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I just started and finished watching Breaking Bad

The Poojer

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Read the USA Today article yesterday where Gilligan says "the gloves are off" with regard to how the story develops. This promises to be an amazing last 16 episodes based on that tidbit alone.


While I fully understand the transformation of Walt and the other characters, I'm not sure I'd really mind if they can somehow be salvaged. Especially Jesse.


Really looking forward to Sunday.

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Read the USA Today article yesterday where Gilligan says "the gloves are off" with regard to how the story develops. This promises to be an amazing last 16 episodes based on that tidbit alone.


While I fully understand the transformation of Walt and the other characters, I'm not sure I'd really mind if they can somehow be salvaged. Especially Jesse.


Really looking forward to Sunday.


That all sounds dandy, but for selfish reasons, I'd like to see the *$(% continue to hit the fan through the last second.

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I saw on BB's Facebook page that with the DISHNetwork satellite service and AMC negotiations broken down, the channel is doing a livestream of the episode on their website on Sunday night.


God bless technology!

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Season 5 begins tonight! :beer: Should there be a new thread or do we stick to this one?


As many of you know, I operate an entertainment digest with my friend and we're happy to provide comprehensive coverage on Breaking Bad, so if it pleases the peanut gallery I'll be posting my weekly insights and episode reviews here. To start off, 10 burning questions for Season 5...


Part 1


Part 2

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Read the USA Today article yesterday where Gilligan says "the gloves are off" with regard to how the story develops. This promises to be an amazing last 16 episodes based on that tidbit alone.


While I fully understand the transformation of Walt and the other characters, I'm not sure I'd really mind if they can somehow be salvaged. Especially Jesse.


Really looking forward to Sunday.


I thought I read there are only 8 episodes? I very well may be mistaken.

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Nice quality stream tonight...very cool that they did that. I have DTV at home, but I spend a lot of time at my friend's house helping her raise the new pup, so I signed up for the stream since she's got Dish. So nice to have this show back!

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Great episode. Walt has got his full Heisenburg on now.


That beginning was vintage Gilligan. Who's the dude from New Hampshire?


"Yeah, B word! Magnets, yo!"


Great episode, though I expected nothing less... gotta ask though, I don't see as quick as I used to. What was printed on the photo in the evidence bag...I kind of missed what it said, and I suspect it will be significant...

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