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I just started and finished watching Breaking Bad

The Poojer

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Nice...how did you enjoy S4?

Great stuff, 5 stars, A+. I can't remember too many shows that have consistently gotten better and better with each season, Gilligan is a genius (never thought I would write that lol). Cranston is amazing but really the entire cast is tremendous, not a one that I don't enjoy seeing. True, I didn't care too much for Skylar the 1st few seasons, but I loved her in season 4. Saul's over-the-top character could be cheesy on anything else, but the guy from Mr. Show really nails it. I will miss Gus though.

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Great stuff, 5 stars, A+. I can't remember too many shows that have consistently gotten better and better with each season, Gilligan is a genius (never thought I would write that lol). Cranston is amazing but really the entire cast is tremendous, not a one that I don't enjoy seeing. True, I didn't care too much for Skylar the 1st few seasons, but I loved her in season 4. Saul's over-the-top character could be cheesy on anything else, but the guy from Mr. Show really nails it. I will miss Gus though.


Gus was a great character...I'll miss having him on the show, as well. I agree about Saul, too...I wish he'd get more air time. He is perfect for that role.

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Gus was a great character...I'll miss having him on the show, as well. I agree about Saul, too...I wish he'd get more air time. He is perfect for that role.


It's entirely possible that Gus will be back via flashback.


Spoiler-y (then again, this news was released last month in a Gilligan interview):


Next week will introduce a character that is a (now-)former associate of Gus Fring.

Edited by UConn James
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Anyone catch Cranston on Kimmel last night? He's a very funny dude. He related this story of how Aaron Paul saw a pay phone while on location in Albuquerque and was amazed that it was an actual working pay phone (they thought it was a prop). So during a break in shooting, Paul tweets for people to call him at this number and he received a bunch of phone calls and he and Cranston answered them in character with Paul exclaiming, "Yo, B word!" instead of "hello." Funny story.

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Saul's over-the-top character could be cheesy on anything else, but the guy from Mr. Show really nails it. I will miss Gus though.

Went to the L.A. City Library branch in Los Feliz yesterday after watching the season premiere for the 3rd time, and while waiting in line to check out materials, Bob Odenkirk got in line behind me and my girlfriend. He was wearing sunglasses and texting so I left him alone, not the first time I've seen him around town.

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Went to the L.A. City Library branch in Los Feliz yesterday after watching the season premiere for the 3rd time, and while waiting in line to check out materials, Bob Odenkirk got in line behind me and my girlfriend. He was wearing sunglasses and texting so I left him alone, not the first time I've seen him around town.

That's pretty cool! I've been a fan for a while now (didn't want to butcher his name on my iPhone earlier), Mr. Show was very unique to say the least.
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That's pretty cool! I've been a fan for a while now (didn't want to butcher his name on my iPhone earlier), Mr. Show was very unique to say the least.



Awesome show... back when Jack Black was kind of funny...Odenkirk was always the man!

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Have you watched all of S4 yet?


Real late on the reply here, but I finished it before S5 debuted so it worked out perfectly for me. I absolutely loved S4 and the S5 premier was incredible. I cannot wait to see where Walt goes from here, I have a feeling it's gonna get crazy and that's saying a lot for what this show has already given us. I started watching some of the behind the scenes and interviews online and that has given me some really good insight into the characters and some of the deeper meanings/feelings in the show. Great stuff.

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Real late on the reply here, but I finished it before S5 debuted so it worked out perfectly for me. I absolutely loved S4 and the S5 premier was incredible. I cannot wait to see where Walt goes from here, I have a feeling it's gonna get crazy and that's saying a lot for what this show has already given us. I started watching some of the behind the scenes and interviews online and that has given me some really good insight into the characters and some of the deeper meanings/feelings in the show. Great stuff.


What about the S4 finale? Did that blow your mind or what? (No pun intended)

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that was a very cool scene...and i am jealous that you are that new to the show...you still have nearly 3 full seasons of fresh shows to still watch....i hope you continue to enjoy the show as most of us seem to have enjoyed it.


Just worked my way up to e7 s2. That boobie trapped human head on the tortoise was one of the coolest scenes I've ever watched anywhere. I literally jumped out of my seat.

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Some spoilerish teases:



On the BB insider podcast, Vince Gilligan noted that episode 2 ("Madrigal") will have "a lot of German" in it. I assume we'll be provided with subtitles. I'm kinda geeked for this because I'm interested in just how the structure of Gus' empire was set up.


Also, the guys at BaldMove.com mentioned in their season 5 podcast that they had good information that Giancarlo Esposito was in Albuquerque recently for a week of shooting. Flashback, baby!


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that was a very cool scene...and i am jealous that you are that new to the show...you still have nearly 3 full seasons of fresh shows to still watch....i hope you continue to enjoy the show as most of us seem to have enjoyed it.

I may have got into it earlier but when I saw "breaking bad" I thought it was about break dancing. Honestly. That Walt is one complex character. I wish they had shown the big transaction at the empty motel when he scored 1.2 million from "Mr big." Seems to me he really doesn't need Jeese anymore, but I am behind here. Will catch up though :thumbsup:

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What about the S4 finale? Did that blow your mind or what? (No pun intended)


I did not expect Gus to die the way that he did. I was really expecting a poisoning at some point, but what a brilliant way Walt devised to get rid of Gus. That was easily one of the best episodes I have ever seen of any show. It also left a lot of questions and possible outcomes to S5, which drove me nuts to think about sometimes, but was brilliantly done. Gilligan has done an incredible job with this show, and I'll definitely be watching for his other projects in the future.


I may have got into it earlier but when I saw "breaking bad" I thought it was about break dancing. Honestly. That Walt is one complex character. I wish they had shown the big transaction at the empty motel when he scored 1.2 million from "Mr big." Seems to me he really doesn't need Jeese anymore, but I am behind here. Will catch up though :thumbsup:


The evolution of the Walt-Jesse relationship is truly amazing to watch unfold, as I'm sure you are noticing.


I heard somewhere (maybe in this thread even, not totally sure) that Jesse was originally supposed to be killed off in S1 but they noticed how good the chemistry was between Cranston and Paul and decided to run with it. What a great call that was :thumbsup:

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I did not expect Gus to die the way that he did. I was really expecting a poisoning at some point, but what a brilliant way Walt devised to get rid of Gus. That was easily one of the best episodes I have ever seen of any show. It also left a lot of questions and possible outcomes to S5, which drove me nuts to think about sometimes, but was brilliantly done. Gilligan has done an incredible job with this show, and I'll definitely be watching for his other projects in the future.





Same here...it was the best season finale I've ever seen. I still replay it in my head when I think about it...just so damn intense!!

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I did not expect Gus to die the way that he did. I was really expecting a poisoning at some point, but what a brilliant way Walt devised to get rid of Gus. That was easily one of the best episodes I have ever seen of any show. It also left a lot of questions and possible outcomes to S5, which drove me nuts to think about sometimes, but was brilliantly done. Gilligan has done an incredible job with this show, and I'll definitely be watching for his other projects in the future.


Thinking about it the other day, and with the S4 finale ending as it did, with everything tidied up, all the operations ceased, and what appeared at the time like a clean break and that Walt and Jesse could go their separate ways --- to me, that just ensures that we're not going to have that kind of finale where these characters just walk away, b/c we've already seen that.


I would probably end the series --- the final scene --- with Walt Jr. watching a breaking news story about whatever had just happened in the denouement (the penultimate scene having left some questions that are answered by the story). That would just seem like a great way to end it all. Because we all watch these stories every night and there's rarely, if ever, any kind of extrapolation or closer look into the nitty-gritty. Just would be a great point in how all we (the everyday American) get is a sanitized view.

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can someone translate for the feeble minded like myself? :blink:


Thinking about it the other day, and with the S4 finale ending as it did, with everything tidied up, all the operations ceased, and what appeared at the time like a clean break and that Walt and Jesse could go their separate ways --- to me, that just ensures that we're not going to have that kind of finale where these characters just walk away, b/c we've already seen that.


I would probably end the series --- the final scene --- with Walt Jr. watching a breaking news story about whatever had just happened in the denouement (the penultimate scene having left some questions that are answered by the story). That would just seem like a great way to end it all. Because we all watch these stories every night and there's rarely, if ever, any kind of extrapolation or closer look into the nitty-gritty. Just would be a great point in how all we (the everyday American) get is a sanitized view.

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can someone translate for the feeble minded like myself? :blink:


Denouement - The pivotal conclusion to a story's conflict, usually involving some sort of reveal.


Penultimate - Next to last


Extrapolation - The use of existing information or data to derive predictions.


Sanitized View - A matter of extreme ugliness being presented in such a way that it seems harmless or matter-of-fact.



I would probably end the series --- the final scene --- with Walt Jr. watching a breaking news story about whatever had just happened in the denouement (the penultimate scene having left some questions that are answered by the story). That would just seem like a great way to end it all. Because we all watch these stories every night and there's rarely, if ever, any kind of extrapolation or closer look into the nitty-gritty. Just would be a great point in how all we (the everyday American) get is a sanitized view.


Interesting thought, but my hesitation is in that the media has never played a significant role on Breaking Bad. The final scene would be a strange time to assert a new motif.

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wasn't one of the early scenes of the series the plane crash or helicopter crash? i seem to recall it being played out on tv...of course that was a long time ago that i saw that so i could be misremembering it


Denouement - The pivotal conclusion to a story's conflict, usually involving some sort of reveal.


Penultimate - Next to last


Extrapolation - The use of existing information or data to derive predictions.


Sanitized View - A matter of extreme ugliness being presented in such a way that it seems harmless or matter-of-fact.




Interesting thought, but my hesitation is in that the media has never played a significant role on Breaking Bad. The final scene would be a strange time to assert a new motif.

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