all. Stop putting words in my mouth.

No Thoner, but he is reading between the lines and that's the way I see it too.

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