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Im done stressing about the draft


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Thanks for having my back Bro! These are the same people that will be freaking out on this board when we draft a Rb in the 1st round this year! hahaha




I doubt it. Even though I would question their judgement, over the years I have learned to live with the Bills lack of judgement & nothing they do would surprise me.


& to Hammersticks, do you go to any games? Do you have season tickets? Do you put your money where your mouth is? Because if you do not go to the games I do not consider you a fan. How do you like that?

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I doubt it. Even though I would question their judgement, over the years I have learned to live with the Bills lack of judgement & nothing they do would surprise me.


& to Hammersticks, do you go to any games? Do you have season tickets? Do you put your money where your mouth is? Because if you do not go to the games I do not consider you a fan. How do you like that?


Wow you really got me good Gordo!! You're stressing me out bro!! Actually, I would be more offended by your questioning of my "Bills fan credentials" if you could actually string together a coherent thought into a sentence.


Just for the record, Gordo, I went to my first Bills game when I was 6 years old, and my family had season tickets from 1987 to 1999. I'm 32 years old now and not one season has passed where I have missed attending a game in Buffalo. I have also attended games in New York City, New England, Charlotte, Baltimore, and Miami.


So...Do I put my money where your mouth is? I'm not sure what you mean by that, but taken in a literal sense, no I don't because money is very dirty.

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Anyone on here who says that they don't stress about the Bills is either lying, or they're not a true fan.


Or maybe we either:


a) realize that we have no control over it, so we just relax

b) enjoy the entertainment of the draft without letting our team's pick frustrate us


c) realize that nobody, not even the guys making the picks, has a clue how any draftee's career will play out, so there's no point in freaking out over it.

Edited by thebandit27
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I just want the Bills to get players that make a difference on and off the field. I don't watch enough college football to know who projects well to the NFL. I don't think I've stressed about the draft, but I sure enjoy watching it and reading about it afterwards. Yes, there's the moments of nervousness, especially when there is a player you think would be good that you have one more teams' pick to get through (Patrick Willis a few years back). I'll be interested in the draft, but will leave the stress to: my wife's cancer treatments; going to my best friends' mom's funeral tomorrow; understanding my elderly, mostly disabled by knee operations, parents' desire to move back to Western NY from California; increased prices with decreased income; and the job losses that could wreak havoc in our office.


And in the grand scheme of things.... Those are way more important things to stress about.... Hope your wife gets better.



You want something to stress out about how about this. I lifted my cover for my pool on saturday & the linar came off the tracks & I believe it is ruined since there is water behind the wall now. Now I am trying to convince my home owners that excessive ice caused the damage. If they deny the claim though I am going to be out $3,600(that was the estimate I got from Majestic this weekend.


Isn't that insurance fraud? Not that it matters to me. I am just curious.

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It sounds like we are all quibbling about what to name the human emotion we all feel when it comes to our favorite sports teams. Whether you call it stress, excitement, exhilaration, arousal, whatever...you are feeling some type of emotion related to the Bills. Sometimes these emotions can be positive in nature, sometimes negative. I don't know if the true "litmus test" for stressing out would be losing sleep at night.


When Stevie Johnson dropped that pass in the endzone, losing the game against the Steelers, were you stressed or excited? When Ray Lewis stripped the ball from Shawn Nelson, effectively stealing away the game in overtime, were you excited or stressed? When the Bills blew other tough games against the Bears and the Chiefs.....how were you feeling exactly? I surely wasn't excited. I was feeling pretty negative.....call it what you want.

JH, you suggest that maybe our lack of agreement on "stress" might be semantic. But I still disagree.


In dark moments like the ones you mentioned and others like the Super Bowl losses, The Music City heist, etc, I was never stressed.


Mad? Yes. Unhappy? Yes. Sad? Yes.


But other than the suspenseful moments which pass rather quickly, I didn't lose sleep over these things.


They didn't cause my hair to fall out or for me to develop ulcers are any of the other physical manifestations of stress (weight loss, weight gain, high blood pressure).


I live and die by this team. When I die, I will be buried with Bills memorabilia. If I had tattoos I'd probably have a Bills logo somewhere on me. I love the Bills and spend unhealthy amounts of my living moments thinking about them. But it's never stressful.


Stress is what I would feel if I lost my job and couldn't pay my mortgage and was wondering if the bank was going to foreclose on my house.


Stress would be knowing that my elderly parents haven't much longer to live and are having an increasingly difficult time living independently…and knowing that it's my responsibility to take care of them and plan for the final years or months of their lives.


Stress would be knowing that my children were somehow in danger and knowing that I was powerless to intervene on their behalf.


I reserve stress for those things, not sports teams…not even the Bills.






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JH, you suggest that maybe our lack of agreement on "stress" might be semantic. But I still disagree.


In dark moments like the ones you mentioned and others like the Super Bowl losses, The Music City heist, etc, I was never stressed.


Mad? Yes. Unhappy? Yes. Sad? Yes.


Agree to disagree...I suppose. Much respect to a good poster.

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No stressing here, just anticipation and excitement.

Kinda tough to get excited for me just knowing that my team usually makes the bonehead pick every year... from Donte Whitner who was rated as a second round pick to the 8th pick overall ....to the Redskins sprinting to the podium right after Buffalo selects Maybin.

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And yet here both of you are on a bills message board 3 days before the draft. Why do ppl come on this board to be haters. Didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? We are all bills fans and there is no need to be an a**hole to other bills fans... save it for pats*, jets, cowboys, etc... fans!

I am on the board 3 days before the draft, as well as the other 364 days of the year for the most part, not sure what that has to do with it. Making a comment about why someone is being stressed out over something they have no control over, is in no way being a hater. And as far as being an A**hole, your post describes that more than any other on this subject.

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And in the grand scheme of things.... Those are way more important things to stress about.... Hope your wife gets better.




Isn't that insurance fraud? Not that it matters to me. I am just curious.


Why is that insurance fraud? The guys from Majestic told me that excessive ice caused the damage. I am just relaying the message that they told me.

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Wow you really got me good Gordo!! You're stressing me out bro!! Actually, I would be more offended by your questioning of my "Bills fan credentials" if you could actually string together a coherent thought into a sentence.


Just for the record, Gordo, I went to my first Bills game when I was 6 years old, and my family had season tickets from 1987 to 1999. I'm 32 years old now and not one season has passed where I have missed attending a game in Buffalo. I have also attended games in New York City, New England, Charlotte, Baltimore, and Miami.


So...Do I put my money where your mouth is? I'm not sure what you mean by that, but taken in a literal sense, no I don't because money is very dirty.


Ah the grammar police. Look man, I did not intend to offend you & your obviously a very diehard Bills fan(I am as well). I apologize for my previous post questioning your fan card. Hopefully the Bills do not do something stupid this weekend like they usually do.

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