Wraith Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 I don't know if it's discrepancy or not but Charlie definitely was as far forward in the plane as you can go. He comes out of the bathroom right behind the cockpit during the scene where he, Jack, and Kate find the pilot...
Simon Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 I haven't watched the show but I've been peeking in on these threads occasionally and would like to add something I've noticed. Is there any meaning to the fact that there is an uneasy alliance between a French person and a guy with a middle-Eastern sounding name? Or that there is a stand-offish, occasionally violent Korean couple? Or that an Englishman was brought back to life by an American? Any other foreign characters that could be predictive of future plot twists? Cya
CoachChuckDickerson Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 Charlie sitting up front as the plane is going down is a big discrepency. 162282[/snapback] I doubt very highly that Charlie up front is going to be a big decrepency. This show seems to be extremely well thought out. Brilliant in fact. There is ryme and reason to everything. We just don't know everything yet.
duey Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 Charlie and the rest of them were in Business Class, and he only went up as far as the galley and bathrooms separating Business Class and First Class. When he, Jack and Kate were in the front of the plane in the jungle, there was no middle row of seats. However, in the scenes of everyone pre-Rosen, he actually cut through the middle seats on this way to the bathroom.
linksfiend Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 I doubt very highly that Charlie up front is going to be a big decrepency. This show seems to be extremely well thought out. Brilliant in fact. There is ryme and reason to everything. We just don't know everything yet. 162442[/snapback] Well except for a jet engine, detached from the control system and fuel supply, continuing to run, and being restrained by sand????
CosmicBills Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 Charlie and the rest of them were in Business Class, and he only went up as far as the galley and bathrooms separating Business Class and First Class. When he, Jack and Kate were in the front of the plane in the jungle, there was no middle row of seats. However, in the scenes of everyone pre-Rosen, he actually cut through the middle seats on this way to the bathroom. 162454[/snapback] Could be. But then why did he go to the bathroom in the cockpit? I figured it was to retrieve his drugs. Which means THAT was the bathroom he was in when the plane started to go down...meaning he should have wound up with the pilot, not on the beach. And the same for the snobby sister and brother. They were in the same section.
duey Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 Could be. But then why did he go to the bathroom in the cockpit? I figured it was to retrieve his drugs. Which means THAT was the bathroom he was in when the plane started to go down...meaning he should have wound up with the pilot, not on the beach. And the same for the snobby sister and brother. They were in the same section. 162488[/snapback] Hmmm...good points. Damn it...it looks like we have an inconsistency!
duey Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 Well except for a jet engine, detached from the control system and fuel supply, continuing to run, and being restrained by sand???? 162487[/snapback] Yeah...I agree. That whole thing with the engine still running was completely off-base. I guess the writters figured they needed a couple good explosions early on to grab peoples attention. I suppose Kate in her undies wasn't enough.
Spun Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 What i think is, it was a HUGE plane. I fly quite a bit, but have never been on a plane that has three rows. I think there was a bathroom at the front and back of coach. I think Charlie was in the "front coach" bathroom. ??? 162223[/snapback] I believe it was a 767: http://www.aircraft-charter-world.com/airliners/b767.htm http://www.seatguru.com/sitemap.html At some point, in a recent episode, it was mentioned that there were about 40 or so passengers on the flight log who were still alive. So far there have been roughly about 14 survivors with regular roles. What about the rest? Expect some more of them to show up to further complicate the plot. I am looking forward to further encounters with the French woman. She can answer a lot of questions but it is smart to let her story evolve slowly. http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/bios/index.html I enjoy the show but I would expect greater display of trauma and fear in a real accident. And after knowing there was one polar bear on the island, I would expect people to be much more hesitant about wandering around the island out of concern that there are more. One thing that I really liked was the music, especially when used to crank up the drama. Also the special effects were well done, especially in the plane cracking in air and the guy getting sucked into the engine. As Locke was trying to explain the white and black components of the beads to Walt, it revealed symbolically that everybody has two dimensions to their character, ex: good and bad. When is Locke going to get evil? There is more to Sun. Expect some of the female characters to start getting creepy as for the most part they have been rather tame (other then the French woman). And expect something bizarre with Claire's kid (the devil-baby?).
CosmicBills Posted December 18, 2004 Posted December 18, 2004 Okay, I just watched the episodes again with the little lady and paid particular attention to where Charlie wound up before the Rosen. And, I was wrong. He wasn't in first class. Yes, he did go to the first class bathroom where he left his drugs (hence, that is why he went back to that bathroom when they found the front of the plane) and he did indeed pass the brother and sister, but they too were in business class. First class and business class were separated by a blue curtain and he clearly walks through that to get to the bathroom. Then, once the plane begins to go down he crawls BACK to business class. It's a quick cut, but they do indeed show him crawling back through the curtain. So I guess that theory is out.... damn
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