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I just love the tolerance and open mindedness of some people

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Feeling a bit holier-than-thou today? Hope you had a nice Easter, LA.


'Round these parts, we just call it "Feeling a bit Frenkle".


And really, as much as I appreciate the humor in "Zombie Jesus", your real low point in that thread was "Well, sorry for offending everyone with this. I guess I picked the wrong day to !@#$ with Christianity." Uh...yeah, you picked the holiest day on the Christian calendar, bonehead. :wallbash:

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'Round these parts, we just call it "Feeling a bit Frenkle".


And really, as much as I appreciate the humor in "Zombie Jesus", your real low point in that thread was "Well, sorry for offending everyone with this. I guess I picked the wrong day to !@#$ with Christianity." Uh...yeah, you picked the holiest day on the Christian calendar, bonehead. :wallbash:

Who pissed in your Cheerios? "Holiest day on the Christian calendar" is a bit presumptuous. A lot more people spend a lot more money on Christmas. What about Ascension Day? That' kind of a big deal I think. Eventually (May 21st???) they'll all be dwarfed by Rapture Day. Geez!

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Who pissed in your Cheerios? "Holiest day on the Christian calendar" is a bit presumptuous. A lot more people spend a lot more money on Christmas. What about Ascension Day? That' kind of a big deal I think. Eventually (May 21st???) they'll all be dwarfed by Rapture Day. Geez!


So back in your silly thread you mentioned you don't bag on Muslims, Buddists etc because there aren't a lot of people that follow those religions that post here. Is that correct?

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Who pissed in your Cheerios?


You did, when you closed the thread without letting me post that response. And all I'm pointing out is that it's pretty retarded to say "I picked the wrong day to !@#$ with Christians" on the holiest day of the Christian calendar. You make Auschwitz jokes on Yom Kippur or Passover, then wonder why the Jews hate you, too?


"Holiest day on the Christian calendar" is a bit presumptuous.


No, it's not. Ask a Christian. Or study Christian dogma. If you're going to hate something, it's best not to do so out of total ignorance.


A lot more people spend a lot more money on Christmas.


That's a completely !@#$ing retarded measure of religious importance.


Eventually (May 21st???) they'll all be dwarfed by Rapture Day. Geez!


Except that no Christians will be around to celebrate it.


I mean, nosy and bothersome Republicans will, and Al Sharpton, and Fred Phelps and his inbred clan. But none of the eight true Christians in the country will be.

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So back in your silly thread you mentioned you don't bag on Muslims, Buddists etc because there aren't a lot of people that follow those religions that post here. Is that correct?

That's true. Also, having grown up Catholic, I know a lot more about Christianity and Catholicism and its particular brand of craziness. In addition, most religious people I know and come into contact with everyday are members of some brand of that Christianity, so it's just more relevant to me in general. Make no mistake, I am equally as skeptical and condescending toward just about any non-evidence-based belief system I can think of. It's probably safe to say that the more influence any such a system has on the lives and actions of people I know and care about, the more I pay attention to it.


Why don't you bag on Australian politicians? Why do you seem to only aim your criticisms at liberal American politicians?

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That's true Also, having grown up Catholic, I know a lot more about Christianity and Catholicism and its particular brand of craziness. In addition, most religious people I know and come into contact with everyday are members of some brand of that Christianity, so it's just more relevant to me in general. Make no mistake, I am equally as skeptical and condescending toward just about any non-evidence-based belief system I can think of. It's probably safe to say that the more influence any such a system has on the lives and actions of people I know and care about, the more I pay attention to it. I'm a troll.


You know you really could have saved yourself an awful lot of typing.

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You did, when you closed the thread without letting me post that response. And all I'm pointing out is that it's pretty retarded to say "I picked the wrong day to !@#$ with Christians" on the holiest day of the Christian calendar. You make Auschwitz jokes on Yom Kippur or Passover, then wonder why the Jews hate you, too?

I would never make a joke about the Holocaust because there is evidence that that really happened.

No, it's not. Ask a Christian. Or study Christian dogma. If you're going to hate something, it's best not to do so out of total ignorance.


That's a completely !@#$ing retarded measure of religious importance.

Dude, I'm !@#$ing with you. 12 years of Catholic schooling here.

Except that no Christians will be around to celebrate it.


I mean, nosy and bothersome Republicans will, and Al Sharpton, and Fred Phelps and his inbred clan. But none of the eight true Christians in the country will be.

My understanding is that the Rapture isn't actually in the Bible. Maybe you can point to some obscure verse, but I would think such an event would hold a place of prominence in the Good Book along with Christmas and Easter.


I guess I must have offended all eight yesterday!


You know you really could have saved yourself an awful lot of typing.

For a self-proclaimed agnostic, you get pretty bent when I start bagging on religion.

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For a self-proclaimed agnostic, you get pretty bent when I start bagging on religion.


What does the fact that I'm agnostic have to do with the fact that you bag on something that most of my family and best friends feel very strongly about?


I'm not black but I'd probably get pretty bent if you bagged on black people.

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What does the fact that I'm agnostic have to do with the fact that you bag on something that most of my family and best friends feel very strongly about?


I'm not black but I'd probably get pretty bent if you bagged on black people.

People like you just don't want to think about religion. You have no conviction toward your lack of belief. That's fine - I really don't care. Just don't blame me for not being like you.

Edited by Gene Frenkle
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